Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for John Pelham or search for John Pelham in all documents.

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of the enemy on several occasions, with uniform success, a detachment under the gallant and lamented Major Patrick, assisted by Stuart's horse artillery, under Major Pelham, effectually protected General Jackson's trains against a body of the enemy who penetrated to his rear on the twenty-ninth, before the arrival of General Longslow Port Royal to observe the enemy's left, and took a number of prisoners. On the fifth December General D. H. Hill, with some of his field-guns, assisted by Major Pelham, of Stuart's horse artillery, attacked the gunboats at Port Royal, and caused them to retire. With these exceptions, no important movement took place, but it of battle against Jackson. Dense masses appeared in front of A. P. Hill, stretching far up the river, in the direction of Fredericksburgh. As they advanced, Major Pelham, of Stuart's horse artillery, who was stationed near the Port Royal road with one section, opened a rapid and well-directed enfilade fire, which arrested their
ge. The only artillery under my command being Pelham's Stuart's horse artillery, the twelve-pounder thoroughly done by Colonel Martin with one of Pelham's howitzers, causing marked havoc and confusioinuance of the retreat. During the night, Captain Pelham wrote to me that the enemy had taken posit was sure Longstreet was near by, and although Pelham reported but two rounds of ammunition left, I en at Nance's shop, six or seven miles off. Pelham fired his last round, and the sharpshooters, siers's Washington artillery,) to which I added Pelham's Blakely, which had just returned from Richmoof the horse artillery was advanced, under Captain Pelham, and fired in the direction of the church.s. Monday, thirtieth June, my command, with Pelham's artillery, now moved toward the Forge Bridgeand Payne, of the Fourth Virginia cavalry; Captain Pelham and Lieutenant Shaw, of the horse artillerartillery of New Orleans, and a rifle piece of Pelham's battery, horse artillery, and about two P. M[9 more...]
of the engagement; but this want was met by Major Pelham, with the Stuart horse artillery, who dasheforce here. It arrived just at this time with Pelham's battery of horse artillery; but the enemy haieces of the Stuart horse artillery, under Captain Pelham, tried in vain to silence the enemy's gunsm off. He at once directed Captain (now Major) Pelham, of the Stuart horse artillery, who was near by here, which I must obey. Having ordered Captain Pelham to report to General Jackson, General Stuaion remaining in the place till daylight. Captain Pelham, arriving late, was indefatigable in his en attacking the enemy's baggage train. Captain John Pelham's battery of horse artillery acted a cor, sent back infantry to close the woods. Captain Pelham, always at the right place at the right ti, our lines having considerably advanced. Captain Pelham's battery was still with the left wing. (nel Twelfth Virginia Cavalry. Report of Major Pelham of action at Groveton Heights. near Fr[1 more...]