Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Pemberton or search for Pemberton in all documents.

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rom Grand Junction is one hundred miles. General Pemberton, having superseded Van Dorn, who remaineordered, was intended to cut the railroad in Pemberton's rear and threaten Grenada. On the 23d, from the Mississippi, to cut the railroad in Pemberton's rear, and accomplished that object; but ther, understood in conversation, that in case Pemberton retreated, Grant would follow him up, betweeroyed, the cities were sure to fall. So, if Pemberton had by any possibility got around towards Coe so strong that had Grant been able to keep Pemberton's entire force in his own front, there wouldal Grant did not occupy all the attention of Pemberton's forces at Grenada. Again, in the same repstress; that he knew Grant's objective to be Pemberton, and declared that Pemberton's point of concPemberton's point of concentration was Jackson, fifty miles from Vicksburg; that after the unsuccessful assault he still madlly unable to carry his point of assault, if Pemberton had remained in front of Grant. Had this be[8 more...]
many evidences of demoralization appeared. Pemberton, who was in command of the rebel department probably be taken by any enemy opposing him. Pemberton was in Vicks. burg and along the Vicksburg ng Grant's real intention was accomplished. Pemberton, at any rate, made no show of approaching on poles and wires. Important dispatches from Pemberton to Gregg were also captured at this time, from which it was evident that Pemberton still expected an attack at Edward's station, and was remain to that point with about six thousand men. Pemberton, no longer daring to disregard his superior,ebels was complete. Large numbers of men on Pemberton's left had abandoned the field without ordernd having yet no certain intelligence of General Pemberton's route or General Gist's position, I didifficult to arrange a meeting. Johnston to Pemberton, May 16th, from Calhoun. Sherman had evad beaten first, at Port Gibson, a portion of Pemberton's army; then, at Raymond and Jackson, the tr[81 more...]
burg Johnston orders Pemberton to evacuate Pemberton determines to hold out position of Grant's ef. But, as soon as Johnston learned that Pemberton had been driven into Vicksburg, he dispatche march to the northeast. This order reached Pemberton on the 18th of May, while Grant was still adn of his antagonists; he also underestimated Pemberton's numbers, supposing them to be about twelven and children, were mingled the remnants of Pemberton's dismayed and disorganized army. And thesehills, to which they retreated for shelter. Pemberton had desired them to leave the town, but in v was met by an army, instead of a garrison. Pemberton, according to his own statement, put eighteeded, gives the rebel loss as eight hundred. Pemberton said, on the 29th of May: Since investment wbecame so intolerable to the garrison, that Pemberton was afraid it might breed a pestilence. He,ty of relieving the others was occasioned by Pemberton's own troops, of which, however, Grant had n[11 more...]
vestment became complete, all possibility of Pemberton's escape, without assistance from outside, b half a ration. Still, on the 10th of June, Pemberton sent word to Johnston: I shall endeavor to cordingly, on the morning of the 3d of July, Pemberton dispatched the following letter to Grant: counteract this, a story was circulated that Pemberton was sending to ask Grant's permission for thabove. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Pemberton proceeded to the front, accompanied by Bowens as to the terms which should be allowed to Pemberton. With one exception (General Steele), they d he dismounted and entered the porch, where Pemberton sat with his generals; they saluted Grant, b preferring to be sent north as prisoners. Pemberton protested against this, and wanted Grant to as well as by strategy, aided, doubtless, by Pemberton's repeated blunders; but he fought five battlled and wounded, it is fair to suppose that Pemberton and Johnston, so repeatedly and disastrously[35 more...]
he importance of going through the state in an orderly manner, refraining from taking any thing not absolutely necessary for their subsistence while travelling. They should try to create as favorable an impression as possible upon the people, and advise them, if it will do any good, to make efforts to have law and order established within the Union. The country in the rear of Vicksburg was full of paroled prisoners, swearing that they would not take up arms again if they were exchanged. Pemberton was reported to have but four thousand men left together. The army that was paroled, said one, was virtually discharged from the rebel service. Thousands crossed the Mississippi and went west; many begged a passage to the north, and quite a number expressed a strong anxiety to enter the national service; but this, of course, was not allowed. Johnston's army also was greatly demoralized, and the men deserted by thousands. Even a political movement was started by citizens, west of Pearl
s views; and, in the latter, the added difficulties which the course of the rebels imposed, were fully as strong corroboration. Immediately after the battle of Chattanooga, Bragg was relieved from the command of his army, and temporarily succeeded by Lieutenant-General Hardee. It is a little singular to remark how often this fate befell the rebel commanders who were opposed to Grant. In different parts of the theatre of war, he had been met by Floyd, Pillow, Buckner, Van Dorn, Price, Pemberton, and Bragg; every one of whom was either superseded soon after an important battle, or captured. The parallel was destined not to cease at Chattanooga. During the autumn and winter of 1863, the terms of service of most of the volunteer troops expired; and, in order to induce the men to reenlist, large bounties were offered them, and a furlough of sixty days. The consequence was, that a very large proportion renewed their engagement with the government; but the immediate effect experien