Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 6, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Noland or search for Noland in all documents.

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rrison, Coleman of Nerson. Finance--Messrs. Barbour, Tomlin, Edmunds, Bouldin, Newton, Cother, Flood, Wyhne, Thomas, Davis of Campbell, Miner, Gordon, Reid, Noland, Gatewood. Military Affairs Messrs. Anderson, Jones, Huster, Robertson, Military, Pitman, Davis of Amherst, Richardson, Saunders of Campbell, Lundy, M.Grudershire, Orgain, Dunn, Rives, Walker, Cazenove, Baker, Carter, Wilson of Isle of Wight. Treasurer's Accounts--Messrs. Matthews, Cazenove, Walker, Bass, Curtis, Noland, McGrader, Ewing, McDonald of Hampshire. First Auditor's Office--Messrs. Johnson, Woodson, Wilson of Isle of Wight, Tate, Spady, Franklin, McKinney, Flood, Mms, and Garrison. Schools and Colleges.--Messrs. Newton, Minor, Riddick, Treadway, Tate, Daniel, Saunders of Franklin, Crockett, Spady, Read, Curtis, Booten, Noland, Wright, and Laidley. Resolutions of Inquiry. By Mr. Jones: Of authorizing the banks of this Common wealth to issue a larger amount than 5 per cent. of t