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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 63 (search)
th went into position in front of Pine Top Mountain. The work [sic] nothing was done until the morning of the 14th, when the brigade and division advanced about one mile, finding the enemy in strong works; the position of the regiment in brigade on this day being the right of the first line, with our front covered by the Fifteenth Ohio as skirmishers. Having driven the enemy to their main works, we took position and constructed fortifications. Our casualties this day were 1 officer (Captain Patterson) and I man slightly wounded. During the night the enemy again evacuated our immediate front. Passing over the interval between the 14th and 20th, during which time the regiment was engaged in picket duty and building fortifications in front of the enemy (our loss from the 14th to the 20th being 1 man killed and 4 wounded), on the morning of the 20th the brigade marched to the right one and a half miles and relieved a brigade of the Twentieth Corps in front of Kenesaw Mountain. My re
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 141 (search)
, and, under command of Capt. D. E. Roatch, Company G, advanced, and by a rapid and daring movement, captured nearly the entire rebel skirmish line. The enemy, calling to the captain from their main lines, said they would surrender. The captain, supposing them to be in good faith, advanced his skirmishers close to the enemy's works; when he discovered that their object was to entrap and capture him with his entire line, ordered a retreat, all making their escape with the exception of William Patterson, Company F, who was taken prisoner. In the mean time the remaining companies were brought forward by myself to within 150 yards of the enemy's line and there intrenched. Companies I, C, and H were then ordered out as skirmishers, with Lieutenant Carson in command. They had not advanced far when the remaining four companies advanced, and, with the skirmish line, moved on the run, charging the enemy's works and assisting in capturing many prisoners, as well as driving the enemy from t
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 155 (search)
. The enemy made but a feeble advance, feeling our skirmish line very cautiously. Our line was handled very skillfully, but with boldness, by Captain Grosvenor, brigade inspector. The trains being safely guarded to a place of safety within our new lines, we moved as far as Wallace's house. At 5 p. m. we were ordered forward to report to General Davis; by his order advanced as far as the Widow Holbrook's place and camped for the night in a position to protect the trains then parked near Patterson's. On the 28th marched by a cross-road to Mount Gilead Church; remained with the teams until 10 a. in.; were then ordered by General Thomas to report to our division commander; marched with the division until near night, when we crossed the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad; took up a position about three-fourths of a mile from Red Oak Station. Remained in position on the 29th. On the 30th marched at 6 a. m. by Shoal Creek Church; met the enemy's cavalry in small force and skirmished with
t of ten or twelve 8-inch and 10-inch guns; fifteen 42-pounders; three 24-pounders, and several mortars, with a dozen field rifle guns and half a dozen 24-pounder howitzers, those being all the guns we can spare at present for the defense of the river at that point. The total garrison will consist of about 3,000 men. There should be ample space in those works for magazines, traverses in every direction, field bomb-proofs, a store-house, and cisterns. Acting Capts. John M. Reid and------Patterson, also Actg. Lieut. John H. Reid, have been ordered to report to you for the construction of these works. The two Reids (father and son) I am well acquainted with, and they were for years employed by me in the construction of my forts in Louisiana. They are very reliable, practical men, and will be of much assistance to you. The other gentleman I am not personally acquainted with. Colonel Autry, military commander of Vicksburg, has been ordered to afford you all the assistance in his p
at Bolingers's Mill, fifteen miles from the ferry. I immediately ordered a detachment of fifty cavalry, under Major Lippert, to march to Pocahontas and search for horses and contraband goods. Major Jainsch accompanied the detachment. They dispersed a small scouting-party, taking eight or ten horses, and found a number of rebel sick in a hospital, whom Major Jainsch paroled, and a list of whom accompanies this report. The next morning, October thirtieth, I commenced my march back to Patterson, which point I reached at six o'clock P. M., November second. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the officers and men under my command in this expedition. They performed a march of sixty-five miles to Pittman's Ferry — the first day, through a severe storm — in less than two days and a half, crossing a wide and deep stream. The last twenty hours, they were on the march or in line of battle without food. On their return they performed a march of eighty miles in four days, crossing t
