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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 20 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley. You can also browse the collection for F. J. Ottarson or search for F. J. Ottarson in all documents.

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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 28: day and night in the Tribune office. (search)
Henry Fry George Ripley Charles A. Dana F. J. Ottarson George M. Snow enter Horace Greeley hisrge Ripley, George M. Snow, Bayard Taylor, F. J. Ottarson, William Newman, B. Brock way, Solon RobinDonald C. Henderson. We perceive also that Mr. Ottarson is the City Editor, and that his assistantsaper, conducted with uncommon efficiency by Mr. Ottarson, gives us this morning, in sufficient detai; in harness, a man not to be interrupted. Mr. Ottarson, the city editor, has not yet made his appeain what special duty is expected of them. Mr. Ottarson rose from the ranks. He has been everythingers awhile, and then strolls off up town. Mr. Ottarson is still busy, as reporters continually arrs sinews. Three o'clock in the morning. Mr. Ottarson is in trouble. The outside of the paper isn board the yacht the customary newspaper. Mr. Ottarson fancies he hears a gun. A moment after he it possibly be procured before five; and so, Mr. Ottarson, having first ascertained that the other mo