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animal instinct would inculcate that. The desire of a speedy termination, as well as economy, points out Alvarado, or some place south of Vera Cruz (at the proper season), as the initial point of operation, retaining an army corps at Monterey, or on the route thence to Mexico. These movements would compel a concentration of the strength of Mexico at the capital, where a decisive engagement would soon be fought with adequate force and the war terminated. Mexico is to that republic what Paris is to France. If Mexico falls, her dependencies fall with her. Why, then, waste a cartridge on the castle of St. Juan d'ulloa, or throw away the public treasure in a war of marches against a country without population comparatively, as Santa F6, Chihuahua, or California? These are portions of country which Mexico does not pretend to defend against the Indians. Your friend, A. Sidney Johnston. A letter to Hancock, written August 11th, near Camargo, informs him of the movement of
ure one week before. General Sherman says (vol. i., page 197): This was universally known to be the signal for action. For it we were utterly unprepared, whereas the rebels were fully prepared. General Sidney Johnston immediately crossed into Kentucky, and advanced as far as Bowling Green, which he began to fortify, and thence dispatched General Buckner with a division forward toward Louisville. Van Horne, speaking of Buckner, says, He advanced to capture Louisville. The Comte de Paris tells us his purpose was- To traverse the whole State of Kentucky by rail, so as to reach Louisville with a sufficient number of troops to take possession of that city, and to hoist the Confederate flag on the banks of the Ohio. .... It failed of success. ... Learning that his movements were known, and that the enemy was on the watch for him, Buckner, who had already reached the suburbs of Elizabethtown, not far from the Ohio, halted, and fell back upon Bowling Green. When it i
d carry Columbus: first, by a force from Cape Girardeau to New Madrid; second, by another moving on the west bank to a point below Columbus, to cut off supplies; and, third, by a movement on transports up the Tennessee to the ferry, and thence to Paris. This movement they would probably cover by a demonstration toward Columbus. He urged General Polk, in this last contingency, to compel the column to give him battle on ground of his own choosing, or to impede and harass it, and engage it at ort Henry, at two and a half miles distance, without effect. Hoppin's Life of Foote, pp. 191, 192, and Confederate archives. The transport then landed the troops a few miles below, at Aurora, whence they proceeded to Murray, and threatened Paris. This movement, in conjunction with the demonstration against Columbus, exactly verified the prediction of General Johnston in his letter of December 10th. The columns, moving by the west bank of the Mississippi, advanced later. But the blow s
by rapid movements reach these points from the river without very serious opposition. Avoid any general engagement with strong forces. It will be better to retreat than to risk a general battle. This should be strongly impressed upon the officers sent with the expedition from the river. General C. F. Smith, or some very discreet officer, should be selected for such commands. Having accomplished these objects, or such of them as may be practicable, you will return to Danville and move on Paris. Badeau's Life of Grant, vol. i., p. 596. Halleck's ultimate objective point was Memphis, which he expected to reach by forcing a column down the Mississippi; and the movement up the Tennessee was, at first, only subsidiary. It was meant to cut the communications from Memphis east, and prevent reinforcements to the Confederates on the Mississippi. Afterward, when the concentration of troops at Corinth was reported to him, with wonderful exaggerations of the Confederate strength-10
t appeal for volunteers, and several regiments responded — a high compliment to his prestige won at Manassas. The Comte de Paris mentions (vol. i., page 525), on what authority does not appear, that Beauregard left Manassas with 15,000 men, and n Dorn, compact and terrible. If, however, he pressed on, the blow must be struck without waiting for Van Dorn. The Comte de Paris, in his history of the war, vol. i., page 557, attributes this delay to hesitation; but there was no hesitation. There their own rawness and the rain and mud-obstacles which neither foresight nor skill could avert or remedy. The Comte de Paris advances, in the following paragraph, a better-grounded charge : We are also of the opinion that they committedarrative, that the Confederate army attacked the Federal position in three lines parallel to its supposed front. The Comte de Paris claims substantially that the three corps should have attacked by lines perpendicular, instead of parallel, to that f
