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The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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or obligations of the Confederate States so called — An action will not lie against an officer of the Navy of the United States for properly captured by subaltern officers and detained by him. The Confederate money was contraband and forfeit, and no action would lie for theirs under any circumstances, and other property captured with it would be subject to the same disposition. It could not be recovered from a person not holding a commission from the United States Government. Peter Von Ostern, a bicker in the city, having become tired of greenbacks, made a contract to exchange the same for gold. It had deposited the greenbacks, and was receiving the gold, when a police officer seized the glittering rebel, and born it in triumph to the office of Sheriff Drishamifer "safe keeping." The Marhets--The Era, of the 13th, notes the sale of miscellaneous articles in that city on the 12th, thus: Thirty kegs and firkins lost, at 16@ 30 casks bacon shoulders, at according to qual