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Aeschines, On the Embassy, section 176 (search)
Though the blessings we were enjoying were so great, we again brought war against the Lacedaemonians, persuaded by the Argives;Athens entered into alliance with Argos, Mantineia, and Elis in 420. This immediately reopened the war with the Lacedaemonians. and at last, in consequence of the eagerness of our public men for war, we sank so low as to see a Spartan garrison in our city, and the Four Hundred, and the impious Thirty;The oligarchy of the Four Hundred was the result of the revolution of 411 b.c. The rule of the Thirty Tyrants followed the surrender of the city at the close of the Peloponnesian war. The Thirty were supported by a Spartan garrison (404-403). and it was not the making of peace that caused this,The setting up of the Thirty was dictated by Sparta. but we were forced by orders laid upon us. But when again a moderate government had been established, and the exiled democracy had come back from Phyle,Phyle, a post on the Boeotian frontier, was the rallying point of
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 192 (search)
Chorus The breezes that blew from the Strymon, bringing harmful leisure, hunger, and tribulation of spirit in a cruel port, idle wandering of men, and sparing neither shipnor cable, began, by doubling the season of their stay, to rub away and wither the flower of Argos; and when the seer, pointing to Artemis as cause, proclaimed to the chieftains another remedy,more oppressive even than the bitter storm, so that the sons of Atreus struck the ground with their canes and did not stifle their tears
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 488 (search)
o this!May still further good be added to the good that has appeared! (ANOTHER ELDER) Whoever makes this prayer with other intent toward the state, let him reap himself the fruit of his misguided purpose! Enter a Herald Herald All hail, soil of Argos, land of my fathers! On this happy day in the tenth year I have come to you.Many hopes have shattered, one only have I seen fulfilled; for I never dared to dream that here in this land of Argos I should die and have due portion of burial most deArgos I should die and have due portion of burial most dear to me. Now blessings on the land, blessings on the light of the sun, and blessed be Zeus, the land's Most High, and the Pythian lord;and may he launch no more his shafts against us. Enough of your hostility did you display by Scamander's banks; but now, in other mood, be our preserver and our healer, O lord Apollo. And the gods gathered here, I greet them all; him, too, my own patron,Hermes, beloved herald, of heralds all revered; and the heroesThe heroes are the deified spirits of the anc
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 810 (search)
Agamemnon Argos first, as is right and proper, I greet, and her local gods who have helped me to my safe return and to the justice I exacted from Priam's town. For listening to no pleadings by word of mouth, “Not hearing pleadings from the tongue”—as if the Greeks and Trojans were waging war in words before a human court—but with divine insight of the true merits of the case.without dissenting voice, they cast into thebloody urn their ballots for the murderous destroying of Ilium; but to the urn of acquittal that no hand filled, Hope alone drew near. The smoke even now still declares the city's fall. Destruction's blasts still live, andthe embers, as they die, breathe forth rich fumes of wealth. For this success we should render to the gods a return in ever-mindful gratitude, seeing that we have thrown round the city the toils of vengeance, and in a woman's cause it has been laid low by the fierce Argive beast,brood of the horse,The wooden horse.a shield-armed folk, that launch
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 855 (search)
Clytaemestra Citizens of Argos, you Elders present here, I shall not be ashamed to confess in your presence my fondness for my husband—with time diffidence dies away in humans. Untaught by others, I can tell of my own weary lifeall the long while my husband was beneath Ilium's walls. First and foremost, it is a terrible evil for a wife to sit forlorn at home, severed from her husband, always hearing many malignant rumors, and for one messenger after anotherto come bearing tidings of disaster, each worse than the last, and cry them to the household. And as for wounds, had my husband received so many as rumor kept pouring into the house, no net would have been pierced so full of holes as he. Or if he had died as often as reports claimed,then truly he might have had three bodies, a second Geryon,Geryon, a monster (here called “three-bodied,” but ordinarily “three-headed”) whose oxen were driven away from Spain by Heracles.and have boasted of having taken on him a triple cloak
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1372 (search)
