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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 4 4 Browse Search
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h the enemy's centre, and for that purpose, Pickett's division, just arrived, and numbering 4,760 officers and men, with Heth's division on its left, and Wilcox's brigade on its right, and with Lane's and Scales's brigades under General Trimble, as supports, were aligned for the attack. At 1.30 P. M., at a signal of two guns fired in quick succession, from a position on the Confederate right, on the Emmettsburg road, 137 guns opened fire on the Federal lines, who replied with 80. Colonel Miller Owen, an eye-witness, gives a spirited description of the charge. For nearly two hours the dreadful din continued, until the fire of the Federal batteries greatly decreased or was silenced; then the Confederate divisions, numbering less than 13,000 men, rose up and dressed their ranks for the great charge on Cemetery Hill. It was a desperate undertaking, and the men realized it, and were heard bidding each other good-by from rank to rank. General Pickett galloped over to Gener
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 44: the lack of food and the prices in the Confederacy. (search)
the prisoners is apprehended; and if they were to rise, it is feared some of the inhabitants of the city would join them; they too have no meat-many of them --or bread either. If a frank answer could be elicited from the men who sincerely believe our Government starved the prisoners in our hands, could they, after reading these extracts, reaffirm that opinion? Travelling expenses of an officer of artillery en route from Richmond, Va., to Augusta, Ga., March and April, 1865. Colonel Miller Owen: in camp and battle with the Washington artillery. March 11thMeal on the road$20.00 March 17thCigars and bitters60.00 March 20thHair-cutting and shave10.00 March 20thPair of eye-glasses135.00 March 20thCandles50.00 March 23dCoat, vest, and pants2,700.00 March 27thOne gallon whiskey400.00 March 30thOne pair of pants700.00 March 30thOne pair of cavalry boots450.00 April 12thSix yards of linen1,200.00 April 14thOne ounce sul. quinine1,700.00 April 14thTwo weeks board700.00 A
orgians, North Carolinians, and Louisianians, who had won honor on many fields, fought this, their last battle, with most terrible enthusiasm, as if feeling it to be for them the last act in the great drama. Two hundred against 5,000, the odds were fearful, but they were animated by a noble purpose and had no thought of abandoning their post. Fort Gregg fell, and but few of its brave defenders survived, but those 200 men had placed hors de combat 800 men of Gibbons's corps. Colonel Miller Owen: In Camp and Battle. On the day it fell, General A. P. Hill, our intrepid, skilful, handsome soldier, accompanied by a single courier, while endeavoring to join his troops at Five Forks, ran across two Federal soldiers. Upon demanding their surrender, they shot him down and then retreated. His body was brought back to Petersburg by his faithful courier, General Gibbons so informed General Wilcox at Appomattox. and the country's mourning was proportionate to her need of him, a
as raised to suspend hostilities pending the interview between the commanders. An eye-witness thus describes General Lee's appearance when he rode off to see Grant: He was in full uniform, with handsome embroidered belt and dress-sword, tall black army hat, and buff leather gauntlets. His horse, old Traveller, was finely groomed, and his equipments, bridle-bit, etc., were polished until they shone like silver; he was accompanied by Colonels Marshall and Taylor, of his staff. Colonel Miller Owen; In Camp and Battle. Generals Grant and Lee met at the farmhouse of Mr. McLean, a gentleman, who before and during the battle of Manassas, July 18, 1861, had resided at McLean's Ford, over Bull Run, and moved thence to Appomattox to be free from war's alarms. Fate directed the steps of both armies to his fancied secure and quiet retreat, and there the end was to come. A suitable room having been prepared, and the two generals being seated, General Lee opened the interview by