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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War | 58 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Strabo, Geography | 38 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Diodorus Siculus, Library | 20 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Pausanias, Description of Greece | 10 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Aristotle, Politics | 4 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Andocides, Speeches | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Lysias, Speeches | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Polybius, Histories | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Your search returned 138 results in 38 document sections:
Andocides, On the Peace, section 30 (search)
Again, an urgent request came to us from Syracuse; she was ready to end our differences by a pact of friendship, to end war by peace; and she pointed out the advantages of an alliance with herself, if only we would consent to it, over those of the existing alliance with Segesta and Catana.Athens had formed an alliance with Segesta as early as 453 (I.G. i 2 . 19-20). It was renewed in 424 by Laches. In 416 Segesta found herself ranged against the combined forces of Selinus and Syracuse. She appealed to Athens for help, and the disastrous Syracusan expedition resulted. But once more we chose war instead of peace, Segesta instead of Syracuse; instead of staying at home as the allies of Syracuse, we chose to send an armament to Sicily. The result was the loss of a large part of the Athenian and allied forces, the bravest being the first to fall; a reckless waste of ships, money, and resources: and the return of the survivors in disgra
Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics, Book 7, section 1243b (search)
Hieron removed the people of NaxosThe city north of
Syracuse on the coast. and Catana from their cities and sent there settlers of his own
choosing, having gathered five thousand from the Peloponnesus and added an equal number of others from Syracuse; and the name of Catana he changed to Aetna, and not only
the teCatana he changed to Aetna, and not only
the territory of Catana but also much neighbouring
land which he added to it he portioned out in allotments, up to the full sum of ten thousand
settlers. This he did out of a desire, not only that he might
have a substantial help ready at hand for any need that might arise, but also that from the
recently founded staCatana but also much neighbouring
land which he added to it he portioned out in allotments, up to the full sum of ten thousand
settlers. This he did out of a desire, not only that he might
have a substantial help ready at hand for any need that might arise, but also that from the
recently founded state of ten thousand men he might receive the honours accorded to heroes. And
the Naxians and Catanians whom he had removed from their native states he transferred to
Leontini and commanded them to make their homes in that city along with the native population.
And Theron, seeing that after the slaughter of the Himer
Lysias, For Polystratus, section 24 (search)
He sent me away to Sicily, but I was notA gap occurs here in the text. to you; so the cavalry should know what kind of spirit I showed as long as the army was safe: but when it was destroyed and I escaped to Catana,On the east coast of Sicily. I used that town as a base for depredations by which I harried the enemy, so that from the spoil more than thirty minae were apportioned as the tithe for the goddessPresumably Athene. and enough to deliver all the soldiers who were in the hands of the enemy.