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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Patrick or search for Patrick in all documents.
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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Patrick county up and doing. Patrick Co., Va., May 13, 1861,
In your issue of May 10th you put Patrick down as one of the "delinquent" counties, and as I do not wish my old county misrepresented, I ask that this be published in order to show the public that Patrick is not a delinquent.
About a month ago a volunteer company was formed at our Court-House, and A. M. Lybrock, Esq., elected Captain.
Last week another company was formed near thePatrick is not a delinquent.
About a month ago a volunteer company was formed at our Court-House, and A. M. Lybrock, Esq., elected Captain.
Last week another company was formed near the same place, and Major J. T. Lawson elected Captain.
A short time since Wm. A. Burwell, Esq., was sent to Richmond to procure the necessary arms, &c., for them, but much to their disappointment returned without the arms; and it will be a source of regret if both companies fall to secure the most approved rifles, as the greater part of them are most excellent shots.
Our County Court has appropriated $4,000 for equipping them, while our of time have cheerfully seconded their efforts to