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the regiment should never go out of the department. There is great mortality among the negro troops; and the Macon House, once a well known hotel in Portsmouth, has been converted into a hospital for them. Regiments of negroes, numbering at their organization 1,000, are now reduced to six hundred. Those is North Carolina have suffered as severely. Wm. R. Houghton, a citizen, was arrested for appearing in Federal uniform. He had been confined in Fort Norfolk for having a Confederate Major's commission in his house. He "took the oath" and was released. Among the Court proceedings we see a suit of Geo. H. Merriam, of Norfolk, against Wm. Webster, of Newport News, for $14, 1000. The property of Webster had been attached. The remains of Sanborn, the Yankee lieutenant killed by Dr. D. M. Wright, had been disinterred and sent North. The pastor of a negro church delivered a discourse over it from the Custom- House steps. Miss Susan Denin is playing at Norfolk.
How Gen. Fite Lee was sent North. --A Yankee paper says that Beast Butler, in his first walk at Fortress Monroe, was astonished at meeting a rebel officer looking at a parade. It was Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee. On being told that he enjoyed the liberty of Old Point, Butler sharply expressed his disapproval of such a reprehensible courtesy. The next day Lee made a voyage to Fort Lafayette.
nothing in the world could be gained by dissembling and playing the hypocrite. Another witness, and the one who had been entrusted with the letters to be sent North, testified that he had received through the hands of Dr. Powell, some time about the 1st or 10th of June a letter to be sent North. It had been his practice to foNorth. It had been his practice to forward through the hands of different blockade runners letters from persons in the South to their friends at the North. He had also been in the habit of reading over every one placed in his hands, before delivering them to the blockade-runner — did so because he felt it his duty. The day before he thought of sending the letter givmbler could come into Court and in the course of his testimony refuse to surrender the name of the party to whom was to be intrusted letters which were to be taken North. It was a proceeding which, if adhered to by the Commissioner, would be a novelty in his legal experience, and he insisted upon his right to an answer from the wi