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tle sky-parlor office, and dreaming rather of how or where to get money or credit for the paper required for next week's issue than of troubling the repose of States, they were flattered by an act of the Legislature of Georgia, unanimously passed, and duly approved by Governor Lumpkin, offering the liberal reward of $5,000 to whomsoever should arrest, bring to trial, and prosecute to conviction, either of them under the laws of that State--the arrest being the only difficult matter. Harrison Gray Otis, the wealthy and aristocratic Mayor of Boston, being required by a Southern magistrate to suppress The Liberator--which was probably the first he had heard of it — in due season reported that his officers had ferreted out the paper and its editor, whose office was an obscure hole, his only visible auxiliary a negro boy, his supporters a few insignificant persons of all colors --whence the said Otis concluded that his paper ought not to disturb the slumbers of the quite significant and
Ord, Gen., commands, at Dranesville, 625-6. Ordinance of 1784, the, 39; 50. Ordinance of 1787, the, passage of, and an extract from, 40; 50; allusion to, 369. Ordinance of Nullification, the, 93. Oregon, congressional action upon the Territory of, 190 to 198; has a Democratic majority, 300; 801. Orr, James L., of S. C., sent to Washington, 411. Osawatomie, Kansas, sacked and burnt by Border Ruffians, 214; battle of, 284. Ostend Manifesto, the, extract from, 273-4-5. Otis, Harrison Gray, 122. out of the Tavern, 353. Owen, Robert Dale, cited by Lovejoy, 132. Oxford, Kansas, fraudulent voting at, 249; 285. P. Palmer, Rev. B. M., his Sermon, 501-2. Palmyra, Kansas, sacked by Border Ruffians. Palmyra, Mo., Rebels defeated at, 576. Palo Alto, battle of, 187. Palsley, Daniel, Lt.-Gov. of W. Virginia, 519. Panama, the Congress at, 267-8. Parker, Amasa J., President of the Tweddle Hall Convention, 388; his speech, 389; 396. Parker,
Representative Civil War officers—successful also in later life George Haven Putnam, publisher and author, led in the move for international copyright. Harrison Gray Otis served as an editor in California more than 30 years, and fought again in the Spanish War. Henry Watterson, as editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, didraph Company. Grenville M. Dodge, Chief Engineer of the Union Pacific, built thousands of miles of railroads, opening up the Western empire. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Harrison Gray Otis: twice wounded; Brig.-Gen. In Spanish War, Maj.-Gen. In Philippines. Brevet Major George Haven Putnam, 176th New York, prisoner at Libby and Davil War as a school of citizenship, portraits are presented with this introduction of six soldiers who became President; of a group like Grenville M. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, who helped to develop American material resources; together with several, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E. Waring, Jr.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hartford conventions. (search)
us ordinance of 1787 establishing territorial governments over the territories northwest of the Ohio which forever excluded slavery from those regions. He was universally esteemed for his wisdom and integrity. William Prescott was a son of the distinguished Colonel Prescott, of the Revolution, who was conspicuous in the battle of Bunker Hill. He was an able lawyer, first in Salem, and then in Boston. He served with distinction in both branches of the Massachusetts legislature. Harrison Gray Otis was a native of Boston, and member of the family of that name distinguished in the Revolution. He was a lawyer by profession, and served the public in the Massachusetts legislature and in the national Congress. He was an eloquent speaker, and as a public man, as well as a private citizen, he was very popular. Timothy Bigelow was a lawyer, and for several years speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Joshua Thomas was judge of probate in Plymouth county, Mass., an
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts, (search)
4th1791 to 1796 Benjamin Goodhue4th to 6th1796 to 1800 Theodore Sedgwick4th to 5th1796 to 1798 Samuel Dexter6th1799 to 1800 Dwight Foster6th to 7th1800 to 1803 Jonathan Mason6th to 7th1800 to 1803 John Quincy Adams8th to 10th1803 to 1808 Timothy Pickering8th to 11th1803 to 1811 James Lloyd, Jr10th to 12th1808 to 1811 Joseph B. Varnum12th to 14th1811 to 1817 Christopher Gore13th to 14th1813 to1816 Eli P. Ashmun14th to 15th1816 to 1816 Prentiss Mellen15th to 16th1818 to 1820 Harrison Gray Otis15th to 17th1817 to 1822 Elijah H. Mills16th to 19th1820 to 1827 James Lloyd17th to 19th1822 to 1826 Nathaniel Silsbee19th to 23d1826 to 1835 Daniel Webster20th to 26th1827 to 1841 John Davis24th to 26th1835 to 1840 Rufus Choate26th to 28th1841 to 1845 Isaac C. Bates26th to 28th1841 to 1845 Daniel Webster29th to 31st1845 to 1850 John Davis29th to 32d1845 to 1853 Robert C. Winthrop31st1850 Robert Rantoul. Jr31st1851 Charles Sumner32d to 43d1851 to 1874 Edward Everett33d1853
