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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 3 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 13 results in 5 document sections:

Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
: k, 24; w, 134; m, 97= 255. Posey's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Carnot Posey: 12th Miss., Lieut.-Col. M. B. Harris (w), Maj. S. B. Thomas; 16th Miss., Col. Samuel E. Baker; 19th Miss., Col. N. H. Harris; 48th Miss., Col. Joseph M. Jayne (w). Brigade loss: k, 41; w, 184; m, 65 = 290. Perry's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. A. Perry: 2d Fla.,----; 5th Fla.,----; 8th Fla.,----. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 88 = 109. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. J. J. Garnett: Va. Battery, Capt. C. R. Grandy; Va. Battery (Lewis's), Lieut. Nathan Penick; La. Battery, Capt. Victor Maurin; Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph D. Moore. Artillery loss: k, 1; w, 13 = 14. artillery Reserve. Alexander's Battalion, Col. E. P. Alexander: Va. Battery (Eubank's); Va. Battery (Jordan's); La. Battery (Moody's); Va. Battery (Parker's); S. C. Battery (Rhett's); Va. Battery (Woolfolk's). Battalion loss: k, 6; w, 35; m, 21 =62. Washington (La.) Artillery, Col. J. B. Walton: 1st Co. (Squires's); 2d Co. (Richardson's); 3d Co. (Miller's); 4th Co. (Eshleman's
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate Army. (search)
a.) Battery; Donald's (Va.) Battery; Hurt's (Ala.) Battery; Price's (Va.) Battery. Pegram's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. W. J. Pegram: Brander's (Va.) Battery; Cayce's (Va.) Battery; Ellett's (Va.) Battery; Marye's (Va.) Battery; Zimmerman's (S. C.), Battery. Cutts's Battalion, Col. A. S. Cutts: Patterson's (Ga.) Battery; Ross's (Ga.) Battery; Wingfield's (Ga.) Battery. Richardson's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Charles Richardson: Grandy's (Va.) Battery; Landry's (La.) Battery; Moore's (Va.) Battery; Penick's (Va.) Battery. cavalry Corps, Maj. Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Hampton's division, Maj.-Gen. Wade Hampton. Young's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. P. M. B. Young: 7th Ga., Col. W. P. White; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion, Col. G. J. Wright; Phillips (Ga.) Legion,----; 20th Ga. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. John M. Millen; Jeff Davis (Miss.) Legion,----. Rosser's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas L. Rosser: 7th Va., Col. R. H. Dulany; 11th Va.,----; 12th Va., Lieut.-Col. Thomas B. Massie; 35th Va. Battalion,----. Butler's
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Petersburg and Richmond: December 31st, 1864. (search)
ttalion, Col. W. T. Poague: N. C. Battery, Capt. A. B. Williams; Va. Battery, Capt. C. F. Johnston; Va. Battery, Capt. A. W. Utterback. Eshleman's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. B. F. Eshleman: La. Battery, Capt. Edward Owen; La. Battery, Capt. J. B. Richardson; La. Battery, Capt. Andrew Hero, Jr.; La. Battery, Capt. Joe Norcom. Richardson's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Charles Richardson: La. Battery, Capt. R. P. Landry; Va. Battery, Capt. J. D. Moore; Va. Battery, Capt. C. R. Grandy; Va. Battery, Capt. Nathan Penick. Lane's Battalion, Maj. John Lane: Ga. Battery, Capt. J. T. Wingfield; Ga. Battery, Capt. G. M. Patterson; Ga. Battery, Capt. H. M. Ross. Owen's Battalion, Maj. W. M. Owen: Va. Battery, Capt. J. H. Chamberlayne; Va. Battery, Capt. Crispin Dickenson; Va. Battery, Capt. D. N. Walker. Anderson's Corps, Lieut.-Gen. R.:H. Anderson. Hoke's division (started for Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 20th, 1864), Maj.-Gen. R. F. Hoke. Hagood's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Johnson Hagood: 11th S. C., Col. F
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
P. A. C. S., one horse. Hugh N. Fry, 2nd Lieut. Utterback's, P. A. C. S., one horse. Nathan Penick, Capt. Commanding Light Battery P. A. C. S., one horse. Armistead Barksdale, Jr., 2d Lieu2d Lieut. Penick's Battery P. A. C. S., one horse. John C. Haskell, Lt.-Col. Artillery Commanding Battalion 1st Corps A. N. Va., two horses. W. H. Coit, 1st Lieut. Artillery, Gordon's Battery, Haskellpany, Pegram's regiment, teamster, detailed from Artillery, not before reported. Green Evans, Penick's company, Poague's regiment, teamster, detailed from Artillery, not before reported. John E.en.] Roll of officers and men of Penick's Battery, Poague's Battalion, 3d Army Corps. Capt. N. Penick, one horse, 2d Lieut. A. Barksdale, Jr., two horses, 1st Sergeant F. L. Walker, 2d the company that are present and surrendered to U. S. Government this 9th day of April, 1865. N. Penick, Capt. Commanding Battery, Poague's Battalion Artillery, A. N. Va. Roll of Capt. A. W. Utte
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
k, Lt. G. J., 334. Peacock, Lt. G. W.,212 Peagler, Lt. G. H., 313. Pearson, Surg. J. F., 204. Peatross, Lt. R W., 467. Peck, Lt. J. A., 170. Peck, Maj. W. D., 70. Pedin, Capt. J. T., 276. Peebles, Capt. R E., 433. Peet, Ass't Surg. Geo. H., 179. Pegnis, Lt. J. B., 413. Pegram's Batt. Art., 6, 455. Pegram, General, IX. Pender, Lt. S. M., 274. Pendleton, Capt. D. D., 12. Pendleton, Col. E., 230. Pendleton, General W. N., 12; detailed men with, 27; cited VI. Penick, Capt., Nathan, 15,66; Battery of, 45, 66. Penn, Jr., Ass't Surg. W. B., 394. Penney, Ass't Surg Geo A., 204. Perry, Capt. A. H., 333, 394. Perry, Capt. E. C., 213, 219. Perry, Capt. L. C., 394. Perry, Gen. W. F., 144; Staff and Brigade of, 144. Perdue, Lt., Hiram, 393 Perkins. Lt. James M., 348. Perrill, Lt. D. C., 275. Perrin, Major W. K., 431. Peterkin, Lt. George W., 413. Pettit, Capt. H. L., 146. Petty, Lt., Charles, 368. Petty, Major C. Q., 424 Peyton, Major, Green