Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Oliver or search for Thomas Oliver in all documents.

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Daniell. Jonathan Hides. David Stone. Samuell Stone. Jeames × Cutler. John Wintor. John Collar. Joseph Miriam. Isack Starnes. David Fiske. Solomon Prentes. Joseph Sill. Samuell Hasting. Richard × Frances. Robart × Brown. Thomas × Brown. John Swan. We, whose names are subscribed, being of the traine band and singell men in the above sayd town, doe also desire to manifest ourselves to be of the same mynd with our parents, masters, and the aged men and housholders of the place. Thomas Oliver. Jonathan Jackson. John Jackson. Sebeis Jackson. Steven Cooke. Jacob Goble. Joseph × Stevenes. Daniel Champnes. John Steadman. Thomas Gates. Arther × Henbury. Robart × Shepard. Daniell × Prat. Philip Eastman. Arthur call. Thomas Marritt. Joseph Pratt. Thomas Ffledg. John Hastins. John more. John Holis. Gershom Frost. Abraham × Howell. Beniaman × Russell. Sameuel Bucke. Joseph ffrost. William Reyle. Samuell × Garry. Nath. Patten. Stephen Frances. Reuben Luxfford.
rds show that,— At a meeting of the inhabitants belonging to the meeting house in the Body of the town of Cambridge, orderly convened the 1st December 1712, Capt. Thomas Oliver was chosen Moderator. And whereas the Farmers, at their public meeting on the 28th of October last, appointed a committee to petition the town that they maissed from the town, and be a township by themselves, as appears by their petition bearing date the 6th November, 1712, which has been now read; voted, That Capt. Thomas Oliver, Mr. Jonathan Remington, and Andrew Bordman, be a Committee to treat with the Committee appointed by the Farmers aforesaid; and that the articles to be propportion toward the relief of some of our Poor, (viz. Robert Webber and Richard a negro, and his wife,) be referred to the Committee formerly appointed, (viz. Capt. Oliver, Mr. Remington, and Andrew Bordman,) to debate further upon, who are fully empowered in behalf of the town, either to insist upon the said article or to consen
signation of Judge Danforth, Judge Lee, and Col. Oliver. Sheriff Phips promises that he will not af the inhabitants of Boston had induced Mr. Secretary Oliver to promise that he would not act as Dis this act, were inhabitants of Cambridge. Colonel Oliver was a man of wealth and character, but hadston Gazette of Sept. 12, announced that Lieut. Gov. Oliver has removed his family and goods from Caliance with their command I sign my name. Thomas Oliver. The gentlemen from Boston, Charlestoan agreeable situation. Seven families, Mrs. Oliver was sister to Vassall; and Mrs. Vassall was sister to Oliver. The deceased father of Vassall and Mrs. Oliver was brother to Mrs. Ruggles, to Mall; and the deceased mother of Vassall and Mrs. Oliver was sister to Col. Phips, to Mrs. Lechmere,rs. Lee. The widow Vassall was also aunt to Mr. Oliver and to John Vassall's wife. who were connectealth; the estates of Lechmere (144 acres) and Oliver (96 acres), to Andrew Cabot, Esq., of Salem, N[7 more...]
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
ily of John Gibson they being in a low condition they being visited with the small pox and under many wants. The sum contributed in cash was six pound nineteen shillings and fower pence. This contribution was disposed of as followeth: To doctor Oliver for fisicke3l.10s.0d To Mr. Angier for things in his sicknes0.4.0 To Mr. Stedman for things in his sicknes0.7.6 To sister Belsher for wine for his funeral0.7.0 To two nurses that tended him in his sicknes1.4.0 To Hana Arington for nursinssary at this time to proceed to the building of a new meeting-house, and in order thereunto, there was then chosen Capt. Andrew Belcher, Esq., Thomas Brattle, Esq., John Leverett, Esq., Col. Francis Foxcroft, Esq., Deacon Walter Hastings, Capt. Thomas Oliver, and Mr. William Russell, a committee to advise and consider of the model and charge of building said meetinghouse, and to make report of the same to said inhabitants. Final action was delayed until December 6, 1705, when it was voted tha
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
tion for building the church is dated at Boston, April 25, 1759. The petition to the society was signed by Henry Vassal, Joseph Lee, John Vassal, Ralph Inman, Thomas Oliver, David Phips, Robert Temple, James Apthorp. At a meeting held at Boston, September 29, 1759, the six first named gentlemen, with the Rev. East Apthorp, were crch have been as follows:— 1762, David Phips,John Vassall. 1763, John Vassall,Robert Temple. 1764-1765, Robert Temple,Richard Lechmere. 1766, David Phips,Thomas Oliver. 1767-1770, Thomas Oliver,John Vassall. 1771, John Vassall,Ezekiel Lewis. 1772, Ezekiel Lewis,John Fenton. 1773, Joseph Lee,Jonathan Sewall. 1774, David PThomas Oliver,John Vassall. 1771, John Vassall,Ezekiel Lewis. 1772, Ezekiel Lewis,John Fenton. 1773, Joseph Lee,Jonathan Sewall. 1774, David Phips,John Pigeon. 1791-1795, Jonathan Simpson,Nathaniel Bethune. 1796, John T. Apthorp,Andrew Craigie. 1797-1799, Leonard Jarvis,Samuel W. Pomeroy. 1800, Samuel W. Pomeroy,Abraham Biglow. 1801, Abraham Biglow,Richard Richardson. 1802-1803, Richard Richardson,Jonathan Bird. 1804-1809, William Winthrop,Ebenezer Stedman. 1810-
