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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
an time, the New York fire Zouave Regiment, see page 429. under Colonel Ephraim E. Ellsworth, who had been encamped on the east branch of the Potomac, near the Navy Yard, were embarked on two schooners and taken to Alexandria; while the first Michigan Regiment, Colonel Wilcox, accompanied by a detachment of United States cavalry commanded by Major Stoneman, and two pieces of Sherman's Battery Sherman's Battery, which, as we have observed, accompanied the Pennsylvania troops under Colonel Patterson (see page 445), consisted of six pieces. The whole Battery crossed the long Bridge on this occasion but only four of the pieces were taken to Arlington Hights. in charge of Lieutenant Ransom, marched for the same destination New Jersey State militia. by way of the long Bridge. The troops moving by land and water reached Alexandria at about the same time. The National frigate Pawnee was lying off the town, and her commander had already been in negotiation for the evacuation of Ale
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 21: beginning of the War in Southeastern Virginia. (search)
nt chafed in its comparatively inactive service, with an earnest desire for duty in the field, and it was delighted by an order issued on the 6th of June, by the General-in-chief, to proceed by rail to Cumberland, Maryland, and report to Major-General Patterson, then moving from Pennsylvania toward Harper's Ferry, where the insurgents were in strong force under General Joseph E. Johnston. This order was the result of the urgent importunities of Colonel Wallace and his friends, to allow his finis men had traveled eighty-seven miles without rest (forty-six of them on foot), engaged in a brisk skirmish, and, what is more, said the gallant Colonel in his report, my men are ready to repeat it to-morrow. Colonel Wallace's Report to General Patterson, June 11, 1861. This dash on the insurgents at Romney had a salutary effect. It inspirited the loyal people in that region, thrilled the whole country with joy, and, according to the Richmond newspapers, so alarmed Johnston by its bol
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
from seizure immediately thereafter. General Patterson took command at Chambersburg, in person, and encamped near Charlestown. On that day Patterson, who had received intimations from the Generand the Rhode Island [Burnside's] Regiment. Patterson replied, that on that day and the next, ninehe communication of the insurgents with Robert Patterson. Northwestern Virginia, and force thWilliamsport, with the loss of only one man. Patterson was severely censured by the public, who did of that advice will be apparent hereafter. Patterson acted in accordance with it, and remained al, supplies, and means for transportation. Patterson's quarters at Martinsburg. While these both Morris and McClellan at Grafton, and to Patterson at Hagerstown, for re-enforcements and suppl861. On the 8th of July, by order of General Patterson, Wallace's regiment broke camp at Cumber and preventing their junction with those of Patterson in the Shenandoah Valley. General McClell[27 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 23: the War in Missouri.-doings of the Confederate Congress. --Affairs in Baltimore.--Piracies. (search)
ently for the accomplishment of his purpose, efficiently aided by B. F. Cheatham, a more accomplished soldier of Tennessee, who served with distinction under General Patterson in the war in Mexico. He was among the first of his class in Tennessee to join the insurgents, and was now holding the commission of a brigadier-general in command of the Department of Annapolis, with his Headquarters at Baltimore; and on the 10th of June he succeeded Cadwalader, who joined the expedition under General Patterson. See page 521. It soon became so evident to Banks that the Board of Police, and Kane, See page 281. the Chief of that body, were in active sympathy, ifisted, Banks withdrew his troops from the city, where they had been posted at the various public buildings and other places; and, late in July, he superseded General Patterson in command on the Upper Potomac, and his place in Baltimore was filled by General John A. Dix. A few days later, Federal Hill was occupied, as we have obser
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 24: the called session of Congress.--foreign relations.--benevolent organizations.--the opposing armies. (search)
McDowell, about forty-five thousand in number, occupied a line, with the Potomac at its back, extending from Alexandria, nine miles below Washington City, almost to the Chain Bridge, about six miles above the Capital. The remainder, under General Patterson, about eighteen thousand strong, was at Martinsburg, beyond the Blue Ridge, also with the Potomac at its back, as we have observed. See page 525. There were three important bridges spanning the Potomac in the vicinity of Washington City,rters were at Winchester, around which he had caused to be cast up heavy intrenchments, under the directions of Major W. H. C. Whiting, his Chief of Engineers. Johnston was charged with the duty, as we have observed, of checking the advance of Patterson, and preventing the junction of the troops under that officer with those under McClellan among the Alleghany ranges. Among the most active of his infantry force was a corps of Tennessee riflemen or sharpshooters. These had been raised in West
