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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 439 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 121 3 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 109 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 97 1 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 94 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 82 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 61 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 42 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 41 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 30 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 24, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. C. Pemberton or search for J. C. Pemberton in all documents.

Your search returned 3 results in 3 document sections:

st named will pay the $300, but the poor Riloys will have to go in and be slaughtered. Four the gift of the women of Ohio, were presented to the 95th Massachusetts (negro) regiment, at Boston, by Governor Andrew, on the 18th. The same day one of the privates in the regiment was shot dead by a white officer for "impudence." The F on Patrol (Oswego county, N. Y.,) says: The Sy case Courier, the organ of John A. Green loy Seymout's new Brigadier and military is indignant at Pemberton for yielding Vicksburg, and says that there is nothing that will relieve him from the charge of "a we and premature and as yet unnecessary surrender." A private belonging to the new division of the 3d corps, U. S. A., assailed a young lady in Maryland, on the 17th, and violated her person. He has been summarily ordered to be hung, and the execution is to take place next week. The lady was Miss Carroll, twenty or twenty two years of age, a granddaughter of the famous Charles Carroll,
From Mississippi. Morton, Miss, July 21, via Montgomery, 23d. --No change in the situation of affairs to-day. The enemy are busily engaged in tearing railroad track between Beandon and Jackson. They burnt the depot at the latter place last night. Grant is evidently preparing, to fall back, as there is no water in front. [second Dispatch.] Morton, Miss, July 22. --Our army has gone in a permanent camp on Strong river.--Grant is reported to be shipping troops down the Mississippi, for the purpose of attacking Mobile. Lieut. Gen. Hardee has arrived, and takes command under Gen. Johnston. Pemberton's corps will be organized immediately and placed in the field. [Strong river is a small stream, which flows call of Morton in a circuitous south westerly direction, and empties into Pearl river about thirty miles south of Jackson.]
Death of Gen. Bowen. Gainesville, July 23 --To Gen. S. Cooper: Major Gen. J. S. Bowen died of tery on the 16th, between Raymond and Clinton. The service has loss one of the ablest and gallant officers. (Signed,) J. C. Pemberton, Lt. Gen.