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agnificent. I recognized Anderson, with Louisianians, North-Carolinians, etc.; Jenkins with his South-Carolinians; Wilcox and Pryor, with Mississippians and Alabamians. Floridans, Mississippians, and Georgians had opened the fight, and, after resting, were advancing again; so that when their unearthly yells rang from wing to wing, the enemy stopped firing for a moment, and suddenly reopened again with terrific fury. Their vigorous onslaught told plainly that Casey had brought up Sedgwick, Palmer, and other divisions, and was calculating much upon the impassability of abattis that covered the front of his batteries and earthworks. Busy as I was, dashing about from point to point, it was impossible to learn what regiments were yelling so much in this place, or keeping up such incessant musketry fire in that; all that I could perceive was, that their masses of infantry, though brought into action with much ability, precision, and neatness, never pretended to offer us much resistance,
November, 1862. November, 9 In camp at Sinking Spring, Kentucky. Thomas commands the Fourteenth Army Corps, consisting of Rousseau's, Palmer's, Dumont's, Negley's, and Fry's divisions; say 40,000 men. McCook has Sill's, Jeff C. Davis', and Granger's; say 24,000. Crittenden has three divisions, say 24,000. A large army, which ought to sweep to Mobile without difficulty. Sinking Spring, as it is called by some, Mill Spring by others, and by still others Lost river, is quite a large stream. It rises from the ground, runs forty rods or more, enters a cave, and is lost. The wreck of an old mill stands on its banks. Bowling Green is three miles southward. When we get a little further south, we shall find at this season of the year persimmons and opossums in abundance. Jack says: Possum am better dan chicken. In de fall we hunt de possum ebbery night ‘cept Sunday. He am mitey good an‘ fat, sah; sometimes he too fat. We move at ten o'clock to-morrow. November, 11
especially happy. Hark! Dear Erin, how sweetly thy green bosom rises, An emerald set in the ring of the sea; Each blade of thy meadows my faithful heart prizes, Thou Queen of the West, the world's cush la machree. Thy sons they are brave; but the battle once over, In brotherly peace with their foes they agree, And the roseate cheeks of thy daughters discover, The soul-speaking blush that says cush la machree. March, 17 Dined with General Wagner, and, in company with Wagner and General Palmer, witnessed an artillery review. March, 18 My brigade is still at work on the fortifications. They are, however, nearly completed. Shelter tents were issued to our division to-day. We are still using the larger tent; but it is evidently the intention to leave these behind when we move. Last fall the shelter tents were used for a time bv the Pioneer Brigade. They are so small that a man cannot stand up in them. The boys were then very bitter in condemnation of them, and call
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, September, 1863. (search)
sitting on the paper as if to read what I have written. September, 17 Marched from Bailey's Cross-roads to Owensford on the Chickamauga. September, 18 Ordered to relieve General Hazen, who held position on the road to Crawfish Springs; but as he had received no orders, and as mine were but verbal, he declined to move, and I therefore continued my march and bivouacked at the springs. About midnight I was ordered to proceed to a ford of the Chickamauga and relieve a brigade of Palmer's division, commanded by Colonel Grose. The night was dark and the road crooked. About two in the morning I reached the place; and as Colonel Grose's pickets were being relieved and mine substituted, occasional shots along the line indicated that the enemy was in our immediate front. Chickamauga. September, 19 At an early hour in the morning the enemy's pickets made their appearance on the east side of the Chickamauga and engaged my skirmishers. Some hours later he opened on us
ide was on the way to join us, and we shouted Burnside to the boys, on the day of the battle, until we became hoarse. Did the line stagger and show a disposition to retire: Stand up, boys, reinforcements are coming; Burnside is near. Once, when Palmer's division was falling back through a corn-field, our line was hotly pressed. Pointing to Palmer's columns, which were coming from the left toward the right, the officers shouted, Give it to 'em, boys, Burnside is here, and the boys went in withPalmer's columns, which were coming from the left toward the right, the officers shouted, Give it to 'em, boys, Burnside is here, and the boys went in with renewed confidence. But, alas, at nightfall Burnside had played out, and the hearts of our brave fellows went down with the sun. Burnside is now regarded as a myth, a fictitious warrior, who is said to be coming to the rescue of men sorely pressed, but who never comes. When an improbable story is told to the boys, now, they express their unbelief by the simple word Burnside, sometimes adding, O yes, we know him. October, 5 The enemy opened on us, at 11 A. M., from batteries located on t
