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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Red River campaign. (search)
Hill road, supported on his left by Major's and Bagby's brigades of cavalry dismounted. Walker followed astride and on the right of the road, with Bee's brigade of cavalry on his right. The Federal line formed on the cleared slope, and, composed from left to right of the brigades of Dudley, Vance, Emerson, and Lucas, with four batteries, about 4500 in all, met with spirit the fierce onset of more than double their numbers, but were soon overcome. The artillery was powerless in the woods. Nims's splendid battery, with its honorable record on every field from Baton Rouge to Port Hudson, was taken by Walker's men in the first rush. Franklin, whose headquarters were with Cameron in front of Bayou St. Patrice, received Banks's orders to move to the front at a quarter-past three. He at once sent for Emory and led forward Cameron, whose division, advancing at the double-quick, arrived on the field, five miles away, an hour later, just in time to witness and for a brief interval to chec
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Red River campaign. (search)
unted inf'y), Lieut.-Col. John M. Crebs; 1st La., Maj. Algernon S. Badger. Fourth Brigade, Col. Nathan A. M. Dudley: 2d Ill., Maj. Benjamin F. Marsh, Jr.; 3d Mass., Lieut.-Col. Lorenzo D. Sargent; 31st Mass. (mounted inf'y), Capt. Elbert H. Fordham; 8th N. H. (mounted inf'y), Lieut.-Col. George A. Flanders. Fifth Brigade, Col. Oliver P. Cooking: 2d N. Y. Veteran, Col. Morgan H. Chrysler; 18th N. Y., Col. James J. Byrne; 3d R. I. (detachment), Maj. George R. Davis. Artillery: 2d Mass., Capt. Ormand F. Nims; G, 5th U. S., Lieut. Jacob B. Rawles. Corps D'Afrique. First Brigade, Col. William H. Dickey: 1st Infantry (73d U. S. C. T.), Maj. Hiram E. Perkins; 3d Infantry (75th U. S. C. T.), Col. Henry W. Fuller; 12th Infantry (84th U. S. C. T.), Capt. James H. Corrin; 22d Infantry (92d U. S. C. T.), Col. Henry N. Frisbie. In his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War (p. 21, Vol. II.), General Banks says: we started with the idea that we were to have a concentr