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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 762 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 222 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Exordia (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 178 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 158 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 138 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Bacchylides, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien). You can also browse the collection for Athens (Greece) or search for Athens (Greece) in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:

Bacchylides, Epinicians (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 10 For an Athenian Foot Race at the Isthmus Date unknown (search)
Ode 10 For an Athenian Foot Race at the Isthmus Date unknown Fame, you visit the races [of men?], and eyes peaceful respite now for him his sister's husband has moved the clear-voiced island bee so that the immortal ornament of the Muses will be at hand as a common joy for men, revealing your excellence to men on earth, by the will of Victory you have crowned your golden head with blossoms and brought glory to broad Athens and fame to the Oeneidae, when, in Poseidon's far-famed games, you displayed to the Greeks the swift surge of your feet. For when he reached the finish-line of the racecourse, breathing out a storm of hot breath, and again moistened the cloaks of the spectators with olive oil, rushing into the close-packed crowd when he rounded the fourth turn of the course, the spokesmen of the wise judges proclaimed him twice an Isthmian victor, and twice in Nemea, beside the sacred altar of Zeus son of Cronus. Glorious T
Bacchylides, Dithyrambs (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 18 (Dithyramb 4) Theseus [for the Athenians] (search)
Ode 18 (Dithyramb 4) Theseus [for the Athenians] [Chorus:]King of sacred Athens, lord of the luxuriously-living Ionians, why has the bronze-belled trumpet just now sounded a war song? Does some enemy of our land beset our borders, leading an army? Or are evil-plotting robbers, against the will of the shepherds, rustling our flocks of sheep by force? What is it that tears your heart? Speak; for I think that you of all mortals have the aid of valiant young men at your disto an end. [Aegeus:]The herald says that only two men accompany him, and that he has a sword slung over his bright shoulders and two polished javelins in his hands, and a well-made Laconian hat on his head with its fire-red hair. A purple tunic covers his chest, and a woolen Thessalian cloak. Bright red Lemnian fire flashes from his eyes. He is a boy in the prime of youth, intent on the playthings of Ares: war and battles of clashing bronze. He is on his way to splendor-loving Athens.
Bacchylides, Dithyrambs (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 19 (Dithyramb 5) Io: for the Athenians (search)
Ode 19 (Dithyramb 5) Io: for the Athenians There are countless paths of divine song for one who has received gifts from the Pierian Muses, and upon whose songs the violet-eyed maidens, the garland-bearing Graces, cast honor. Now, much-praised Cean ingenuity, weave something new, in lovely, prosperous Athens. It is fitting for you to travel the greatest road, since you have received an outstanding honor from Calliope. when the golden heifer, the rose-fingered daughter of Inachus, left Argos, land of horses, by the counsels of widely powerful, greatest Zeus? When Argus, who could see all around with untiring eyes, was bidden by golden-robed Hera, the greatest queen, to guard the lovely-horned heifer, unresting and unsleeping; and the son of Maia could not evade him, neither by shining day nor by sacred night. Did it then happen that the swift-footed messenger [of Zeus] then killed [the son of Earth] with mighty offspring Argus? Or was it that unutt