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C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan), CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES of THE CIVIL WAR. , chapter 32 (search)
He then dismissed the council; and assembling the soldiers, put them in mind of what advantage their steadiness and zeal had been to Caesar at Corfinium, and how serviceable towards the conquest of the greatest part of Italy. " It was you," said he, "that gave the example, and all the municipal towns soon followed: their submission to Caesar was your work; and therefore it is not without reason either by land or sea? Can you think of abandoning a cause conducted by such leaders, and attended with such success; to followthe fortune of those who so ignominiously delivered up Corfinium, relinquished Italy, surrendered Spain, and have already sustained considerable losses in the African war? I never pretended to more than being a follower of Caesar: it was you that honoured me wi
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan), CAESAR'S COMMENTARIES of THE CIVIL WAR. , chapter 10 (search)
We have seen that L. Vibullius Rufus, Pompey's chief engineer, had fallen twice into Caesar's hands, and been as often set at liberty; the first time at Corfinium, the next in Spain. Having been therefore twice indebted to him for his life, and being also much in Pompey's esteem, Caesar thought him a proper person to negotiate between them. His instructions were; "That it was now time for both to desist from their obstinacy, and lay down their arms, without exposing themselves any more to the precarious events of fortune. That the losses they had already sustained ought to serve as lessons and cautions, and fill them with just apprehensions with regard to the future. That Pompey had been forced to abandon Italy, had lost Sicily and Sardinia, the two Spains, with abou
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 439 (search)
ar; After Caesar's campaign with the Nervii, Pompeius had lent him a legion. When the Parthian war broke out and the Senate required each of the two leaders to supply a legion for it, Pompeius demanded the return of the legion which he had sent to Gaul; and Caesar returned it, together with one of his own. They were, however, retained in Italy. Whom Magnus earlier, to his kinsman gave A loan of Roman blood, to fight the Gaul. But brave Domitius held firm his post See Book VII., 695. Behind Corfinium's ramparts; his the troops Who newly levied kept the judgment hall At Milo's trial.Book I., 370. When from far the plain Rolled up a dusty cloud, beneath whose veil The sheen of armour glistening in the sun, Revealed a marching host. ' Dash down,' he cried, Swift as ye can, the bridge that spans the stream; And thou, O river, from thy mountain source With all thy torrents rushing, planks and beams Ruined and broken on thy foaming breast Bear onward to the sea. The war shall pause Here, at
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 583 (search)
te hatred too Roused him to war. For in the former year, When Curio all things human and the godsCurio was tribune in B.C. 50. His earlier years are stated to have been stained with vice. Polluted, he by tribune law essayed To ravish Libya from the tyrant's sway, And drive the monarch from his father's throne, While giving Rome a king. To Juba thus, Still smarting at the insult, came the war, A welcome harvest for his crown retained. These rumours Curio feared: nor had his troops (Ta'en in Corfinium's hold) Book II., 535. in waves of Rhine Been tested, nor to Caesar in the wars Had learned devotion: wavering in their faith, Their second chief they doubt, their first betrayed. Yet when the general saw the spirit of fear Creep through his camp, and discipline to fail, And sentinels desert their guard at night, Thus in his fear he spake : ' By daring much ' Fear is disguised; let me be first in arms, 'And bid my soldiers to the plain descend, While still my soldiers. Idle days breed do
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 7, line 557 (search)
the purple tide. And yet of all Who noble fell, one only now I sing, Thee, brave Domitius.'He perished, after a career of furious partisanship, disgraced with cruelty and treachery, on the field of Pharsalia' (Merivale, 'Hist. Romans under the Empire,' chapter lii.). Unless this man had been an ancestor of Nero it is impossible to suppose that Lucan would have thus singled him out. But he appears to have been the only leader who fell. (Compare Book II., lines 534-590, for his conduct at Corfinium.) Whene'er the day Was adverse to the fortunes of thy chief Thine was the arm which vainly stayed the fight. Vanquished so oft by Caesar, now 'twas thine Yet free to perish. By a thousand wounds Came welcome death, nor had thy conqueror power Again to pardon. Caesar stood and saw The dark blood welling forth and death at hand, And thus in words of scorn: ' And dost thou lie, 'Domitius, there? And did Pompeius name 'Thee his successor, thee? Why leavest thou then His standards helpless?'