Corporal W. Hughes, Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania volunteers, and Sergeant P. A. Weaver, Seventy-fourth Ohio, for deeds of valor on the field. There are many others, whose names have not been furnished. I am, Captain, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Jno. F. Miller, Col. Twenty-ninth Indiana Vols., Com'g Seventh Brigade. Colonel Berry's official report. Headquarters Louisville Legion, Fifth Kentucky volunteer infantry, camp near Murfreesboro, January 8, 1863. To Wm. Patterson, A. A. A. General Third Brigade. sir: Having been called upon to furnish a report of the operations of my command, from the twenty-sixth day of December, 1862, to the fourth day of January, 1863, inclusive, I have the honor to submit the following: On the morning of the twenty-sixth of December, being then on picket with my regiment, I received orders to join the column marchling south-ward on the Nolinsville road. We reached Nolinsville about three o'clock the next morning. At d
have directed a Court of Inquiry to examine into the circumstances of the case as well as into the terms under which the surrender was made., This investigation has been asked for by Capt. Stellwagen. I received this intelligence on Saturday, at three P. M., by the Augusta, which ship immediately returned to Charleston. The Mercedita soon after arrived, and the Keystone State, in tow of the Memphis, when the latter vessel was at once sent back to her station. The James Adger, Commander Patterson, was also towed back. She was just coming into Port Royal, and was ordered back to Charleston. The Powhatan, through the commendable zeal of Captain Gordon, was also got ready by nine o'clock P. M. I had the channel and bar buoys lighted, when she passed out safely. I forward herewith copies of the reports of Capt. Stellwagen, Lieutenant Commander Abbott, and Commander Leroy; also, the reports of the casualties on board the Mercedita and the Keystone State. On the Mercedita
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The naval fight in Mobile bay, August 5th, 1864--official report of Admiral Buchanan. (search)
a, seaman, badly, leg and arm; Henry Fratee, landsman, badly in hand; Daniel Linnehan, seaman, slightly in arm; John Shick, seaman, slightly in face; John Davis, fireman,. slightly; John Gilliland, seaman, slightly--7. Total killed, 10; wounded, 16. D. B. Conrad, Fleet-Surgeon, C. S. N. Officers of the ram Tennessee who were in action. Admiral F. Buchanan, Commander J. D. Johnston, First Lieutenant and Executive Officer William L. Bradford, Lieutenant A. D. Wharton, Lieutenant E. J. McDermett, Masters H. W. Perrin and J. Demaley, Fleet-Surgeon D. B. Conrad, Assistant-Surgeon R. C. Bowles, First Lieutenant Marine Corps D. G. Raney, First Assistant-Engineer G. D. Lening, Pilot A. T. Post, Second Assistant-Egineer J. C. O'Connell, Second Assistant-Engineer John Hays, Boatswain John McCradie, Gunner H. S. Smith, Third Assistant-Engineers William Rogers, Oscar Benson and William Patterson, Master's-mates M. J. Beebe, R. M. Carter, W. S. Forrest, Paymaster's-clerk J. H. Cohen.
ame people, and for ourselves, assent to and ratify the foregoing Constitution for the United States of America. In New Jersey the ratification, which took place on December 18, was unanimous. This is no less significant and instructive than the unanimity of Delaware, from the fact that the New Jersey delegation, in the convention that framed the Constitution, had taken the lead in behalf of the federal, or state rights, idea, in opposition to that of nationalism or consolidation. William Patterson, a distinguished citizen (afterward governor) of New Jersey, had introduced into that convention what was known as the Jersey plan, embodying these state-rights principles, as distinguished from the various national plans presented. In defending them, he had said, after calling for the reading of the credentials of delegates: Can we, on this ground, form a national Government? I fancy not. Our commissions give a complexion to the business; and can we suppose that, when we exceed
invasion would be from that point, while assaults of more or less vigor might be expected upon all important places which the enemy, by his facilities for transportation, could reach. The concentration of Confederate troops in Virginia was begun, and they were sent forward as rapidly as practicable to the points threatened with attack. It was soon manifest that, besides the army at Washington, which threatened Virginia, there was a second one at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, under Major General Patterson, designed to move through Williamsport and Martinsburg, and another forming in Ohio, under the command of Major General McClellan, destined to invade the western counties of Virginia. This latter force, having landed at Wheeling on May 26th, advanced as far as Grafton on the 29th. At this time Colonel Porterfield, with the small force of seven hundred men sent forward by Governor Letcher of Virginia, was at Philippi. On the night of June 2d he was attacked by General McClellan,