Hooker, Howard, and Gordon Granger. Soon General Thomas entered the room and shook hands with me. On my way back to camp I called on General Rousseau; had a long and pleasant conversation with him. He goes to Nashville to-morrow to assume command of the District of Tennessee. He does not like the way in which he has been treated; thinks there is a disposition on the part of those in authority to shelve him, and that his assignment to Nashville is for the purpose of letting him down easily. Palmer, who has been assigned to the command of the Fourteenth Corps, is Rousseau's junior in rank, and this grinds him. He referred very kindly to the old Third Division, and said it won him his stars. I told him I was exceedingly anxious to get home; that it seemed almost impossible for me to remain longer. He said that I must continue until they made me a major-general. I replied that I neither expected nor desired promotion. At the river I met Father Stanley, of the Eighteenth Ohio. He
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
you would carry away. When I wrote the letter to Colonel Preston, which he showed you, I had given up the idea that the Rev. B. T. Lacy would return. (The letter here referred to had authorized and requested Colonel Preston to invite the Rev. Dr. Palmer, an eminent minister recently driven from his pulpit in New Orleans, by the enemy, to come to his Headquarters, and labor as a missionary in his corps; promising to make a contribution of five hundred dollars per year to his support out odistribution of her ministerial talent and piety, can send to my corps another of her gifted sons, I will be greatly gratified, and will contribute to his support as promised in my letter to Colonel Preston. And I should like very much to have Dr. Palmer, judging from what I have heard of him. But I do not wish to make invidious distinctions. My desire is to see just such a distribution of labors as will most promote the glory of God. .... You suggest that I give my views and wishes in suc
d debouched into an open space near the Murfreesboroa pike, behind the right of Palmer's division. Two regiments of Sill's brigade, however, on account of the conforrom the cedars I was directed by Rosecrans to send some aid to the right of General Palmer's division; and two of Schaefer's regiments, having obtained ammunition, were pushed up on Palmer's right, accompanied by four of Hescock's guns; but the advance of the enemy here had already been checked by Palmer, and only a desultory contPalmer, and only a desultory contest ensued. Rosecrans, whom I now met in the open ground west of the railroad, behind Palmer, directed that my command should relieve Wood's division, which was requPalmer, directed that my command should relieve Wood's division, which was required to fall back and take up the new line that had been marked out while I was holding on in the cedars. His usually florid face had lost its ruddy color, and his awing the two regiments and Hescock's battery, that I had posted on the right of Palmer, I moved as directed by Rosecrans into the position to the east of the railroad
carry the high ground near the tunnel, first gaining and then losing advantage, but his attack was not crowned with the success anticipated. Meanwhile Hooker and Palmer were swinging across Chattanooga Valley, using me as a pivot for the purpose of crossing Missionary Ridge in the neighborhood of Rossville. In the early part of olong my line of battle on that of Wood, the necessity of continuing to refuse my right having been obviated by the capture of Lookout Mountain and the advance of Palmer. About 2 o'clock orders came to carry the line at the foot of the ridge, attacking at a signal of six guns. I had few changes or new dispositions to make. We, for our possession of Lookout was the inevitable result that must follow from Sherman's threatening attitude. The assault on Missionary Ridge by Granger's and Palmer's corps was not premeditated by Grant, he directing only the line at its base to be carried, but when this fell into our hands the situation demanded our getting
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Murfreesboro. (search)
e on the Nashville turnpike; Preston on the left of Adams; Palmer on the left of Preston, and Hanson forming the left of thee to Lieutenant-General Polk. The brigades of Preston and Palmer were immediately moved by the flank towards the ford befor, indeed, closed soon after with the charge of Preston and Palmer). They had suffered severely in an attack upon superior nus throughout with marked courage and skill. Preston and Palmer being now in line — Preston on the right--Lieutenant-Gener extremity of the plain a cedar brake extended in front of Palmer's whole line and two-thirds of Preston's line, the remaining, ordered me during the night, to recross the river with Palmer's brigade. Before daylight Thursday morning Palmer was inPalmer was in position on the right of Hanson. No general engagement occurred on this day, the troops generally being employed in replenported for duty, was assigned by the Commanding-General to Palmer's brigade, and that fine officer resumed command of his re