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ddle up, and run off five companies of the cavalry, with all their horses, arms, and equipments. The rebels made them ride at speed for eighty-three miles, making but one stop in that distance. When a horse gave out, they entered a farmer's premises and impressed another. At the journey's end, the soldiers were thrown into a black hole, where they were under close confinement. The companies were: company G, under command Gen. George Stoneman. of Captain Porter; company A, under Lieutenant Nolan; company C, under Lieutenant Leroy Smith; company F, under Captain Thayer, who himself alone escaped, and the greater part of company E, under Captain Ayers. Lieutenant Vigel was also captured with Lieutenant Smith's men. These five companies were under command of Major Mulvey, who was taken with his little boy, twelve years old.--Chicago Tribune. The Sixth regiment N. Y. S. V., Wilson's Zouaves, returned to New York from the seat of war in Louisiana.--Port Hudson was thoroughly in
as not at any time closely engaged, it was three times subjected to a sharp fire, and was, throughout the days of the thirteenth and fourteenth, in constant expectation of being brought into action. Under these circumstances every man remained firm at his post; not a straggler was to be seen leaving the ranks, and all evinced a commendable eagerness to engage the enemy, which needed only opportunity to ripen into the gallantry heretofore so conspicuous in the troops from Louisiana. Lieutenant-Colonel Nolan, commanding the First Louisiana regiment; Lieutenant-Colonel Goodwin, commanding the Fifteenth; Major Grogan, commanding the second; Major Leggett, commanding the Tenth, and Captain Verlander, commanding the Fourteenth,--are deserving of my especial commendation for the coolness and skill with which they commanded their respective regiments, and the promptness and energy with which they executed every order. I should entirely fail in my duty if I did not advert also to the valuable
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gettysburg — the battle on the right. (search)
, the Federal reinforcements had completely enveloped my right. The lamented Captain Frank Park (who was afterwards killed at Knoxville) came and informed me that the Federals were closing in on our rear. I sent him to ascertain their numbers, and he soon returned, accompanied by Captain Hill (subsequently killed in front of Richmond), and reported that two regiments were coming up behind us, and just then I saw them halt behind a fence, from which they opened fire on us. At Balaklava, Captain Nolan's six hundred had cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon in front of them that volleyed and thundered ; but at this moment the Fifteenth Alabama had infantry to the right of them, dismounted cavalry to the left of them, infantry in front of them and infantry in rear of them. With a withering and deadly fire pouring in upon us from every direction, it seemed that the entire command was doomed to destruction. While one man was shot in the face, his right hand or left han
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--official reports. (search)
George H. Steuart's brigade, consisting of Tenth, Twenty-third and Thirty-seventh Virginia regiments, First Maryland battalion and First and Third North Carolina regiments, commanded respectively by Colonel Warren, Lieutenant-Colonel Walton, Major Wood, Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, Major Parsley and Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert; Nicholls' brigade, Colonel J. M. Williams commanding, consisting of First, Second, Tenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Louisiana regiments, commanded respectively by Lieutenant-Colonel Nolan, Lieutenant-Colonel Burke, Major Powell, Lieutenant-Colonel Zable and Major Brady, with Andrews' battalion of artillery, Major Latimer commanding, consisting of Raines', Dement's, Brown's and Carpenter's batteries. On June 16th my division left camp at Stephenson's and marched to Sbepherdstown, where Jones' brigade was temporarily detached, with orders to destroy a number of canal boats and a quantity of grain and flour stored at different points, and cut the canal (Chesapeake an
sm of three cylinders. Say. (Fabric.) A thin woolen cloth. The name is obsolete, but exists in old authors. Thou say, thou serge, nay thou buckram [barracan] lord. Shakespeare. Commoner goods for each succeeding epithet. Say-ette′. (Fabric.) A mixed fabric of silk and wool. Sagathy. Scab′bard. The sheath of a cutting weapon or bayonet, made of metal, wood, leather, raw hide, or paper. The first mentioned is the poorest material for the purpose. So said Captain Nolan of the English Dragoons, killed in the heroic but wanton cavalry charge at Balaklava in the Crimea. In early times men had cases for their knives; and, associated with the earliest history, the swords are seen in their scabbards, as in the sculptures of Nimroud. Scab′bard-plane. An abbreviation of scale-board plane (which see). Scab′bled. (Masonry.) Stone dressed with a fine axe, in contradistinction to plain-faced. Scappled. Scab′bling-ham′mer. (Ma