Hon. Francis Foxcroft and Saml. Danforth, Esqs., Wm. Brattle, and Edmd. Trowbridge, Esqs., also the Hon. Jona. Remington, Esq., be a committee to inspect the Grammar School in this town, and to inquire (at such times as they shall think meet) what proficiency the youth and children make in their learning. Again, May 7, 1770, it was Voted, That a committee of nine persons be and hereby are fully empowered to chuse a Grammar Schoolmaster for said town,—the Hon. Judge Danforth, Judge Lee, Col. Oliver, Judge Sewall, Mr. Abraham Watson, Jr., Mr. Francis Dana, Major Vassall, Mr. Samuel Thacher, Jr., Mr. Professor Winthrop, they or the major part of the whole being notified, and that said committee be a committee of inspection upon the said schoolmaster, and that said committee be and hereby are empowered to regulate said school. Generally, however, the schools were under the charge of the Selectmen until March 23, 1795, when a committee, consisting of Caleb Gannett, Mr. Gannett decli
haniel Healy, Zachariah Hicks, Jacob Hill, Justinian Holden, Sebeas Jackson, Ambrose McFassett, Daniel Magennis, Amos Marrett, Thomas Mitchelson, John Needham, Thomas Oliver, Zachariah Paddlefoot, John Park, Solomon Phipps, Henry Prentice, James Prentice, Solomon Prentice, William Reed, Samuel Robbins, Jason Russell, William Russel1, commissions were issued to Honble William Brattle, Esq. Major General of the militia throughout the Province; also to Honble William Brattle, Esq., Colonel; Thomas Oliver, Esq., Lieut. Colonel of the 1st Regiment in Middlesex; Massachusetts Spy, August 1, 1771. and in the same year, Thomas Gardner became Capt. Lieut., Samuel ace can be procured elsewhere for the above named purpose. July 26: It being represented that the present hospital is not large enough to contain the sick, Lieut.-gov. Oliver's house is to be cleared for that purpose, and care to be taken that no injury is done to it. August 21: a sergeant, corporal, and nine men to mount guard
rost James. Frost, James, 2d. Frost, William. Fuller, J. N. Fuller, Oliver. Fuller, Robert. Fuller, Timothy. Ford, Thomas. Farrar, Jacob. FWilliam. Johnson, Moses. Jewell, Gilman. Jordan, Sylvanus. Keating, Oliver. Keyes, Ephraim. Keyes, Joshua. Kidder, Samuel. Kidder, Samuel, Jr.ivermore, Isaac. Livermore, Marshall. Livermore, Nathaniel. Livermore, Oliver. Lord, Joseph H. Lyon, John. Lowell, Charles. Lyon, Isaac. Lyon,enry. Norton, Henry. Nowell, Mark. Nowell, James. Oakes, Josiah. Oliver, David. Orcutt, Levi. Odin, David. Oliver, Daniel. Orcutt, Henry. Oliver, Daniel. Orcutt, Henry. Orne, John G. Page, Jacob. Page, Jonathan. Palmer, John. Parker, Aaron. Parker, Thomas L. Parks, Leonard. Parks, Leonard, Jr. Parmenter, Wilmes. Richards, Sullivan. Robertson, John. Roulston, George. Roundy, Oliver. Rumrill, Joseph. Russell, Phinehas. Roby, Ebenezer. Sales, Francis
Sept. 11, 1749, to Aug. 7, 1753, and from Sept. 25, 1756, until he died, April 4, 1757. Thomas Oliver, 1774. Left the country at the Revolution. Assistants under the first Charter. Simncillors under the second Charter. Thomas Danforth, 1693-1699. John Leverett, 1706. Thomas Oliver, 1715. Died in office, October 31, or November 1, 1715. Spencer Phips, 1721-1723, 172hn Winthrop, 1773, 1775, 1776. Francis Dana, 1776-1779. Mandamus Councillors, 1774. Thomas Oliver. Samuel Danforth. Joseph Lee. All resigned in Sept. 1774. Councillors under the 1682, 1683. Samuel Champney, 1686, 1689-1692, 1694, 1695. David Fiske, 1689, 1697. Thomas Oliver, 1692, 1693, 1698, 1701-1713. John Leverett, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1706. Speaker in 1700. 1694. Walter Hastings, 1694, 1697, 1698, 1700-1705. Samuel Stone, 1694, 1697, 1698. Thomas Oliver, 1694, 1697-1699, 1706, 1715. Josiah Parker, 1699. Francis Bowman, 1699-1709, 1711.
29 July 1736; Rebecca, b. 10 Dec. 1720, m. Thomas Oliver, and was his wid. in 1746; Mary, bap. 17 Jtha, bap. 17 July 1803, d. unm. 19 June 1839; Oliver, bap. 8 Sept. 1805: Mary Curtler, bap. 17 July. 1789, m. Benjamin O. Wellington 20 May 1811; Oliver, b. 16 May 1791, a retired merchant, now resid succeeds to the military command, and Lieut.-gov. T. Oliver to the civil department, and is now Go. Grace, had Grace, b. in England 1648, m. Thomas Oliver 27 Nov. 1667, and d. 31 Sept. 1681, a. 33;ah, b. 3 Jan. 1724-5; Mary, b. 10 Mar. 1727-8; Oliver, b. 25 Mar. 1730; John, b. 28 May 1731; Hammont Groton 2 Mar. 1714-15, m. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Oliver, Esq., 10 Mar. 1714-15, by whom he had OliOliver, b. 16 May 1716, d. 28 Sept. 1723, and afterwards In. Hannah, dau. of Rev. Nehemiah Walter of RoJune 1738; Elizabeth, b. 12 Sept. 1739, m. Thomas Oliver of Dorchester 11 June 1760, who afterwards7 May 1762; Spencer Thomas, b. 7 Ap. 1764; Thomas Oliver, b. 12 Ap. 1766; Elizabeth, bap. 5 July 17[3 more...]