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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. 2 0 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., My Revolutionary ancestors: major Job Cushing, Lieutenant Jerome Lincoln, Walter Foster Cushing (search)
the family telling of his exploits in utilizing this stream. He built three dams. He would shut up one until a good-sized pond was formed. Then on Monday and Tuesday the mill would work under full power. The water then passed on down stream and was caught at the second dam for Wednesday and Thursday, turning the wheels of the second mill. Again at Bound brook dam, the water would work for Friday and Saturday, when it found its way to the ocean. One of the first homes was that of Israel Nichols, who married Elizabeth, the daughter of Daniel Lincoln, and what is now Jerusalem road was the shore trail between the two homes. The hardships of the early settlers can be imagined. Coarse garments, poorly cooked food, no carpets, no pictures, small candles, no wagons, no streets—only rutty cart tracks. Wild animals abounded in 1648. The town offered a bounty of twenty shillings to anyone killing a wolf. There were many wolf pits dug. Food in most families was coarse, and the hou