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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 25, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in the Vicksburg campaign: May 1st-July 4th, 1863. (search)
t. Nelson T. Spoor: E, 1st Ill., Capt. Allen C. Waterhouse; 2d Iowa, Lieut. Joseph R. Reed. Artillery loss: Jackson, w, 3. Vicksburg, assault May 22d, k, 1; w, 4 = 5. Cavalry: 4th Iowa, Lieuft.-Col. Simeon D. Swan. Sixteenth Army Corps (detachment), Maj.-Gen. Cadwallader C. Washburn. First division (joined June 12th), Brig.-Gen. Wm. Sooy Smith. Escort: B, 7th Ill. Cav., Capt. Henry C. Forbes. First Brigade, Col. John M. Loomis: 26th Ill., Maj. John B. Harris; 90th Ill., Col. Timothy O'Meara; 12th Ind., Col. Reuben Williams; 100th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Albert Heath. Second Brigade, Col. Stephen G. Hicks: 40th Ill., Maj. Hiram W. Hall; 103d Ill., Col. Willard A. Dickerman; 15th Mich., Col. John M. Oliver; 46th Ohio, Col. Charles C. Walcutt. Third Brigade, Col. Joseph R. Cockerill: 97th Ind., Col. Robert F. Catterson; 99th Ind., Col. Alexander Fowler; 53d Ohio, Col. Wells S. Jones; 70th Ohio, Maj. Wm. B. Brown. Fourth Brigade, Col. Wm. W. Sanford: 48th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Lucien
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Opposing forces in the Chattanooga campaign. November 23d-27th, 1863. (search)
Ohio, Col. Theodore Jones; 37th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Louis Von Blessingh; 47th Ohio, Col. Augustus C. Parry; 54th Ohio, Maj. Robert Williams, Jr.; 4th W. Va., Col. James H. Dayton. Brigade loss: k, 10; w, 76==86. Artillery: A, 1st Ill., Capt. Peter P. Wood; B, 1st Ill., Capt. Israel P. Rumsey; H, 1st Ill., Lieut. Francis DeGress. Artillery loss: w, 1. Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. Hugh Ewing. First Brigade, Col. John Mason Loomis: 26th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Robert A. Gillmore; 90th Ill., Col. Timothy O'Meara (k), Lieut.-Col. Owen Stuart; 12th Ind., Col. Reuben Williams; 100th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Albert Heath. Brigade loss: k, 37; w, 331; m, 18==386. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John M. Corse (w), Col. Charles C. Walcutt: 4th Ill., Maj. Hiram W. Hall; 103d Ill., Col. William A. Dickerman; 6th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Alexander J. Miller; 46th Ohio, Col. Charles C. Walcutt, Capt. Isaac N. Alexander. Brigade loss: k, 34; w, 201; m, 2==237. Third Brigade, Col. Joseph R. Cockerill: 48th Ill., Lieut.-Co
hail, who was known to have been wounded, was on board of the boat when she sunk, and was drowned. Company E.--Capt. Timothy O'Meara, commanding. Killed--Private Daniel Graham, 1. Wounded--Sergeant Henry Van Voast, 1. Missing--Capt. Timothy O'MeaCapt. Timothy O'Meara; First Lieut. James Gillis; Sergeants: James McConvine, Thomas Dobbins, Patrick Lynch; Corporals: Edward McNally, James Kane, John C. Joyce, Michael Brennan, Michael Cunningham, Michael Collins, Francis Crilley, Charles Dillman, William Dunham, Jst, reported as having been wounded, is also known to have been taken prisoner. Too much praise cannot be awarded to Capt. O'Meara and those under his command. They fought with undaunted bravery and great efficiency, and when vanquished at last, CCapt O'Meara swam to the island, and implored Col. Hinks, then in command there, for the use of a boat to rescue his brave men from the hands of the enemy; and failing in this, he recrossed the river to Virginia, in order to assist his men in person,
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
attery BCapt. Israel P. Rumsey. 1st Illinois Light, Battery HLieut. Francis DeGress. Fourth division. Brig.-gen. Hugh Ewing. First Brigade. Col. John Mason Loomis. 26th IllinoisLieut.-col. Robert A. Gillmore. 90th IllinoisCol. Timothy O'Meara. Lieut.-col. Owen Stuart. 12th IndianaCol. Reuben Williams. 100th IndianaLieut.-col. Albert Heath. Second Brigade. Brig.-gen. John M. Corse. Col. Charles C. Walcutt. 40th IllinoisMaj. Hiram W. Hall. 103d IllinoisCol. William e L. Bellows51st Infantry. Lieutenant Joshua M. Fields56th Infantry. Lieutenant Charles H. Lane88th Infantry. Lieutenant Henry L. Bingham88th Infantry. Captain Henry L. Rowell89th Infantry. Lieutenant Erastus O. Young89th Infantry. Colonel Timothy O'Meara90th Infantry. Lieutenant James Conway90th Colonel Holden Putnam93d Infantry. Captain William Walsh103d Infantry. Lieutenant Orin S. Davison104th Infantry. Indiana. Captain Frank P. Strader6th Infantry. Captain Frank II.
rs, composed of the following twenty two commissioned officers, passed through the lines: W. R. Lee, Colonel, 20th Massachusetts Regiment. Col. Cogswell, 12th New York. E. J. Revere, Major, 20th Miss. Chas, L, Pearson, Adjutant, 20th Mass. E. H. R. Revere, Ass't Surgeon, 20th Mass. Francis J. Keffer, Captain, 1st California. John M. Studley, Captain, 15th Mass. Henry Bowman, Captain, 15th Mass. Chas S. Simmons, Captain, 15th Mass. John Makall, Captain, 1st Cal. Timothy O'Meara, Captain, 42d N. Y. Geo. B. Perry, Lieut, 20th Mass. J. E. Green, Lieut., 15th Mass. Samuel Giverson, Lieut., 42d N. Y. Wm. C. Harris, Lieut., 1st Cal J. H. Hooper, Lieut., 15th Mass. C. M. Hooper, Lieut., 1st Cal. Frank A. Parker, Lieut., 1st Cal. Henry Vanveast, Lieut., 42d N. Y. W. H. Kearns, Lieut., 1st Cal. G. W. Kearney, Lieut., 1st Cal. B. B. Vassal, Lieut., 15th Mass. These officers are generally men of fine personal appearance, and as they passed alo