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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. 1 1 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., My Revolutionary ancestors: major Job Cushing, Lieutenant Jerome Lincoln, Walter Foster Cushing (search)
d married Susan Hawes. The parish register begins with his name, and the notation, He was one of the first Cushings to become Protestant. Matthew, son of Peter and Susan Hawes, married Nazareth of the famous family of Admiral Pitcher of England. For the first fifty years of his life he lived in Hardingham and Hingham. In 1638, however, he, with his wife and five children, sailed on the ship Diligent for America. There were one hundred and thirty-three passengers, among whom was Robert Peck, M. A., rector of the parish of Hingham, England. The occasion of their departure seemed to have been trouble in church matters. The rector, with the sympathy and aid of most of the emigrating party, had pulled down the rails of chancel and altar and leveled the latter a foot below the church, as it remains to this day. Being persecuted by Bishop Wain, they sold their estates for half their real value and determined to find a new home. The party landed in Boston August 10, 1638, and imme