Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for Joshua T. Owen or search for Joshua T. Owen in all documents.

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remaining in the field were transferred to the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, while the others, few in number, returned to their homes. Sixty-Ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. Philadelphia Brigade — Gibbon's Division--Second Corps. (1) Col. Joshua T. Owen, Brig. Gen. (2) Col. Dennis O'Kane (Killed). (3) Col. William Davis. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field and Staffike the New York Sixty-ninth, was composed mostly of Irish blood, and fully sustained the reputation of the Irish soldier for gallantry in battle. It was recruited in Philadelphia, and served continuously in the Second Division of the corps. General Owen commanded the brigade in the campaigns of 1864. Seventy-First Pennsylvania Infantry--California regiment. Philadelphia Brigade — Gibbon's Division--Second Corps. (1) Col. Edward D. Baker (Killed). (2) Col. Isaac J. Wistar;
Rhode Island--                   June, ‘61 A--Tompkins's Reenlisted. 1 12 13   5 5 18 Sedgwick's Second. Aug., ‘61 B--Hazard's Reenlisted. 1 13 14   15 15 29 Howard's Second. Aug., ‘61 C--Weeden's   19 19   8 8 27 Morell's Fifth. Sept., ‘61 D--Monroe's Reenlisted.   10 10   12 12 22 Doubleday's First. Sept., ‘61 E--Randolph's Reenlisted.   17 17   12 12 29 Birney's Third. Oct., ‘61 F--Belger's Reenlisted.   10 10   17 17 27   Eighteenth. Dec., ‘61 G--Owen's Reenlisted. 2 8 10   18 18 28 French's Second. Oct., ‘62 H--Allen's   2 2   10 10 12 Wheaton's Sixth.   Infantry.                   May, ‘61 1st Rhode Island Three-months' service. 1 16 17   8 8 25 Hunter's McDowell's. June, ‘61 2d Rhode Island Reenlisted. 9 111 120 2 74 76 196 Getty's Sixth. Oct., ‘61 4th Rhode Island 5 68 73   67 67 140 Sturgis's Ninth. Sept., ‘62 7th Rhode Island 5 85 90 1 108 109 199 Potter
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
right Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. 3 6 -- 9 July 15 Wissahickon De Camp Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. 1 4 -- 5 July 15 Winona Nichols Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. 1 2 -- 3 July 15 Sciota Lowry Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. -- 2 -- 2 July 15 Richmond Alden Vicksburg Ram, Arkansas. -- 2 -- 2 Oct. 3 Commodore Perry Flusser Blackwater 2 11 -- 13 Dec. 27 Benton Gwin Drumgold's Bluff 2 8 -- 10 1863.               Jan. 1 Fleet Renshaw Galveston -- -- -- 150 Jan. 10 Louisville Owen Arkansas Post 6 25 -- 31 Jan. 10 De Kalb Walker Arkansas Post Jan. 11 Hatteras Blake Alabama 2 5 -- 7 Jan. 30 Isaac Smith Conover John's Island 8 17 -- 25 Feb. 24 Indianola Brown New Carthage 1 1 7 9 Mch. 14 Hartford Palmer Port Hudson 1 2 1 4 Mch. 14 Richmond Alden Port Hudson 3 12 -- 15 Mch. 14 Genesee Macomb Port Hudson Mch. 14 Monongahela McKinstry Port Hudson 6 21 -- 27 Mch. 14 Mississippi Smith Port Hudson 25 39 -- Includes some missing ones; the vess