Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Noland or search for Noland in all documents.

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not agreed to. The Senate amendments were then concurred in, except the third, and the bill recommunicated to the Senate. On motion of Mr. Grattan, the bill amending the charter of the Bank of Rockingham was taken up and passed. Mr. Noland submitted a resolution authorizing the Committee on Courts of Justice to inquire what further legislation is necessary to prohibit the unnecessary distillation of grain into ardent spirits, and report to this house at the earliest moment. Mr. Noland sustained his resolution in a few remarks showing the necessity for prompt action on the subject. From information in his possession, parties in the counties of Culpeper, Madison, and Rappehannock had secured contracts from the Medical Purveyor in Richmond to furnish spirits for the benefit of the army, and afterwards sub let, their contracts to other parties, who were using them for the purpose of evading the law of Virginia, and that an agent recently sent into these localities to