Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for Thomas Oliver or search for Thomas Oliver in all documents.

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of Medford, 19 Nov. 1801; John, bap. 3 Dec. 1780; Abigail, bap. 15 Sept. 1782, m. Henry Parker, of Woburn, 28 May, 1807; Oliver, bap. 19 Oct. 1788, d.—Dec. 1808, a. 20; Becca, bap. 15 Aug. 1790. d. 7 Nov. 1790, a. 3 mos. John of Chas. had also an July, 1784—Wyman ], m. Betsey Homer, 14 Apr. 1813. He resided in Charlestown, and had John Bonnar, bap. 2 Nov. 1814; Thomas Oliver, bap. 25 May, 1817; Jacob Homer, bap. 15 Nov. 1818; Elizabeth Wellington, bap. 1 Oct. 1820; Adeline Matilda, bap. 11 . 1787; Jonas, b. (15), bap. 15 Mar. 1789; Leonard, b. (5), bap. 10 July, 1791, d. 18 Sept. 1791, a. 2 mo. (10 w.—g. s.); Oliver, b. (14), bap. 16 Sept. 1792. Mar-Garet (w. of Samuel) d. 29 Oct. 1808, a. 59. Samuel the father d. 13 Sept. 1819, a. 7. 1825, a. 36. His wife was Hannah Merriam, m. 6 Apr. 1820, by whom he had two children. See Book of the Lockes. 20. Oliver, s. of Samuel (6), m. Lavinia Smith, of Lexington, 2 Apr. 1818. He resided at Lexington, and d. 5 Oct. 1842, a. 50. Had<