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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 762 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 376 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 356 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 296 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 228 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 222 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Exordia (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 178 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 158 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 138 0 Browse Search
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Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 10 (search)
lexander's accession Darius subsidized several Greek states to oppose him. Three hundred talents offered by him to Athens and officially refused were said to have been accepted by Demosthenes to be used in the king's interest. Cf. Din. Demosthenes and others who assisted them to procure arms. When they applied for assistance to the Peloponnese and Athens, the Peloponnesians sent an army as far as the Isthmus, while Athens voted help but awaited the turn of events. Meanwhile Athens voted help but awaited the turn of events. Meanwhile Thebes was taken by Alexander and destroyed. Dinarchus, who goes into greater detail later (Din. 1.18-22), maintains that for ten talents of the Persian money Demosthenes could have secured the help of the Peloponnesian
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 12 (search)
Demosthenes goes round none the less maligning the council and telling the same stories about himself with which he will probably try to mislead you presently. “I made the Thebans your allies.”In making this claim Demosthenes was referring to events just before the battle of Chaeronea when he won Thebes over to Athens by offering her more liberal terms than Philip. For his defence of this policy see Dem. 18.153 sq. No, Demosthenes, you impaired the common interest of both our states. “I brought everyone into line at Chaeronea.” On the contrary you yourself were the only one to leave the line at Chaeronea.The charge of cowardice in battle is often brought against Demosthenes by Aeschines (e.g. Aeschin. 3.175); it is mentioned by Plutarch
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 14 (search)
into exile in Chalcis. Cf. Isoc. 15.131. Athenians, although he sailed round the Peloponnese and defeated the Lacedaemonians in a naval battle at Corcyra, and was the son of CononConon, a general in the Peloponnesian war who fought at Aegospotami, was later joint commander of the Persian fleet. In this capacity he rendered a service to Athens by defeating the Spartan Pisander in a naval battle off Cnidus in 394 B.C. too who liberated Greece. Though he captured Samos, Methone, Pydna, Potidaea, and twenty other cities besides, you did not permit such services to outweigh the trial which you were then conducting or the oaths that governed your vote; instead you fined him a hundred talents because Aristophon
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 25 (search)
r elders tell us, when the democracy in our city had been overthrown and Thrasybulus was assembling the exiles in Thebes ready for the seizure of Phyle,Thrasybulus and Anytus, exiled by the Thirty, were received in Thebes. After seizing and holding the fortress of Phyle in Attica in 404 B.C., they subsequently occupied the Piraeus and, with the intervention of Sparta, brought about the restoration of democracy in Athens. although the Spartans were strong and forbade them to admit or let out any Athenian, helped the democrats to return and passed that decree which has so often been read before you, stating that they would turn a blind eye if any Athenian marched through their territory bearing arms.
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 28 (search)
e embassy coming to us from Philip and was responsible for finishing the first war.The first war with Macedon (349-346 B.C.) was undertaken by Athens and Olynthus against Philip. Even before Olynthus was taken the king made overtures of peace, and it was Philocrates who proposed in Athens that these negotiations should begin. However, after the fall of Olynthus in 348, the Athenians tried to unite other Greek states against Philip, and it was not until this attempt had failed that Demost peace proposals, and himself served on an embassy to Macedon. The final peace was signed in 346, when Antipater and Parmenio came to Athens as Philip's envoys. Philocrates was prosecuted by Hyperides in 343 for being bribed by Philip and went into exile. Cf. Hyp. frag. 16 He he
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 32 (search)
CharidemusCharidemus of Oreos in Euboea was made an Athenian citizen for his services as a soldier (Dem. 23.151). He went to Persia in 335 B.C., having been banished from Athens on the orders of Alexander (Arr. 1.10.6), and after being well received at first by Darius, fell under suspicion two years later and was executed (Dio. Sic. 17.30). set out to visit the Persian King, wishing to do you some practical service apart from mere talking, and anxious at his own peril to win safety for you and every Greek. Demosthenes went round the market making speeches and associating himself with the project. So completely did fortune wreck this plan that it turned out in just the opposite way to what was
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 34 (search)
to raise such another force as we had in the time of Agis,While Alexander was in the East, Agis the Third of Sparta rose against Macedon with the help of Darius in 333 B.C. In 331 he headed an army raised by various Greek states but was refused the support of Athens, on the advice of Demosthenes. Defeated near Megalopolis by Antipater he was killed in battle (Dio. Sic. 17.48 and Dio. Sic. 17.62). when the Spartans took the field together and Achaeans and men of Elis were taking their part in the campaign with ten thousand mercenaries also; when Alexander was in India,Alexander was, in fact, in Persia. according to report, and the whole of Greece, owing to the traitors in every city, was dissatisfied with the existing state of things and h
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 36 (search)
and walked about dangling it from his finger ends, living in luxury during the city's misfortunes, travelling down the road to the Piraeus in a litter and reproaching the needy for their poverty. Is this man then going to prove useful to you on future occasions, when he has let slip every opportunity in the past? By our lady Athena and Zeus the Savior, I could wish that the enemies of Athens had lighted upon counsellors and leaders like him and never better.
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 38 (search)
18.219). Cf. Din. 1.76. Of the other three men little is known. Thrason is mentioned as a Theban proxenus by Aeschines (Aeschin. 3.139); Eleus is perhaps the trierarch (c. 323) whose name appears in an inscription (I.G. 2.812, b. 14); Phormisius is a mere name. Cf. Aristot. Const. Ath. 34.3. Some of them, when the Cadmea was garrisoned by Spartans, assisted the exiles who returned to Thebes and at their own risk set free a neighboring city, long enslaved.In 382 B.C. Thebes was betrayed to Sparta and many leading men were exiled. These took refuge at Athens, with whose help in 378 they soon overthrew the new government and ejected the Spartan garrison from the city (Dio. Sic. 15.25).
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 44 (search)
85 sq. and schol. ad loc.). The cities of Euboea had entered the Athenian alliance in 357 B.C., but in 348 they revolted, probably owing to the intrigues of Philip with whom Athens was now at war over Olynthus. Taurosthenes and Callias commanded the army of Chalcis and the Athenians lost control of the island. In 343 however they transferred the allegiance of Chalcis to Athens, and a few years later-the exact date is not certain-were made Athenian citizens on the motion of Demosthenes (cf. Hyp. 5 col. 20), whom Aeschines says they bribed. should become an Athenian, though he had enslaved his fellow citizens and, with his brother Callias, betrayed the whole of Euboea to Philip? Taurosthenes whom the laws forbid to <