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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 48 (search)
and dismal; more rain or snow looked for. Certainly we are in a dark period of the war-encompassed by augmenting armies, almost starving in the midst of plenty (hoarded by the speculators), our men deserting-and others skulking duty, while Congress and the Executive seem paralyzed or incapable of thought or action. The President was better yesterday; but not out. They say it is neuralgia in the shoulder, disabling his right arm. Yet he orders appointments, etc., or forbids others. Major Noland, Commissary General, has refused to impress the coffee in the hands of speculators; saying there is no law authorizing it. The speculators rule the hour — for all, nearly, are speculators! God save us! we seem incapable of saving ourselves. No news to-day from Georgia and South Carolina-which means there is no good news. If it be true that Gen. Thomas has reinforced Grant with 30,000 men, we shall soon hear news without seeking it! The enemy will not rest content with their recent