Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Parson or search for Parson in all documents.

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t Indiana and Ninetieth Ohio, ordered to clear the woods. They went in splendidly. It was done so quickly that the rebels had hardly time to discharge their pieces. They fled with the utmost speed. All these regiments behaved handsomely. commands.killed.wounded.missing.aggregate. Officers.Men.Total.Officers.Men.Total.Officers.Men.Total. First Brigade, 444492182276120126397 Second Brigade,5414617318335 5252433 Third Brigade,109710722456478 7474659 Standart's Battery, 55 1212 3320 Parson's Battery, 22 1414 6622 Cockerell's Battery, 2211314 2218 Total,15191206491,0311,08062572631,549 I have the honor to be, very respectfully, yours, J. M. Palmer, Brigadier-General, commanding. General T. J. Wood's report. Nashville, Tenn., January 6, 1863. Major Lyne Starling, Chief of Staff: On the morning of the twenty-sixth ult., the left. wing of the Fourteenth army corps broke up its encampment in the vicinity of Nashville, and moved toward the enemy. Reliable in
idge McRae, consisting of three regiments of infantry and a field battery, with twelve hundred and twenty-seven men present for duty; the other of Missourians, under Brigadier-General M. Monroe Parsons, consisting of four regiments of infantry, a battalion of sharpshooters, and a field battery, having in all, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (1,868) men present for duty. These two brigades constituted this division. The order of attack directed that I, in command of McRae's and Parson's brigades, should proceed by the best route, assume position, assault and take the Graveyard Hill at daylight. I made my dispositions accordingly, and moved at midnight, with Parsons' brigade in front. As my route lay for the greater part of the way across abrupt hills and deep ravines, over which it was utterly impracticable to move my artillery during the darkness, I ordered the pieces to be left behind until daybreak, and armed details from each battery to accompany the infantry, in