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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
t Master; Charles P. Noble, Second Master; Benjamin Sebastian, Third Master; Richard H. Cutter, Fourth Master; Aaron M. Jordan. Pilot; William Attenborough, Pilot; William H. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon; Alfred Phelps, Acting Paymaster; Thomas Cook, Chief Engineer; Alexander Magee, First Assistant Engineer; Charles Marshall, Second Assistant Engineer; Michael Norton, Third Assistant Engineer; James Kearney, Master's Mate: Henry Hamilton, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Andrew Woodlock, Carpenter; James O'Neil, Armorer. Gun-boat Essex William D. Porter, Iron-clad gun-boats St. Louis, Carondelet and Essex. U. S. N., Commander; Robert K. Riley, First Master; James Laning, Second Master; Theodore P. Ferry, Third Master; George W. Walker, Fourth Master; James McBride, Pilot; Marshall H. Ford, Pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, Paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, Chief Engineer; R. J. Stearns First Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assistant Engineer; Jeremiah Wetze
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
hief, Thomas Hebron; Acting-Assistants, J. L. Smith, J. S. Wilcoxen and Geo. Britton. Steamer Conestoga. Lieutenant-Commander, Thomas O. Selfridge; Assistant-Surgeon, J. Otis Burt; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, E. D. Ellsley; Acting-Master, George Hentig; Acting-Ensigns, Benj. Sebastian, James Kearney, Charles Pease and John Swaney; Acting-Master's Mates, S. J. Dewight, Henry Haskins, Thomas Devine and J. C. Petterson; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Thomas Cook, Alex. McGee, Michael Norton, James O'Neil and Andrew Lusk; Acting-Gunner, Gilbert Morton; Acting-Carpenter, J. J. Hays. Steamer Fairplay. Lieutenant-Commander, Le Roy Fitch; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, S. D. Bolton; Acting-Master, Geo. J. Groves; Acting-Ensigns, J. C. Coyle and Thad. Conant; Acting-Master's Mates, W. C. Coulson, John Reville and Isaac Summons; Acting-Engineers, Robert Mahatha, G. S. Collins, Chas. Egster and Wm. Bell; Acting-Carpenter, Thomas Manning. Steamer Taylor. Lieutenant, James M. Prichett; Act
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
ben Applegate; Acting-Carpenter, John A. Stewart. Iron-clad steamer Conestoga. Lieutenant-Commander, Thomas O. Selfridge; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, S. L. Adams; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, E. D. Ilsley; Acting-Master, Gilbert Morton; Acting-Ensigns, Thomas Devine, S. J. Dwight, J. C. Peterson and Wm. Neil; Acting-Master's Mate, Alanson Hamilton; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Thomas Cook; Acting-First-Assistant, Alex. Magee; Acting-Second-Assistant, Chas. Fistadt; Acting-Third-Assistants, James O'Neil and Andrew Lusk; Acting-Carpenter, John J. Hays. Steamer Moose. Lieutenant-Commander, LeRoy Fitch; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. W. Clarke; Acting-Ensigns Edward Morgan, John Revall and J. H. Rice; Acting-Master's Mates, J. M. Tucker, C. H. Stout and C. W. Spooner; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, T. N. Hall; Acting-Second-Assistant, Charles McMillan. Steamer Taylor. Lieutenant-Commander, James M. Prichett; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Wm. P. Baird; Acting-Assistant Paymaster,
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
er; Acting-Carpenter, J. M. Peabody. Vindicator--Third-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Henry H. Gorringe; Acting-Masters, J. F. Reed and D. P. Slattery; Acting-Ensigns, W. Zimmerman, B. C. Wheeler and J. W. Foster; Acting-Master's Mates, L. C. Ball, John Davis, Lewis Lehman, Henry Kane and A. A. King; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, C. E. Vaughn; Actin-Assistant Paymaster, F. W. Hanson; Engineers: Acting-Chief, Thomas Cook; Acting-Second-Assistants, Chas. Tistandt, Anthony Courtway and James O'Neil; Acting-Third-Assistants, S. H. Brogan, Andrew Lusk and John Link; Acting-Gunner, Wm. H. Barton; Acting-Carpenter, James Trulty. Hastings--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. S. Watson; Acting-Master, Wm. Neil; Acting-Ensigns, C. H. Reed and Jas. McDonald; Acting-Master's Mates, E. C. Urner and W. H. Gray; Assistant Surgeon, James M. Flint; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, P. J. Stone, Jr.; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, H. L. Juce; Acting Second-Assistants, Edwin Senior and
ntitled to the term lucky, there is no luck extant. The following are the names of the officers: Captain, S. L. Phelps; First Master, John F. Duke; Second Master, Chas. P. Noble; Third Master, Benjamin Sebastian; Fourth Master, H. Cutter; Master's Mate, James Kearney; Surgeon, W. H. Wilson; Purser, Alfred Phelps; Pilots, A. M. Jordan, Wm. M. Attenborough; Gunner, Henry Hamilton; First Engineer, Thos. Cook; Second Engineer, Alexander Magee; Third Engineer, Michael Norton; Fourth Engineer, James O'Neil. I may add, that the officers, without exception, are gentlemen in the complete sense of the word, and possess, in addition to this qualification, a thorough knowledge of their duties. The efficacy of Capt. Phelps is so well known, that special reference to it would be superfluous. Suffice it that an abler or more gallant officer never trod a plank. Fort Donelson, as we passed it, seemed more formidable than ever; its peculiar characteristics are such that, like a master-piece in pa