er on the Nueces river to collect beef-cattle and to capture cotton. He sent some companies to that quarter as fast as they were sworn into the service, to aid Major Nolan, who was in command at Corpus Christi, and who had reported the recapture of some cotton that was being carried to Corpus Christi for shipment. Colonel Ford learned from Major Nolan that a Mexican by the name of Cecilio Balirio had joined the Federals, and was made captain of a small company. He was in a concealed camp and was operating in aid of the Federals in the region of the Nueces, getting the cotton and stock for them. By using some strategy the locality of his camp was discover was the only way to get funds for the expedition. His route of march was down to the Nueces near to Corpus Christi, reaching Camp San Fernando, where he found Major Nolan and Captain Ware in charge of the troops. There were a great many bales of cotton secreted between the Nueces and Rio Grande, which were hunted up by Colonel F
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.15 (search)
he people would never consent to such an act of humiliation. They then returned to their ships. At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the crowds on the levee were startled by the approach of the Yankee boats and the landing by them of one of our citizens. He would have been torn to pieces by the mob had not a company of the European Brigade arrived promptly on the spot. They took him in charge, and carried him and locked him up in the police-station, just above the City Hall. His name is Nolan, I think, and it seems that when the Yanks had been ashore in the fore part of the day, just as they were pushing off, he jumped into their midst and went with them to Hartford. I cannot imagine their reason for so doing, but they set him ashore again. As they did so, they said to him: Don't you be afraid. If they harm you, we will fix them. He is a barkeeper, I hear. It yet remains to be seen what is to be done. During the rest of the day and evening, the talk on the streets and at th
The Daily Dispatch: may 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Terrible earthquake in South America. (search)
tachment of Louisiana troops, being a portion of the 1st Division of Louisiana Volunteers. The remaining portion of those to come yesterday, some 250 in number, were expected in the evening, and those who arrived at an earlier hour were compelled to sit in the cars for six hours waiting for them, the various commanding officers being in the rear train. The troops which arrived at 1 o'clock consist of part of Capt. C. E. Girardy's Battalion Louisiana Guard, 155 men; Montgomery Guard, Capt. Nolan, 104 men; Emmett Guard, Captain Neiligen, 74 men; Caddo Rifles, Captain Lewis, 105 men — the whole amounting to 438 men.--The troops were substantially clothed, well armed, and not at all averse to having a brush with Lincoln's followers at the earliest possible moment. They report thousands of the same sort on the way here. Sunday night 1,400 men from Tennessee landed at the camp near Lynchburg — also a battalion of about 150 from Huntsville, Alabama, and the cry was still they come.
. This quite formidable force, after holding a council and pronouncing in favor of the United States Government, was proceeding upon Carizo when intelligence of the insurrection reached Col. Ford, at Laredo. Under orders from Col. Ford, Captain Nolan, with twenty-three men, advanced upon and attacked the insurgents — then numbering eighty men --at a point some eighteen miles from Carizo. and completely routed them, killing three and wounding six. Capt. Nolan's command sustained no loss. Capt. Nolan's command sustained no loss. The Brownsville Flag seems to think that Cortina is at the bottom of this move, and says he has subsequently been seen on the American side of the river within twenty miles of Brownsville, soliciting aid for another attack. This Cortena has become a nuisance upon the Texas frontier, that should be immediately abated, cost what it may. It is reported that another revolution has been inaugurated in Mexico, with Mejia at its head, who is said to have met and defeated Dorado, and to be i
ng, which, it was thought, would take place at New Laredo. Such we understand to have been the substance of a communication made Col. Ford by Gen. Garcia. Capt. Nolan, who was on his way here from Rio Grande City, was overtaken by an express and requested to return to Fort McIntosh, and repel the invaders. It is said he halttionaries of Matamoras — of the whole line of the Bravo, in fact — have acted in good faith. We have not learned what order, if any, Col. Foid has given to Capt. Nolan under the circumstances, but we do know that Cortina will find to his sorrow that much-talked-of Ford a little the worst crossing he ever tried. Since the above was in type, Capt. Nolan's command arrived at Fort Brown. The Captain and Lieut. Millican gave us a call and reported that from the best information they had, recruit were pouring in from all directions to join Cortina, preparatory to invading our State; and they are of the opinion that quite a formidable force has already b