Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for Newton or search for Newton in all documents.

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afterward printed that monument of labor, Eliot's Indian Bible. The complaints of insufficient land led to extensive grants of territory, until from 1644 to 1655 Cambridge attained enormous dimensions, including the whole areas of Brighton and Newton on the south side of the river, and on the other hand in a northwesterly direction the whole or large parts of Arlington, Lexington, Bedford, and Billerica. In 1655, this vast area was first curtailed by cutting off the parts beyond Lexington. Then in 1688, Newton, which had been known as Cambridge Village and sometimes as New Cambridge, became an independent township under name of Newtown. The Lexington area was known as Cambridge Farms, but the founding of a church there in 1696 was the preliminary to separation, and in 1713 Cambridge Farms became a distinct town by the name of Lexington. In 1754, the boundary between Cambridge and Watertown was carried westward about half a mile from its former position at or near Sparks Stree
Real-estate interests of Cambridge. Leander M. Hannum. If we recall the fact that soon after the first settlement of Cambridge, in the spring of 1631, it embraced a territory thirty-five miles in length, including the towns of Billerica, Bedford, Lexington, Arlington, Brighton, and Newton, we shall see that our area has greatly decreased, as the extreme length of our present territory is only four miles, and the total area about four thousand acres, in spite of the fact that by legislative acts of 1855 and 1880, portions of Watertown and Belmont were granted to Cambridge. It exalts our estimate of the earlier commercial importance of our city when we read that by an act of Congress approved January 11, 1805, it was enacted that Cambridge should be a port of delivery, and subject to the same regulations as other ports of delivery in the United States. The custom-house was never built, yet under the stimulus given to real-estate interests by this act, large tracts of land on B
minished. The habit of truth-telling had gained ground. The duty of reverence was strongly urged in the report of 1845,—reverence to parents, to one's self, to teachers, to magistrates, and to all superiors in years and goodness. Classes were still too large for the teachers. Cambridge was still outstripped by twenty-three towns and cities of the Commonwealth in the amount of money raised per child for schooling, Somerville raising $7.64, Boston $6.76, Chelsea $5.58, Charlestown $5.09, Newton $4.26, and Cambridge $3.95. Still, Cambridge had risen from the thirty-fifth place the proceding year to the twenty-fourth, and that was cause for congratulation. The committee, however, did not think it should be an object of ambition what town will expend the most money, but what town can produce the best schools. Here the records must be dropped. Even in their fullness, the story they tell is somewhat meagre; and it is only a snatch or two from that story that is given here. It
in quantity to every quarter of the globe, and ranges in size from pumps of a few hundred pounds weight to the highest grade of water-works pumping engines weighing over one million pounds each. Among the prominent American cities using the Blake water-works engines may be mentioned: Boston, New York, Washington, Camden, New Orleans, Cleveland, Mobile, Toronto, Shreveport, Helena, Birmingham, Racine, La Crosse, Mc-Keesport, etc. A partial list of places in Massachusetts includes: Cambridge, Newton, Brookline, Woburn, Natick, Hyde Park, Dedham, Needham, Wakefield, Malden, Arlington, Belmont, Walpole, Lexington, Gloucester, Marlboro, Weymouth, North Adams, Maynard, Mansfield, Randolph, Foxboro, Cohasset, Lenox, Chelsea, Brockton, Franklin, Provincetown, Canton, Stoughton, Braintree, and Wellesley. These engines are also in use in foreign water-works, as for instance at St. Petersburg, Honolulu, and Sydney. The new United States Navy is practically fitted out with Blake pumps, a par
t and Trust Co., 307-309. Cambridge Savings Bank, 309-311. Cambridge School for Girls, 214-217. Cambridge Town, 1750-1846, 14-34. Cambridge Village, now Newton, 8. Cambridge Water-Works, 113-118. Cambridge Wharf Company, 109. Canals: Broad, 30, 31, 109, 110, 127; West Dock, 30; South Dock, 30; Cross, 30. Cannon18; Chronicle, 221; Press, 221; Tribune, 222; News, 222; Crimson, 223; Lampoon, 223; Advocate, 223; Harvard Graduates' Magazine, 223; Sacred Heart Review, 223. Newton, formerly Cambridge Village and New Cambridge, 8, 9; set off from Cambridge, 236; First Church organized, 236. New Town, erection of, 2; form, 2; intended for ; election on the Common, 7, 47, 48, 235; Mrs. Hutchinson sentenced at, 7; the college placed in, 8; name changed to Cambridge, 8. See Cambridge. Newtown. See Newton. Newtowne Club, 295. No-license vote, its effect upon the city, 316. Nonantum, John Eliot preaches to the Indians at, 10; within Cambridge limits, 10.