f bullets. For vivid descriptions of the battle, see Century War Book, IV, 174-178; Walker's 2d Army Corps, pp. 441-490; Army and Navy Journal, I, 629, 641. For reports not already mentioned by Massachusetts officers, see those of Colonel Edwards (Official War Records, 43, p. 672), General Miles (p. 370) and Capt. I. H. Sleeper (p. 516). Other officers killed at Spotsylvania, or in the various engagements which were a part of it, were Lieuts. Henry W. Nichols (7th Mass. Infantry), James O'Neil and Archibald Simpson (9th Mass.); Maj. D. F. Parker, Capt. J. H. Wetherell and Lieuts. E. B. Bartlett and A. E. Munyan (10th Mass.); Capt. J. S. Stoddard and Lieuts. E. J. Kidder and William Robinson (12th Mass.); Lieuts. C. W. Whitcomb (13th Mass.) and G. B. Simonds (15th Mass.) ; Capts. Benjamin Davis (22d Mass.), Robert Hamilton (32d Mass ) and S. H. Bailey (36th Mass.) ; Lieut. H. W. Daniels (36th Mass.); Capt. F. W. Pease and Lieuts. G. E. Cooke and Joseph Follansbee (37th Mass.) ;
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
d.,July 8, 1863. O'Loan, Michael, Corp.,16th Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Malley, Owen,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Neil, James, 2d Lieut.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 9, 1864. O'Neil, James,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Neil, Jeremiah Name and ranO'Neil, James,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Neil, Jeremiah Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. O'Neil, Jeremiah, Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. O'Neil, Thomas, Capt.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. O'Neill, William, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. O'Niel, John,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, VO'Neil, Jeremiah Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. O'Neil, Jeremiah, Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. O'Neil, Thomas, Capt.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. O'Neill, William, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. O'Niel, John,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. O'Niel, Michael,30th Mass. Inf.,Donaldsonville, La.,July 13, 1863. O'Reilly, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Orpin, Richard,24th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864. Orr, David,16th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862. Osborne, John, 1st Sergt.,56th Mass. Inf.,North Ann
d Mass. Inf.,Dallas, Ga.,May 25, 1864. O'Leary, John,17th Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,May 12, 1862. O'Leary, John,2d Mass. Cav.,Berryville, Va.,April 21, 1864. Oliver, James H.,12th Mass. Inf.,Funktown, Md.,July 8, 1863. O'Loan, Michael, Corp.,16th Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Malley, Owen,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Neil, James, 2d Lieut.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 9, 1864. O'Neil, James,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. d Mass. Inf.,Dallas, Ga.,May 25, 1864. O'Leary, John,17th Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,May 12, 1862. O'Leary, John,2d Mass. Cav.,Berryville, Va.,April 21, 1864. Oliver, James H.,12th Mass. Inf.,Funktown, Md.,July 8, 1863. O'Loan, Michael, Corp.,16th Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Malley, Owen,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. O'Neil, James, 2d Lieut.,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 9, 1864. O'Neil, James,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863.
O'Neil, Jeremiah Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. O'Neil, Jeremiah, Capt.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. O'Neil, Thomas, Capt.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. O'Neill, William, Corp.,28th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 30, 1862. O'Niel, John,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. O'Niel, Michael,30th Mass. Inf.,Donaldsonville, La.,July 13, 1863. O'Reilly, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Orpin, Richard,24th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864. Orr, David,16th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862. Osborne, John, 1st Sergt.,56th Mass. Inf.,North Anna River, Va.,May 24, 1864. Osgood, George F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Osgood, Warren W.,25th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,July 29, 1864. Osmond, James,3d Mass. Cav.,Bayou Jack, La.,May 1863. O'Sullivan, Morty S.,28th Mass. Inf.,Near Pamunky River, Va.,May 30, 1864.
Oliver, F. J., 540 Oliver, H. G., 540 Oliver, J. H., 402 Oliver, S. A., 540 Oliver, Thomas, 540 Oliver, W. B., 472 Olney, B. R., 78 O'Loan, Michael, 402 O'Malley, Owen, 402 O'Neil, Charles, 540 O'Neil, D., 540 O'Neil, Henry, 540 O'Neil, James, 7th Mass. Inf., 402 O'Neil, James, 9th Mass. Inf., 120, 402 O'Neil, Jeremiah, 54, 403 O'Neil, John, 16th Mass. Inf., 540 O'Neil, John, 57th Mass. Inf., 472 O'Neil, Thomas, 47, 128, 403 O'Neill, William, 403 O'Niel, John, 403 O'Niel, O'Neil, James, 9th Mass. Inf., 120, 402 O'Neil, Jeremiah, 54, 403 O'Neil, John, 16th Mass. Inf., 540 O'Neil, John, 57th Mass. Inf., 472 O'Neil, Thomas, 47, 128, 403 O'Neill, William, 403 O'Niel, John, 403 O'Niel, Michael, 403 Onimette, C. L., 472 Orcutt, Erastus, 472 Ordway, Albert, 240 O'Reilly, Thomas, 403 Ormond, Patrick, 563 Orne, G. W., 74, 472 Orpin, Richard, 403 Orr, David, 403 Orr, J. H., 473 Osborn, J. A., 540 Osborn, Paul, 473 Osborn, T. 94 Osborne, F. A., 87, 116, 126, 240 Osborne, John, 403 Osborne, W., 540 Osgood, C. M., 473 Osgood, G. F., 403 Osgood, W. W., 403 O'Shea, Daniel, 473 Osmond, James, 403 Ostrom, J. O., 473 O'Sullivan, M. S., 403 Otis, Solomon, 403 O'To