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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 14 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 12 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 6 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hippolytus (ed. David Kovacs) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 4 0 Browse Search
Bacchylides, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Heracles (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb). You can also browse the collection for Oechalia or search for Oechalia in all documents.

Your search returned 3 results in 3 document sections:

Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 351 (search)
Messenger I heard this man declare, before many witnesses, that it was for the sake of this girl that Heracles overthrew Eurytus and the high towers of Oechalia: Eros,alone of the gods, enchanted him into doing those deeds of arms, not the toilsome servitude to Omphale in Lydia, nor the death to which Iphitus was hurled. But now the herald has thrust Eros aside and tells a different tale. Well, when Heracles could not persuade him whose seed produced the childto give him the girl for his secret concubine, he devised some petty complaint as a pretext, and made war upon her fatherland, in which, as the herald said, that Eurytus ruled. He killed the king, her father, andsacked her city. And now, as you see, he makes his return, sending her to this house not without consideration, lady, and not as if she were to be a slave. No, do not expect that; it is not likely, if his heart has been kindled with desire. On this account, my Queen, I resolved to reveal to you allthat I had hear
Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 470 (search)
Chorus Obey her good and kind advice, and hereafter you will neither have cause to complain of this lady, nor lack my thanks. Lichas Indeed, then, dear mistress. Since I see that you think as mortals should think and not without good judgment, I will tell you the whole truth, and not hide it.Yes, it is just as this one says. That terrible longing for the girl long ago shot through Heracles, and for her sake the desolate Oechalia, her father's land, was leveled by his spear. But he—I must say what is in his favor—he never ordered me to conceal the fact and never denied it. Instead I, lady, fearing to wound your heart by such news, erred—if you regard this in any way an error. Since, however, you now know the whole story,for his sake and for yours equally bear with the woman, and be willing that the gentle words which you spoke about her have been spoken unalterably. For though by the strength of his hands he is victorious in all else, Heracles has been utterly subdued by his pas<
Sophocles, Trachiniae (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 852 (search)
Chorus Our streaming tears break forth. Ah, no! An infection pours over him, an illness more to be pitiedthan any suffering that adversaries ever brought upon that glorious hero. Ah, you dark head of the spear foremost in battle, who by your mighty point recently led that swift bride from Oechalia's heights!But the Cyprian goddess, ministering in silence, has been plainly proved the author of these deeds.