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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
the advantages to be expected from the proposed movement, and on the 30th an order came for its prosecution. Grant and his Campaigns, by Henry Coppee, pages 89 and 40. The enterprise was immediately begun, and on Monday morning, the 2d of February, 1862. Flag-officer Foote left Cairo with a little flotilla of seven gun-boats These were the armored gun-boats Cincinnati (flag-ship), Commander Stembel; Carondelet, Commander Walke; Essex, Commander W. D. Porter; and St. Louis, Lieutenant Commanding Paulding; and the wooden gun-boats Lexington, Lieutenant Commanding Shirk; Tyler, Lieutenant Commanding Givin; and Conestoga, Lieutenant Commanding Phelps. (four of them armored), moved up the Ohio to Paducah, and on that evening was in the Tennessee River. He went up that stream cautiously, because of information that there were torpedoes in it, and on Tuesday morning, Feb. 3. at dawn, he was a few miles below Fort Henry. Andrew H. Foote. Grant's army, composed of the divisions
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
ions had been made to capture Columbus, with its troops and munitions of war. When Foote returned to Cairo from Clarkesville, he collected a flotilla of six gun-boats, commanded respectively by Captains Davis, Walke, and Stembel, and Lieutenants-commanding Paulding, Thompson, and Shirk; four mortar-boats, under the general command of Lieutenant-commanding Phelps, assisted by Lieutenant Ford, of the Ordnance Corps, and Captain George Johnson, of Cincinnati; and three transports. The latter borefleet consisted of the gun-boats Benton, Lieutenant Phelps acting flag-captain; Cincinnati, Commander Stembel; Carondelet, commander Walke; Mond City, Commander Kelley; Louisville, Commander Dove; Pittsburg, Lieutenant Thompson; St. Louis, Lieutenant Paulding; and Conestoga (not armored), Lieutenant Blodgett. The mortar-boats were in charge of Captain H. E. Maynadier, commander of the squadron Captain E. B. Pike, assistant commander; and Sailing-Masters Glassford, Gregory, Simonds, and Johnson