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mayhew, Jonathan 1720- (search)
Mayhew, Jonathan 1720- Clergyman; born in Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Oct. 8, 1720; graduated at Harvard in 1744, and ordained minister of the West Church, Boston, in 1747, which post he held until his death, July 9, 1766. He was a zealous republican in politics, and his preaching and writing were remarkable for their controversial character. He warmly opposed the operations of the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, for he regarded it as an instrument for the spread of Episcopacy. He became involved in a controversy with Dr. Seeker, Archbishop of Canterbury, because the latter proposed the introduction of bishops into the colonies; co-operated with Otis and others in their resistance to measures of the British Parliament concerning the Americans; and was among the boldest of the Whigs. His death deprived the cause of a stanch champion.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Otis, Harrison Gray 1765-1848 (search)
Otis, Harrison Gray 1765-1848 Statesman; born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 8, 1765; graduated at Harvard University in 1783, and was admitted to the bar in 1786, where his fine oratory and varied acquirements soon gained him much fame. In Shays's insurrection (see Shays, Daniel) he was aide to Governor Brooks; served in the Massachusetts legislature; was member of Congress from 1797 to 1801; United States district attorney in 1801; speaker of the Assembly from 1803 to 1805; president of the State Senate from 1805 to 1811; judge of common pleas from 1814 to 1818; and mayor of Boston from 1829 to 1832. In 1814 he was a prominent member of the Hartford Convention, and wrote a series of letters upon it. In 1804 he pronounced an eloquent eulogy of General Hamilton. Many of his occasional addresses have been published. His father was Samuel Alleyn Otis, brother of James. He died in Boston, Oct. 28, 1848.
New England States with the Federal Government, says: That their object was, and had been, for several years, a dissolution of the Union and the establishment of a separate Confederation, he knew from unequivocal evidence, although not provable in a court of law; and that in case of a civil war, the aid of Great Britain, to effect that purpose, would be assuredly resorted to, as it would be indispensably necessary to their design. See Mr. Adams' letter of Dec. 30th, 1828, in reply to Harrison Gray Otis and others. We have thus seen, that for forty years, or from the foundation of the Federal Government, to 1830, there was no material difference of opinion between the sections, as to the nature of the league or compact of government which they had formed. There was this difference between the sections, however. The South, during this entire period of forty years, had substantially controlled the Government; not by force, it is true, of her own majorities, but with the aid of a fe
ohn Ritchie, Pond & Duncklee, John H. and Mary E. Cabot, Mary P. Payson, Manuel Emilio, Henry W. Holland, Miss Halliburton, Frederick Tudor, Samuel Johnson, Mary E. Stearns, Mrs. William J. Loring, Mrs. Governor Andrew, Mrs. Robert C. Waterston, Wright & Potter, James B. Dow, William Cumston, John A. Higginson, Peter Smith, Theodore Otis, Avery Plummer, James Savage, Samuel May, Mrs. Samuel May, Josiah Quincy, William Claflin, Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, George Bemis, Edward Atkinson, Professor Agassiz, John G. Palfrey, besides several societies and fraternities. Most of the papers connected with the labors of the committee were destroyed in the great Boston fire, so that it is difficult now to set forth properly in greater detail the work accomplished. In the proclamation of outlawry issued by Jefferson Davis, Dec. 23, 1862, against Major-General Butler, was the following clause:— Third. That all negro slaves c
3, 294, 296, 298, 299, 300, 305, 307. Sixty-Second, 74, 86, 87. Sixty-Seventh, 74, 86, 87. Seventy-Fifth, 183, 261. One Hundred and Seventh, 261, 272, 275, 290, 293, 294,297, 299, 300, 301, 304, 305, 310, 311. Olustee Station, Fla., 157, 159, 160, 171, 172. Orangeburg, S. C., 275. Order of Q. A. Gillmore, 126. Order of Abraham Lincoln, 96. Order of Truman Seymour, 156, 182. Order of Edwin M. Stanton, 2. Order of Alfred H. Terry, 117. Osborn, Francis A., 115. Otis, Mrs., Harrison Gray, 16. Otis, Theodore, 16. Ottawa, gunboat, 151, 177. Owen, Robert Dale, 23. Owendaw, Creek, S. C., 275. Ox Swamp, S. C., 293. Oyster Point, S. C., 132. P. Palfrey, J. G., 16. Palmer, Ishmael, 168. Palmer, Joseph A., 204. Palmetto State, Confederate ironclad, 281. Parker's, S. C., 209. Parker's Ferry, S. C., 277. Partridge, David A., 20, 106, 114, 149, 183. Paul Jones, gunboat, 41. Pawnee, gunboat, 52, 54, 56, 59, 60, 100, 177, 209, 237. Pawnee Landin