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body adjourned. House of Delegates.--The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Baker. The bill establishing an election precinct in the county of Isle of Wight was, on motion of Mr. Wilson, read a second and third time and passed. On motion of Mr. West, the House agreed that from and after Monday next, until the close of the session they will meet at 11 o'clock A. M, and take a recess at 3 until 7½ o'clock P. M. The motion was agreed to — ayes noes 7 On motion of Mr Noland, the bill prohibiting the unnecessary distillation of grain into spirituous liquors was read the first and second times and ordered to its engrossment. [The bill imposes a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $5,000, with imprisonment at the discretion of the Court, for each offence — the penalty not to apply to distillation by the Confederate Government for medical purposes of grain heretofore purchased.] On motion of Mr. Tomlin, the bill requiring railroad companies to receive