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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 6.79 (search)
own or have it burned at all hazards. Accordingly, on the 20th of June, General Williams again set out for Vicksburg, under convoy, this time with four regiments and ten guns: the 4th Wisconsin, 30th Massachusetts, 9th Connecticut, 7th Vermont, Nims's 2d Massachusetts battery, and two sections of Everett's; leaving the 21st Indiana, 6th Michigan, the remaining section of Everett's battery, and Magee's troop of cavalry to hold Baton Rouge against a possible attack from Camp Moore, near Tangipahich Confederate officers were confined. right; 6th Michigan across the Perkins and Clay Cut roads near their fork; 7th Vermont and 30th Massachusetts in reserve supporting the center and right; the batteries from left to right, Manning, Everett, Nims, with Brown in reserve. Ruggles was soon engaged; Clark took up the attack; and falling on fiercely they at first carried everything before them. Some of the tents that were in advance of the line of battle were occupied, and Brown's two guns
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Port Hudson, La.: May 23d-July 8th, 1863. (search)
359; m, 27 =470. Second Brigade, Col. William K. Kimball: 24th Conn., Col. Samuel M. Mansfield; 12th Me., Lieut.-Col. Edward Ilsley; 52d Mass., Col. Halbert S. Greenleaf. Brigade loss: k, 32; w, 125; m, 3 = 160. Third Brigade, Col. Henry W. Birge: 13th Conn., Capt. Apollos Comstock; 25th Conn., Lieut.-Col. Mason C. Wild; 26th Me., Col. Nathaniel H. Hubbard; 159th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Charles A. Burt. Brigade loss: k, 34; w, 128; m, 10=172. Artillery, Capt. Henry W. Closson: 2d Mass., Capt. Ormand F. Nims; L, 1st U. S., Capt. Henry W. Closson; C, 2d U. S., Lieut. Theodore Bradley. Artillery loss: w, 5; m, 3 = 8. cavalry, Col. Benjamin H. Grierson. 6th Ill., Col. Reuben Loomis; 7th Ill., Col. Edward Prince, 1st La., Maj. Harai Robinson; 3d Mass., Col. Thomas E. Chickering; 14th N. Y., . Cavalry loss: k, 10; w, 37; n, 47 =94. Corps D'Afrique: 6th Inf.,----; 7th Inf.,----; 8th Inf.,----; 9th Inf.,----; 10th Inf.,----. Corps d'afrique loss: k, 15; w, 12 ; m, 4 = 31. Total Unio
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Red River campaign. (search)
Hill road, supported on his left by Major's and Bagby's brigades of cavalry dismounted. Walker followed astride and on the right of the road, with Bee's brigade of cavalry on his right. The Federal line formed on the cleared slope, and, composed from left to right of the brigades of Dudley, Vance, Emerson, and Lucas, with four batteries, about 4500 in all, met with spirit the fierce onset of more than double their numbers, but were soon overcome. The artillery was powerless in the woods. Nims's splendid battery, with its honorable record on every field from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson, was taken by Walker's men in the first rush. Franklin, whose headquarters were with Cameron in front of Bayou St. Patrice, received Banks's orders to move to the front at a quarter-past three. He at once sent for Emory and led forward Cameron, whose division, advancing at the double-quick, arrived on the field, five miles away, an hour later, just in time to witness and for a brief interval to chec
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Red River campaign. (search)
unted inf'y), Lieut.-Col. John M. Crebs; 1st La., Maj. Algernon S. Badger. Fourth Brigade, Col. Nathan A. M. Dudley: 2d Ill., Maj. Benjamin F. Marsh, Jr.; 3d Mass., Lieut.-Col. Lorenzo D. Sargent; 31st Mass. (mounted inf'y), Capt. Elbert H. Fordham; 8th N. H. (mounted inf'y), Lieut.-Col. George A. Flanders. Fifth Brigade, Col. Oliver P. Cooking: 2d N. Y. Veteran, Col. Morgan H. Chrysler; 18th N. Y., Col. James J. Byrne; 3d R. I. (detachment), Maj. George R. Davis. Artillery: 2d Mass., Capt. Ormand F. Nims; G, 5th U. S., Lieut. Jacob B. Rawles. Corps D'Afrique. First Brigade, Col. William H. Dickey: 1st Infantry (73d U. S. C. T.), Maj. Hiram E. Perkins; 3d Infantry (75th U. S. C. T.), Col. Henry W. Fuller; 12th Infantry (84th U. S. C. T.), Capt. James H. Corrin; 22d Infantry (92d U. S. C. T.), Col. Henry N. Frisbie. In his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War (p. 21, Vol. II.), General Banks says: we started with the idea that we were to have a concentr
tter of publishing a history of the battery during its service throughout the war of the Rebellion, 1861-1865, was brought forward and a committee was appointed to take the necessary steps toward this work. The committee, which consisted of Col. O. F. Nims, J. S. Knowlton, John R. Smith, A. M. Norcross, D. M. Hammond and A. B. Burwell, issued a call to the members of the battery asking each one to forward to the committee any information in his possession such as diaries, letters, newspaper cly way in the preparation of this work, and especially to W. G. Hidden, Fitchburg, Mass., for the loan of diary, newspaper clippings and suggestions, to Capt. E. K. Russell for his comments and suggestions and to Mrs. Mathews, stepdaughter of Col. O. F. Nims for the loan of papers, letters and pictures once the property of Colonel Nims. Thanks are also due Clarence K. Knowlton for the copy of the diary of his father, J. S. Knowlton, to Mrs. C. B. Maxwell for the diary of C. B. Maxwell, to Mr. G
t the Boston Light Artillery Armory under Major O. F. Nims, and in less than two days two hundred me6, 1864. Presentation of a sword to captain Ormand F. Nims, 2d Massachusetts Light horse Artillerf the 2d Massachusetts Light Horse Battery. Captain Nims was presented with a magnificent sword, sasat all times and under all circumstances by Captain Nims, as well as to present a lasting memento of their quarters with six rousing cheers for Captain Nims, who, truth to say, was almost overpowered , your good name untarnished. Per Order, Captain Nims. While in New Orleans still another preome pistol and equipments were presented to Captain Nims by members of the battery who were not inclcare and affection for his men exhibited by Captain Nims and the respect,—we had almost said adorati men were waiting for transportation North, Captain Nims was ordered to Boston on recruiting servicetain Nims. They were met at the station by Captain Nims and Captain Cummings of the Boston Light Ar[12 more...]