escape nor ward off doom. Twice I struck him, and with two groanshis limbs relaxed. Once he had fallen, I dealt him yet a third stroke to grace my prayer to the infernal Zeus, the savior of the dead. Fallen thus, he gasped away his life, and as he breathed forth quick spurts of blood,he struck me with dark drops of gory dew; while I rejoiced no less than the sown earth is gladdened in heaven's refreshing rain at the birthtime of the flower buds. Since then the case stands thus, old men of Argos, rejoice, if you would rejoice; as for me, I glory in the deed.And had it been a fitting act to pour libations on the corpse, over him this would have been done justly, more than justly. With so many accursed lies has he filled the mixing-bowl in his own house, and now he has come home and himself drained it to the dregs. Chorus We are shocked at your tongue, how bold-mouthed you are,that over your husband you can utter such a boastful speech. Clytaemestra You are testing me as if I were
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1617 (search)
and awaiting the return of the men from war, all the while defiling a hero's bed, did you contrive this death against a warrior chief? Aegisthus These words of yours likewise shall prove a source of tears. The tongue of Orpheus is quite the opposite of yours.He led all things by the rapture of his voice; but you, who have stirred our wrath by your silly yelping, shall be led off yourself. You will appear tamer when put down by force. Chorus As if you would ever truly be my master here in Argos, you who did contrive our king's death, andthen had not the courage to do this deed of murder with your own hand! Aegisthus Because to ensnare him was clearly the woman's part; I was suspect as his enemy of old. However, with his gold I shall endeavor to control the people; and whoever is unruly,him I'll yoke with a heavy collar, and in truth he shall be no well-fed trace-horse!The trace-horse bore no collar, and was harnessed by the side of the pair under the yoke. No! Loathsome hunger t
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1649 (search)
d in time to destiny before you come to harm. What we did had to be done. But should this trouble prove enough, we will accept it,sorely battered as we are by the heavy hand of fate. Such is a woman's counsel, if any care to learn from it. Aegisthus But to think that these men should let their wanton tongues thus blossom into speech against me and cast about such insults, putting their fortune to the test! To reject wise counsel and insult their master! Chorus It would not be like men of Argos to cringe before a man as low as you. Aegisthus Ha! I will visit you with vengeance yet in days to come. Chorus Not if fate shall guide Orestes to return home. Aegisthus From my own experience I know that exiles feed on hope. Chorus Keep on, grow fat, polluting justice, since you can. Aegisthus Know that you shall atone to me for your insolent folly. Chorus Brag in your bravery like a cock beside his hen. Clytaemestra Do no care for their idle yelpings. I and you will be masters of
Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 640 (search)
s! Zeus could undo fetters, there is a remedy for that,and many means of release. But when the dust has drawn up the blood of a man, once he is dead, there is no return to life. For this, my father has made no magic spells, although he arranges all other things, turning them up and down;nor does his exercise of force cost him a breath. Chorus See how you advocate acquittal for this man! After he has poured out his mother's blood on the ground, shall he then live in his father's house in Argos? Which of the public altars shall he use?What purification rite of the brotherhoodsKinsfolk, actual or fictitious, were united in phratriai, with common worship, offerings, and festivals. will receive him? Apollo I will explain this, too, and see how correctly I will speak. The mother of what is called her child is not the parent, but the nurse of the newly-sown embryo.This notion appears in Egypt (Diodorus Siculus 1. 80, whose source was Hecataeus, an older contemporary of Aeschylus) and i
Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 744 (search)
erland, and it is you who have given me a home there again.The Hellenes will say, “The man is an Argive once again, and lives in his father's heritage, by the grace of Pallas and of Loxias and of that third god, the one who accomplishes everything, the savior”—the one who, having respect for my father's death,saves me, seeing those advocates of my mother. I will return to my home now, after I swear an oath to this land and to your peopleThe passage points to the league between Athens and Argos, formed after Cimon was ostracized (461 B.C.) and the treaty with Sparta denounced. for the future and for all time to come, that no captain of my landwill ever come here and bring a well-equipped spear against them. For I myself, then in my grave, will accomplish it by failure without remedy, making their marches spiritless and their journeys ill-omened,so that those who violate my present oath will repent their enterprise. But while the straight course is preserved, and they hold in ev