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s an irreparable misfortune. About three o'clock P. M., Hooker's corps, of Burnside's column, moved up to the right of the main road by a country road, which, bending to the right, then turning up to the left, circuitously wound its way beyond the crest of the pass to the Mountain House, on the main road. Gen. Hooker sent Meade, with the division of Pennsylvania reserves, to attack the eminence to the right of this entrance to the gap, which was done most handsomely and successfully. Patrick's brigade, of Hatch's division, was sent--one portion up around the road, to turn the hill on the left, while the remainder advanced as skirmishers — up the hill, and occupied the crest, supported by Doubleday's and Phelps's brigades. The movement, after a sharp contest on the crest and in the fields in the depression between the crest and the adjoining hill, was fully successful. Ricketts's division pressed up the mountain about five P. M., arriving at the crest with the left of his co
ded. headquarters army of the Potomac, Friday, November 21--11 P. M. Gen. Patrick, Provost-Marshal General of the army, this morning crossed the river to Fred Right Grand Division. On his arrival on the opposite side of the river, Gen. Patrick was conveyed to the guard-house by the military, where he was detained untilederate States, near this town, to whom it was first delivered by consent of Gen. Patrick, who brought it from you, as I am informed, and I am authorized by the commaou that our batteries will not open upon the town at the hour designated. Gen. Patrick will meet a committee of representatives from your town to-morrow morning at The invitation given you in my letter of last night was in these words: Gen. Patrick will meet a committee or representatives from your town to-morrow morning, aittee being accompanied by one or two military persons. If you wish to meet Gen. Patrick, he will be at the Lacey House, at two o'clock to day. The firing upon the t
Legget, E. C. Chase, T. Barcafar, and Wm. Davis. Slightly wounded: Sergeant Lorin Robbins; privates R. Miller, M. Forbes, and P. Hunbert; bugler A. Hoffner. Feet frozen: Sergeant John Cullen; Corporals A. P. Hewett and Wm. Steel; privates W. W. Collins, James Dyer, and John McGonagle. Hand frozen: Private A. J. Case. Company H.--Killed: Privates John K. Briggs and Charles L. Hollowell. Seriously wounded: Captain Daniel McClean; Sergt. Jas. Cantellon; Corporals Philip Schaub, Patrick Frauley; privates Michael O'Brian, H. L. Fisher, John Franklin, Hen. Connor, Joseph Clowes, Thompson Ridge, James Logan. Slightly wounded: Privates Barbele, C. Hutchinson, Frank Farley. Company K.--Killed: Privates Lewis Anderson, Christian Smith, Shelburne C. Reed, Adolphus Rowe, and Henry W. Trempf. Seriously wounded: Lieutenant Darwin Chase; private Wm. Slocum. Slightly wounded: Privates Albert N. Parker, John S. Lee, Walter B. Welton, Nathaniel Kensley. Slightly wounded:
nd in every fight. He was on horseback during the whole time of the fighting, and was the one nearest the Diana when the first shell struck her. Finding that his riding about the field drew the fire of the enemy in that direction, General Paine ordered him to dismount. The order was scarcely obeyed, and the last foot out of the stirrup, when a shell, which had been heard for some seconds humming toward them, passed within three feet of the two soldiers and cut away the top of the saddle. Patrick is only seventeen years of age. Those wounded in the battle of Fort Beasland on Sunday and Monday, were placed in hospitals by the side of the road, about a mile and a half from the battle-field. The following surgeons were in charge, and nobly did their duty: Post hospital No. 1, Emory's division.--Dr. W. B. Eager, Jr., in charge; Drs. W. H. Hozier and E. C. Clark, assistants. Post hospital No. 2, Emory's division.--Dr. Robert Watts, Jr., in charge; Drs. Ward and Smith, assistant
e woods retiring. It was about three hours and a half from the time I formed in line to move forward until I returned. My men behaved in the most gallant style, and I had much more trouble to make them retire when it was found useless to advance than to move forward. The pioneer corps, under the command of Capt. N. Willard, was formed across the road to stop flying stragglers. They took possession of our prisoners as they were brought out of the woods and turned them over to an aid of Gen. Patrick, and rejoined me at the same time with the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-eighth New-Jersey. We then reoccupied our rifle-pits for about an hour, when I was ordered to move to the left and occupy the position at right angles to our rifle-pits, pits, which General Sykes's division had formerly occupied. In moving to this position we were heavily shelled by the enemy and met with some loss. The rest of the day was occupied by us in constructing rifle-pits along his line. Skirmishers were pl