Nims' Battery Association After over three years of association in camp and field the ties of comradeship among the members of the battery were too strong to be ignored and the mustering out of he official bond than preparations were begun for the formation of an organization to be known as Nims' Battery Association. On December 10, 1864, a meeting was called at the Webster House, at which th badges and drum corps and bearing the colors carried by them during the war. A letter from Captain Nims, who was then in New Orleans, in reply to a request for the colors is incorporated in the rec Wishing all prosperity and happiness I subscribe myself Respectfully your humble servant, O. F. Nims. Although few fatalities occurred on the field or in camp among the members of the batteron. After an hour's social intercourse the meeting was called to order by the President, Col. O. F. Nims. The committee appointed to consider the matter of the preparation of the history of the
Life of Col. Ormand F. Nims A history of the 2d Massachusetts Light Artillery will hardly be regarded as complete unless it contains a sketch of the life of its commander, Capt. Ormand F. Nims. The facts concerning the early history of the Nims family have been taken from addresses given by Rev. J. L. Seward, Dd., Keen only in the war with Mexico. Indeed it may truly be said that the commander of Nims' Battery came of good fighting stock. The family of Nims is descended from the Nims is descended from the old Huguenots of France, coming from that part of the country where is situated the city Nismes, from which is derived the family name de Nismes, or as it is now written Nims. Godefroi de Nismes, or as known here, Godfrey Nims came to this country in the 17th century, the first mention of his name being found in the records of Nolighted surprise he came to his senses and afterward fully recovered. Col. Ormand F. Nims was born in Sullivan, N. H., August 30, 1819, his father, Philander Nims
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
Second battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (1) Capt. Ormand F. Nims. (2) Capt. William Marland. Officers.Men.Totals. Number on rolls,12351363 Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in battery,–66 Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within battery,–11 Totals,–77 Actual total of members of battery,12344356 Killed and died of wounds,–22 Died by accident and disease,–2323 Died in Confederate prison,––– Total losses,–2525 Casualties by Engagements. 1864. April 8, Sabine Cross Roads, La.,–22 Active also at Port Hudson, March 13, 1863; Bayou Teche, La., April 13, 1863; Port Hudson, La., May and July, 1863; Vermilion Bayou, La., Carrion Crow Bayou, La., Oct. 15, 1863; Grand Coteau, La., Nov. 3, 1863; Fort Blakely, Ala., April 2, 1865; Daniel's Plantation, Ala., April 2, 1865. The 2d Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery was recruited in Boston during April and May, 1861, and was the first battery sent forward for three years ser
16, 1862. First Lieutenant, Nov. 1, 1862. Captain, June 17, 1863. Major, Aug. 15, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Colonel, Oct. 5, 1865; never mustered. Nettleton, Edward Payson. Captain, 31st Mass. Infantry, Oct. 30, 1861; mustered, Dec. 10, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, Apr. 15, 1864; mustered, Aug. 5, 1864. Brevet Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Colonel, June 7, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Sept. 9, 1865, as Lieut. Colonel. Died at Boston, Apr. 17, 1889. Nims, Ormand F. Captain, 2d Battery, Mass. Light Artillery, July 31, 1861. Resigned, Jan. 7, 1865. Brevet Major and Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Norton, Hannibal D. Third Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., May 1, 1861. Mustered out, July 31, 1861. Captain, 32d Mass. Infantry, July 28, 1862. Resigned, Mar. 18, 1863. Entered the Veteran Reserve Corps, June, 1863. Brevet Major, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Norton, John B. Captain, 36th