came up in support, but did not attempt to cross this valley of death. The Confederate artillery was said not to have been brought to bear with sufficient effect here ; and, though the musketry-fire was kept up, no impression was made. The Comte de Paris thinks this ought to have been the chief point assailed by the Confederate army en masse; but, as it was the strongest point on the line and virtually impregnable to a direct attack, the course pursued of turning it on the right seems incompaer, and throw him. back on Owl Creek,. where he will be obliged to surrender. It is seen that from the first they were carried out in letter and spirit, and as long as General Johnston lived the success of this movement was complete. The Comte de Paris, following American writers, both Northern and Southern, and their incorrect topographical descriptions, adopts the view that General Johnston should have massed his army on the Federal right, turned that flank, and driven it up the river int
y wounded, and had three horses shot under him. Brigadier-Generals Clark, Bowen, and Johnson, were severely wounded, and Hindman was injured by a shell exploding under his horse and killing it. Colonel Smith, who succeeded Bushrod Johnson in command of his brigade, was wounded; and Colonel Dan Adams, and Colonel Deas, who in turn succeeded Gladden, were also wounded. The long list of field and company officers, and of brave soldiers, would swell too much the bulk of this volume. The Comte de Paris says (volume i., page 542) that Sherman told him that Sunday's battle was the most terrible that he had witnessed during his whole career. Badeau remarks (volume i., page 78) in regard to the assault on Sherman Sunday morning, that it was successful, after several hours of as desperate fighting as was ever seen on the American Continent. He says (page 89), With the exception of one or two severe struggles, the fighting of April 7th was light when compared with that of Sunday. Again (p
wrathful fury, still true to all the instincts of Southern manhood, and blameless in his unspotted glory. When the nations of Europe combined to crush the arms and the heart of the peerless Napoleon, and sent him to the barren rocks of St. Helena to sorrow, and sicken, and die, they did not dream that a day would come when France would seek the very ashes of her illustrious emperor, and bow with bleeding heart before his coffined form; but so it was, and, after the lapse of twenty years, Paris was illuminated by a thousand fires, and the whole nation bowed its head and wept as his sacred dust was laid close to the music of his own sunny Seine. Let us do this righteous act; and, though we cannot bestrew the grave of our fallen chieftain with the green emblems of victory; though the floral offerings we cast upon his shrouded form are woven of the funereal cypress and the weeping-willow; though we feel and know he was the champion of a cause now lost forever-still in the deepness
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
lged in a tirade of abuse against the army generally, calling them schoolhouse officers and pothouse soldiers ; that he did not believe the aim of the Administration was to relieve the frontier settlements, but to furnish places for graduates of West Point and the friends of the Secretary of War, stating that the object of Mr. Pierce and Jefferson Davis was the ultimate conquest of the island of Cuba. These views seem to have made an impression upon some sections of the country. The Comte de Paris adopted them in his History of the Civil War in America. He says: In 1855 Congress passed a law authorizing the formation of two new regiments of cavalry, and Mr. Jefferson Davis, then Secretary of War, took advantage of the fact that they had not been designated by the title of dragoons to treat them as a different arm, and to fill them with his creatures, to the exclusion of regular officers, whom he disliked. It is hardly necessary to say that the comte was writing with limited know
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
terloo, 278, 421; mentioned, 13, 17. Negro division at Petersburg, 356. New England States, 82. Newton, General, John, at Gettysburg, 286; mentioned, 362. Ney, Field-Marshal, 424. Nineteenth Corps, the, 352. Oates, Colonel, 282. On-to-Richmond movement, 327. Orange Court House, Va., 182, 183, 222, 320, 328. Ordinance of Secession, 87. Ordnance Department, the, 350. Ord's Eighteenth Corps, 359, 387. Ould, Judge, Robert, 76, 419. Palo Alto, battle of, 32. Paris, Count of, quoted, 53. Patterson, General, Robert, 38, 46, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 269. Paxton, General, killed at Chancellorsville, 257. Payne, General W. H., 375. Peace Conference, 86. Peck, General, 243. Pegram, General, John, 114, 115, 369. Pelham, Major, John, killed, 242. Pender's North Carolina brigade, 252. Pendleton, Edmund, 80. Pendleton, General W. N., 260, 276, 302, 293, 414. Perote, castle of, 40. Perry, Colonel Herman H., 390. Perry, Commodore Matthew C.,
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