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The Daily Dispatch: October 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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tening to assault Semon Greenburg, were each required to give $150 security to keep the peace. Finn was also committed to jail for five days for contempt of Court. Daniel Keys, for an assault upon Mary Sullivan, was held in $150 surety to keep the peace, and a former recognizance was declared forfeited. The Recorder thought the quiet of the city would be further secured by placing Mrs. Sullivan also under bonds to be of good behavior. R. F. Kirby, for keeping his bar-room open for a short time last Sunday morning, was fined $5; Christian Burgin, ditto, So A similar charge against Michael Prent was dismissed. Thos. Holmes and Margaret O'Brien, charged with assaulting Wm. O'Brien, continued until this morning. Andrew Best was fined $5 for violating an ordinance by purchasing butter in the Second Market to sell again. Malachi, slave of Edward Withers, received sentence of 39 lashes for violently assaulting Caroline Abrams, and was committed for going at large.
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1861., [Electronic resource], Discharge of disabled soldiers — Granting of furloughs. (search)
Miscellaneous cases. --Thomas Holmes and Margaret O'Brien, charged with assaulting Wm. O'Brien, made their appearance before the Mayor yesterday, but the testimony completely turned the tables upon the latter, who, while indulging in the domestic pastime of whipping his wife, was interfered with by Holmes. Mrs. O'B. made a touching narration of the cruelties of her spouse, which was entirely corroborated by the evidence of a little son. O'Brien was committed to jail in default of security to keep the peace.--Jno. W. Woody was fined $5 for cussing a country man in the Second Market, having been provoked by a threatening demonstration against himself and horse.--John Emenhauser, for keeping his bar-room open on Sunday night, the 20th inst., was fined $5.--Edward, slave of Col. A. H. Cole, was ordered down for 20 lashes, for carrying his master's pistol without leave or license, and in violation of law.