Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Openshaw or search for Openshaw in all documents.

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the passage, the sleeping-nursery opened out of Mr. and Mrs. Openshaw's room, in order that they miws he was here, mother," (half angrily, as Mrs. Openshaw shook her head in smiling incredulity.) l, we will ask Norah when she comes," said Mrs. Openshaw, soothingly. "But we won't talk any more al asleep. "What was the matter?" asked Mr. Openshaw, as his wife returned to bed. "Ailsie e." And no more was said at the time. Mrs. Openshaw had almost forgotten the whole affair when angrily to Ailsie, a most unusual thing. Both Mr. and Mrs. Openshaw listened in astonishment. Mrs. Openshaw listened in astonishment. "Hold your tongue, Ailsie! let me hear none of your dreams; never let me hear you tell that stor was let alone. Down stairs they went, Mr. Openshaw carrying Ailsie; the sturdy Edwin coming stced in a chair by the breakfast table, and then Mr. and Mrs. Openshaw stood together at the window,Mrs. Openshaw stood together at the window, waiting their visitors' appearance and making plans for the day. There was a pause. Suddenly Mr. [6 more...]