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Pausanias, Description of Greece | 310 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Polybius, Histories | 62 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) | 26 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War | 24 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) | 16 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in Polybius, Histories. You can also browse the collection for Elis (Greece) or search for Elis (Greece) in all documents.
Your search returned 31 results in 19 document sections:
Queen Teuta's Pirates
Their first attack was to be upon the coast of Elis and
Teuta's piratical fleet, B. C. 230.
Messenia, which had been from time immemorial the scene of the raids of the Illyrians.
For owing to the length of their seaboard, and
to the fact that their most powerful cities were inland, troops
raised to resist them had a great way to go, and were long in
coming to the spot where the Illyrian pirates landed; who accordingly overran those districts, and swept them clean without
having anything to fear. However, when this fleet was off
Phoenice in Epirus they landed to get supplies. Takes Phoenice in Epirus. There they
fell in with some Gauls, who to the number of
eight hundred were stationed at Phoenice, being
in the pay of the Epirotes; and contracted with
them to betray the town into their hands. Having made this
bargain, they disembarked and took the town and everything
in it at the first blow, the Gauls within the walls acting in
collusion with them. When this news
About the same time Euripidas, who had been sent
out to act as general to the Eleans, after
overrunning the districts of Dyme, Pharae,
and Tritaea, and collecting a considerable amount of
booty, was marching back to Elis. But Miccus of Dyme,
who happened at the time to be Sub-strategus of the
Achaean league, went out to the rescue with a body of
Dymaeans, Pharaeans, and Tritaeans, and attacked him as he
was returning. But proceeding too precipitately, he fell into
an ambush and lost a large number of his men: for forty of
his infantry were killed and about two hundred taken prisoners.
Elated by this success, Euripidas a few days afterwards made
another expedition, and seized a fort belonging to the Dymaeans
on the river Araxus, standing in an excellent situation, and
called the Wall, which the myths affirm to have been anciently
built by Hercules, when at war with the Eleans, as a base of
operations against them.
The Wealth of Elis
But when the Elean garrison of Lasion heard of the
Lasion and Stratus.
coming of the Macedonians, and were informed of what had taken place at Psophis,
they at once abandoned the town; so that
upon his arrival the king took it imm icers at a banquet;
and, having given his army three days' rest, commenced
his return march. After advancing some way into Elis, he
allowed foraging parties to scour the country while he himself
lay encamped near Artemisium, as it is called; and afte was indeed great, but a still greater number made
their escape to the neighbouring villages and strongholds. Prosperity of Elis. For
Elis is more populous, as well as more richly
furnished with slaves and other property, than
the rest of the PeloponnElis is more populous, as well as more richly
furnished with slaves and other property, than
the rest of the Peloponnese: and some of the Eleans are so
enamoured of a country life, that there are cases of families
who, being in enjoyment of considerable wealth, have for two
or three generations never entered a public law-court
at all.Reading a(li/an. See Müller's D
Peace the Only Unquestioned Blessing
But in the course of time, when the Arcadians advanced
The ancient privileges of Elis lost.
a claim for Lasion and the whole district of Pisa, being
forced to defend their territory and change their
habits of life, they no longer troubled themselves in the least about recovering from the
Greeks their ancient and ancestral immunity from pillage,
but were content to remain exactly as they were. This in my
opinion was a short-sighted policy. For peace is a thin in places and times. As
it is, from dread of what is occasional and unlikely, they involve
their country and property in perpetual wars and losses.
My object in thus speaking is to admonish the Eleans: for
they have never had a more favourable time than the present
to get back their ancient privilege of exemption from pillage,
which is universally acknowledged to belong to them. Even
now, some sparks, so to speak, of their old habit remaining,
Elis is more thickly populated than other districts.
Philip Captures the Wall
This over, the king departed by way of Patrae and
Capture of the Wall, and expedition into Elis.
Dyme, and arrived with his army before the
fortress called the Wall, which is situated on
the frontier of the territory of Dyme, and had
a short time before, as I mentioned above,See ch. 59. been
occupied by Euripidas. The king, being anxious at all hazards
to recover this place for the Dymaeans, encamped under its
walls with his full force: and thereupon the Elean garrison s full force: and thereupon the Elean garrison in
alarm surrendered the place to Philip, which, though not large,
had been fortified with extraordinary care. For though the
circumference of its walls was not more than a stade and a
half, its height was nowhere less than thirty cubits. Having
handed the place over to the Dymaeans, Philip continued
his advance, plundering the territory of Elis: and when he had
thoroughly devastated it, and acquired a large booty, he
returned with his army to Dyme.