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Strabo, Geography, Book 6, chapter 3 (search)
ct, all who propose to go to Rome by land put into port here. There are two roadsOn these roads see Ashby and Gardner, The Via Trajana, Paper of the British School at Rome, 1916, Vol.VIII, No. 5, pp. 107 ff. from here: one, a mule-road through the countries of the Peucetii (who are called Poedicli),Cp. 6. 3. 1. the Daunii, and the Samnitae as far as Beneventum; on this road is the city of Egnatia,Also spelled Gnathia, Gnatia, and Ignatia; now Torre d'Agnazzo. and then, Celia,Also spelled Caelia; now Ceglie di Bari. Netium,Now Noja. Canusium, and Herdonia.Now Ordona. But the road by way of Taras, lying slightly to the left of the other, though as much as one day's journey out of the way when one has made the circuit,i.e., to the point where it meets the other road, near Beneventum. what is called the Appian Way, is better for carriages. On this road are the cities of Uria and Venusia, the former between Taras and Brentesium and the latter on the confines of the Samnitae and the L