Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 10, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Noland or search for Noland in all documents.

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nderson, Baker, Baskerville, Bass, Blue, Bouldin, Bradford, Burke, Carter, Carpenter, Cazenove, Cecil, J. J. Coleman, Crockett, Curtis, Dabney, Daniel, John D., Davis, R. J. Davis, Dice, Eggleston, Ewing, Fleming, Fletcher, Forbes, Friend, Garrison, Gatewood, George, Gillespie, Gilmer, Grattan, Green, Hopkins, Hunter, Kerby, James, Johnson, Jordan, Kaufman, Kyle, Lively, Lockridge, Lynn, Mallory, Matthews, McCamant, A. W. McDonald, McKinney, McLaughlin, Minor, Montague, R. E. Nelson, Newton, Noland, Orgald, Payne, Pitman, Reid, Richardson, Riddick, Rives, Robertson, Robert C. Sanders, Sheffey, Sady, Steger, Tate, Taylor, Thomas, Thrash, Tredway, Walker, Ward, Williams, S. Wilson, Woodson, Woottorn Worsham, Wright, Wynne, and Mr. Speaker.--Total 83. Nays.--Messrs. Brooks, Clark, Collier, Franklin, Lundy, Prince, Peter C. Saunders, Staples, Veden, and West.--Total 10. So the bill was passed by a vote of $3 to 10. On motion of Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, the House then went