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er men, charged with offences against the Government, having been brought from the jail of Pittsylvania, their trials will take place at an early day. Mayor's Court.--The following detectable card, beautifully printed, was exhibited in Court yesterday morning: "The Young Men's Pleasure Supper will be given at Mrs. Quarles', on 12th street, on Thursday evening, Oct. 16th, 1862, at 8 o'clock; to which the pleasure of your company is respectfully solicited." Elizabeth Brown, a negress, and several others of the same color unworthy of mention, were interrupted by the city police while engaged in the dispensation of the of incident to the occasion, and taken to jail. Yesterday morning they were arraigned for a violation of the law concerning unlawful assemblies, but were released upon the evidence of their intention to do no harm. Ira Parker charged with stealing $75 in money and sundry articles from James 2d Faque, was sent on to a called Court of the date of Nov. 22d, 1862.
destined, by birth and education, to be a useful member of society. The Court reserved its decision in regard to penalty and sentence. Called Court.--A special session of the Hustings Court was held at the City Hall yesterday, to examine Ira Parker, charged with having, on the 16th of October, robbed James M. Fuqua at his boarding-house in this city, of one $50 note, two $10s, a pair of boots, worth $25, and a handkerchief, worth $1. The Court was composed of Recorder Caskie, and Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Lipscomb, Beveridge, Anderson, and Timberlake. After hearing the evidence of Fuqua and Capt. J. B. Pleasants, of the Night Watch, the Court sent the accused on for trial before Judge Lyons. Ira Parker, the prisoner, was one of the men who not long since escaped from Castle Thunder. He committed this offence soon after he released himself from confinement. Hustings Court--Hon. Wm. H. Lyons, Judge--Wednesday, Oct, 22d, 1862.--Owing to the cases of several criminals not being
of Tarboro', by finding a large force of rebels massed to give them battle The news from the Southwest is interesting A part of Crittenden's, corps, under Matthews, and Wood's divisions entered Lebanon on the 10th inst., driving Morgan's cavalry out, and capturing a large amount of flour, bacon, wheat, boots, shoes, mules, and some prisoners. On the next morning Morgan made a dash on Wood's camp, eight miles from Lebanon, and captured thirty of our men. On the morning of the 9th, Parker's brigade entered Gallatin, and encountered 800 of Morgan's men. He captured 20 of them and one piece of artillery. All of Morgan's cavalry joined Breckinridge at Murfreesboro', and it is supposed had left for Chattanooga, whither a large rebel force was going. It is reported that an immense amount of rebel arms and supplies have been collected opposite Chattanooga, without facilities for transportation across the river. Reports place Breckinridge's force at 20,000.--Cheatham's fo
he appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the corporation of Lynchburg affirmed. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Jas. Slater, it was stated yesterday, on erroneous information, that this Court had reversed the Judgment of the Judge of the Hustings Court sentencing Slater to ten years in the penitentiary, for the murder of Wm. Clarke. The Court only allowed the writ of error asked for. The case has not been heard further by the Court. Hustings Court, Wednesday, Nov. 19. --Ira Parker was arraigned for stealing $208 in C S. notes from James M. Fuqua — a crime he committed after escaping from Castle Thunder, where he was put for desertion. The prisoner plead guilty, and the jury having ascertained the term of his imprisonment at three years in the penitentiary, sentence was passed in accordance with the finding. Meriwether Quarles was tried for stealing $150 in C. S. notes from John H. Scribner. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, with one year's confinement in
Richmond Circuit Court, yesterday. --Irz Parker, Thos. Wilson, John Westerfield, alias John Farrer, Jas. W. Wood, William Tracy, alias Wm. Smith, and Joseph Lawrence, indicted by the Grand Jury for a conspiracy to escape from the penitentiary, on the 9th of May, were set to the bar, L. W. Tazewell, Esq., Commonwealth's Attorney, Jno. B. Young, Esq, for the defence. In consequence of the witnesses being the same in all the cases, and all implicating each alike, they were all tried together. After hearing the arguments of counsel, the jury retired, found a verdict of guilty against Ira Parker. Thos. Wilson, John Westerfield, Wm. Tracy, and Jas. Lawrence, fixing their term of additional confinement at one year, and solitary confinement one-twelfth of the whole time. Jas. W. Wood was found not guilty. A motion was made by defence for an arrest of judgment, which will be argued this morning.
Circuit Court of Richmond. --Judge Meredith had the following criminal cases before him on yesterday: John Westerfield, Ira Parker, and James Morris, penitentiary convicts, were brought before the Court and arraigned for attempting to escape from the prison. After a hearing they were each sentenced to five years additional confinement, and one-twelfth of that, with their unexpired terms, to solitude. James Lawrence and John Parsons, also convicts, charged with attempting to escape, were each sentenced to one year's additional confinement, and one-twelfth of the time to solitary confinement. Elias Vanderlip, for the same offence, was sentenced to like punishment. John A. Whitner, a mere youth, for the same offence, was found not guilty. In the case of Ann Euroughty, one of the April rioters, a nolle prosequi was entered. In the case of James W. Wood, one of the penitentiary rioters, a nolle prosequi was entered by the advice and consent of the Court. Th