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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 762 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 222 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Exordia (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 178 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 158 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 138 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 1060 (search)
t heard me proclaim for a long time that this man is no citizen here? Hippolytus Any of them who touches me shall regret it. Rather you yourself, if you have the heart to, thrust me forth from the land. Theseus I shall do so if you do not obey my words. For I am not moved by pity for your exile. Hippolytus The sentence is fixed, it seems. O how luckless I am, seeing that I know the truth but not how I may tell it! Dearest of gods to me, Artemis, Leto's child, you I have sat with, you I have hunted with, I shall leave glorious Athens as an exile. Now farewell, city and land of Erechtheus! O land of Trozen, how many blessings you possess to pass one's youth in! Farewell: this is my last look at you and my last greeting! Come, you my age-mates of this land, bid me farewell and send me forth from the land. For you will never see a man more chaste than I, even though my father thinks not so.Exit Hippolytus and the young members of the crowd by Eisodos A. Exit Theseus into the palace.
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 1151 (search)
Enter by Eisodos A a messenger. Chorus Leader But look, I see a servant of Hippolytus, with gloomy face, rushing toward the house. Messenger Women, where must I go to find Theseus, this land's king? If you know, tell me. Is he in the palace?Enter Theseus from the palace. Chorus Leader Here he comes out of the house. Messenger I bring you news that deserves your concern and that of the citizens who dwell in Athens and in the land of Trozen. Theseus What is it? Has some fresh disaster seized the two neighboring cities? Messenger Hippolytus is dead, as good as dead; though he still sees the light of day, yet it will not take much to incline the balance the other way. Theseus Who killed him? Did someone have a quarrel with him whose wife he ravished as he did his father's? Messenger His own chariot destroyed him, and the curses of your mouth which you uttered against your son to your father, lord of the sea. Theseus stretching out his arms, palm upwards, in prayer Merciful g
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 419 (search)
My friends, it is this very purpose that is bringing about my death, that I may not be detected bringing shame to my husband or to the children I gave birth to but rather that they may live in glorious Athens as free men, free of speech and flourishing, enjoying good repute where their mother is concerned. For it enslaves a man, even if he is bold of heart, when he is conscious of sins committed by his mother or father. Only one thing, they say, competes in value with life, the possession of a heart blameless and good. But as for the base among mortals, they are exposed, late or soon, by Time, who holds up to them, as to a young girl, a mirror. In their number may I never be found! Chorus Leader Oh, what a fine thing is chastity everywhere, and how splendid is the repute it gains among men! Nurse Mistress, though the misfortune you told me of gave me just now a momentary fright, > yet now I realize that I was being simple-minded—and among mortals second thoughts are, I suppose, w
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 752 (search)
Chorus O Cretan vessel with wing of white canvas, that ferried over the loud-sounding wave of the sea my lady from her house of blessedness, a boon that was no boon to make an unhappy bride: it was with evil omen, at the start of her journey and its end, that she sped from the land of Crete to glorious Athens and they tied the plaited ends of the mooring-cable on Munichus' shoreMunichus was the eponymous hero of the Athenian port of Munichion. and trod the mainland.
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 877 (search)
Theseus sung The tablet cries aloud, it cries things grievous. How shall I escape from the weight of my misfortunes? For I am utterly undone, such is the tune I in my wretchedness have heard sung by the tablet! Chorus Leader Alas! The word you utter is one that presages woe! Theseus sung No more shall I hold this ruinous bane, hard to send forth though it is, within the gates of my mouth! spoken in a loud voice, calling everyone in earshot to witness Ho! City of Athens! Hear me! Bystanders enter quickly by Eisodos B and gather around. Hippolytus has dared to put his hand by force to my marriage-bed, dishonoring the holy eye of Zeus. But, father Poseidon, with one of the three curses you once promised me kill my son, and may he not live out this day, if indeed you have granted me curses I may rely on.
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs), line 936 (search)
imagine is in fact close to the trade Phaedra chose, though by her death she won not only Hippolytus' punishment but also the rescue of her own good name. But will you say that folly is not to be found in men but is native to women? I know that young men are no more stable than women when Aphrodite stirs their young hearts to confusion. But their standing as males steads them well. And so now—but why do I wage this contest against your speech when this corpse, witness most reliable, lies near? Go forth from this land with all speed as an exile, and come no more either to god-built Athens or to the borders of any land ruled by my spear. For if I am to be bested by you when you have done this to me, Isthmian Sinis shall no longer attest that I killed him but say it was an idle boast, and the Skironian rocks near the sea shall deny that I am a scourge to evil-doers. Chorus Leader I know not how I might say that any mortal enjoys good fortune. For all that is noblest is now overthrow