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The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1864., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
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--The following cases were before the Mayor yesterday: James E. Perkins was charged with stealing a watch, valued at one thousand dollw out of the one heard before the Mayor a few days since, in which Perkins charged Graves with stealing one thousand, one hundred and forty-fre on a drunken spree. According to Graves's account, himself and Perkins got drunk together, and during the day the latter thrust his pockehemselves, Graves lost the money confided to his keeping; and when Perkins got sober he had him arrested on the charge of stealing it. Being heard of the transaction, he procured a warrant of arrest against Perkins, charging him with stealing his watch. Subsequently, Graves placeD. Wootton's hands, and authorized him to obtain an interview with Perkins in order to compromise the matter before bringing it before the pu The Mayor, after hearing all the testimony, required security of Perkins, Graves, and a witness, for their appearance before him on Saturda