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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of members (search)
Aimar, G. W. Beckman, C. J. Burns, John, Breeze, W. E. Bryan, G. D. Averill, J. H. Barker, T. G. Allison, T. Bird, C. H. Bilton, J. J. Campbell, W. L. Dukes, T. C. H. Dunsby, G. W. Foster, H. P. Ford, B. Fisher, W. E. Gale, R. W. Hughes, E. T. Hyde, J. B. Hammett, A. C. Klinck, G. W. Lanneau, C. B. LeBleaux, L. F. Lawton, P. T. Lynah, E., Jr. Martin, H. O. Mintzing, J. F. Matthews, Chris'r McCabe, B. F. O'Brien, A. F. Porter, J. H. Pemberton, G. W. Ravenel, Dr. W. C. Richards, F., Jr., Simons, T. G., Sr. Salas, F. P. Sanders, J. O'H. Snowden, W. E. Smythe, E. A. Stocker, J. B. Torley, J. E. Walker, Joseph Walker, C. I. Willis, J. L. E. Webb, W. T. L. Calder, Alex'r. Dewees, J. Fisher, S. W. Francis, G. M. Frost, H. W. Gilliland, A. Howell, S. S. Hughes, T. S. Honour, W. E. Harper, F. M. Kingman, J. W. Logan, S., M. D.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.16 (search)
in Fort Gregg, and assisted in its defense: Captain A. K. Jones, Corporal H. K. Fuller, H. M. Colson, W. W. Coutch, H. W. Porter, J. H. Roberts, A. J. Sevier, G. W. H. Shaifer, J. H. Simms, W. R. Thompson, and Pearson Wells. W. D. Brown was wounded before we got into the fort, and did not enter, but went on to the rear. John H. Roberts was shot some minutes after the capture of the fort, as many of our men were. For some time the Natchez Fencibles, Company G, were attached to Company K, and both regarded as one company. There were of the Natchez Fencibles present in Fort Gregg: Lieutenant Glasscock, Sergeant Barlow, Sergeant Lecand, Corporal Murray, Naftel Underwood, Joseph Vandyke, and West. O'Brien and Podesta were wounded in front of the fort, and did not enter it. James Vandyke was wounded in the fort, and got out and went to the rear before the assault was made. King was on the front line. If he was in the fort he was killed. He was not with us a prisoner.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Closing scenes of the war about Richmond. (search)
r-charge as far as the creek, driving the enemy sheer across. It was here that Colonel Crutchfield, commanding the heavy artillery brigade, and formerly chief of artillery to Stonewall Jackson, fell, shot through the head. His inspector, Captain O'Brien, had been previously wounded. This officer, said to be a nephew of Smith O'Brien, had, I believe, lately resigned from the English army in India, to serve our cause. Our troops came back to their original position, and both artillery andSmith O'Brien, had, I believe, lately resigned from the English army in India, to serve our cause. Our troops came back to their original position, and both artillery and musketry opened a deadly fire again. The Naval Brigade, which had been standing firm as a rock, began at one time to fall back under a misconception of orders, but on being informed of this mistake, promptly faced to the front and marched back to their original position, without a single skulker remaining behind. I have very seldom seen this done as well during the war. When men are once started towards the rear under a heavy fire, it is difficult to halt and bring them back. By this t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
tain Robert D., 327. Missionary Ridge, Battle of, 155. Mitchell, Geo. E., 124. Montague, Gov. A. J., 253. Morgan, General John H., killing of, 125. Murfreesboro, Battle of, 154. Napier on war, Lord, 318. Naval Brigade, 137. Negroes in the C. S. Army, 215, 365. New Market Battle of, commemorated at the V. M. I., 173; race-field, 20. North Carolina and Virginia in the War, 340; troops furnished by each, 343. Northern Va., Army of, its accomplish-ments, 280. O'Brien, Captain, wounded, 142. Otey, Bishop James H., 163. Palfrey, Gen F. W., 36. Parke, Gen. John G., 31. Parker, Captain W. H., 331. Pearce, Major S. A., 78. Pemberton. Charles, killed, 279. Perry, Lt., Thos. 39. Peters, Colonel W. E., noble conduct of, 270. Petersburg, Battles around. 284. Pettigrew at Gettysburg 345. Pickens, Douschka, 79. Pickett's Charge, 228; he, in the front, 229, 345. Polk, General L., 163; Gen. L. E., 156. Powell, Lt. Hugh P., killed. 26. P