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
h. It was necessary to fight and defeat General Patterson or to elude him. The latter was accompli northward, gave Johnston apprehensions that Patterson was approaching, not doubting that he had hatates troops were on that road. He believed Patterson had outmarched his oncoming Army of the Shento re-enforce the Nationals. Why did not Patterson hold Johnston at Winchester, or re-enforce Mohnston started for Manassas July 18, 1861. Patterson could not have brought ten thousand effectivcation from the General-in-chief, whilst he (Patterson) was anxiously asking for information and adtions to keep Johnston at Winchester, if he (Patterson) did not feel strong enough to attack him. Pester, with full thirty thousand troops, and Patterson, supposing that the work at Manassas would bnston received orders to hasten to Manassas, Patterson telegraphed to Scott the relative forces of paign in the Shenandoah Valley: by Major-General Robert Patterson. Patterson seems to have done all [4 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
the penalties of misjudgment; and the Secretary of War, who had refused to sanction a call for a larger body of Pennsylvania volunteers than its prescribed quota, stating that it was more important to reduce than to enlarge the number, General Patterson's Narrative of the Campaign in the Shenandoah Valley. was now glad to receive all that might be offered from every quarter. Then it was that the Pennsylvania Reserves, called into existence by Governor Curtin, were so speedily transferred inia, under the young chieftain, with headquarters at Washington City. Other changes had already been determined upon. On the 19th, July. an order was issued from the War Department for the honorable discharge from the service of Major-General Robert Patterson, on the 27th, when his term of duty would expire; and General N. P. Banks, then in command at Baltimore, was directed to take his place in charge of the Department of the Shenandoah, he being relieved by General John A. Dix. There wa
Governor of Pensacola of your advance into his territory, and for the express purpose of destroying these lawless banditti. Gen. Gaines, for some reason, did not execute this order; but a gunboat, sent up the Apalachicola river by our Commodore Patterson, on the 27th of July, attacked and destroyed the fort by firing red-hot shot, exploding its magazine. The result is thus summed up in the official report: Three hundred negroes, men, women, and children, and about twenty Indians, were in the fort; of these two hundred and seventy were killed, and the greater part of the rest mortally wounded. Commodore Patterson, in his official letter to the Secretary of the Navy, expressly justifies the destruction of this fort on the ground of its affording a harbor for runaway slaves and disaffected Indians: adding, they have no longer a place to fly to, and will not be so liable to abscond. The resistance interposed by Gen. Cass, our Minister at Paris in 1840-41, to the treaty n
indisposition to fight — that he reported to Patterson at Williamsport, with two fresh regiments, oeneral; but when shall we move on? to which Patterson replied-but this is so important that we muscame to me through Col. Abercrombie, who was Patterson's brother-in-law, and commanded one divisionsary to effect that object. The excuse of Gen. Patterson now is, that he had orders from Gen. Scottdown on this side-road in advance, leaving Gen. Patterson to sustain me if I got into a fight. So, to fall upon Johnston's flank and to support Patterson. By using this communication of mine to pass Opequan creek — where, I had informed Patterson, I had already pushed forward my pickets, [200 me all the excuses which can be trumped up for Patterson's conduct throughout this wretched business,aming excuses on the part of the former. Patterson remained at Charlestown, idle and useless, u: Washington, July 18th, 1861. Major-Gen. Patterson, etc.: I have certainly been expecting [37 more...]<
ay, saw plainly that our regiments at the front were not so many as they should be, and returned hastily that evening to Washington to procure a countermand of the order for battle; but arrived too late to see Gen. Scott and obtain it. Badly as Patterson had behaved, he had reported, on the 18th, by telegraph to Scott, his flank movement to Charlestown; which, any one could see, left Gen. Johnston at perfect liberty to hasten, with all his available force, to the aid of Beauregard at Manassas. And, on the 20th--the day before Bull Run — he had telegraphed to Scott that Johnston had actually departed on that errand. Gen. Scott, in commenting on Gen. Patterson's testimony in a deliberately written statement, made to the Committee on the Conduct of the War, says: As connected with this subject, I hope I may be permitted to notice the charge made against me, on the floor of Congress, that I did not stop Brig. Gen. McDowell's movement upon Manassas Junction after I had been informe