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Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 28 0 Browse Search
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Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 18 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
, and settled down there with Bias.See below, Apollod. 2.2.2; Diod. 2.68.4; Paus. 2.18.4. Bias and Pero had a son Talaus, who married Lysimache, daughter of Abas, son of Melampus, and had by her Adrastus, Parthenopaeus, Pronax, Mecisteus, Aristomachus, and Eriphyle, whom Amphiaraus married. Parthenopaeus had a son Promachus, who marched with the Epigoni against Thebes;Compare below, Apollod. 3.7.2. and Mecisteus had a son Euryalus, who went to Troy.See Hom. Il. 2.565ff. Pronax had a son Lycurgus; and Adrastus had by Amphithea, daughter of Pronax, three daughters, Argia, Deipyle, and Aegialia, and two sons, Aegialeus and Cyanippus. Pheres, son of Cretheus, founded Pherae in Thessaly and begat Admetus and Lycurgus. Lycurgus took up his abode at Nemea, and having married Eurydice, or, as some say, Amphithea, he begat Opheltes, afterwards called Archemorus.See below, Apollod. 3.6.4. When Ad
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
should say, every fourth) year, and at which the prize of the victor in the footrace was a shield. See Hyginus, Fab. 170. Amymone had a son Nauplius by Poseidon.Compare Strab. 8.6.2; Paus. 2.38.2, Paus. 4.35.2.> This Nauplius lived to a great age, and sailing the sea he used by beacon lights to lure to death such as he fell in with.See below, Apollod. E. E.6.7-11. It came to pass, therefore, that he himself died by that very death. But before his death he married a wife; according to the tragic poets, she was Clymene, daughter of Catreus; but according to the author of The Returns,Nostoi, an epic poem describing the return of the Homeric heroes from Troy. See Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. G. Kinkel, pp. 52ff.; D. B. Monro, in his edition of Homer, Odyssey, Bks. xiii.- xxiv. pp. 378-382. she was Philyra; and according to Cercops she was Hesione. By her he had Palamedes, Oeax, and Nausimedon
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
lt. And after fighting the rest he sailed away and touched at Troy. But it chanced that the city was then in distress consequent 21.441-457. According to the former of these passages, the walls of Troy were built by Poseidon and Apollo jointly for king Laomedon. on Pindar (pp. 194ff. ed. Boeckh) explains that, as Troy was fated to be captured, it was necessary that in building Apollo and Poseidon laboured as bricklayers at the walls of Troy, and that the sum of which the king cheated them was more than thirt Herakles. Hence Ovid speaks of “the twice-perjured walls of Troy” (Ov. Met. 11.215). Hercules put to sea after threatening to make war on Troy.As to the siege and capture of Troy by Herakles, see below, Apollod. 2.6.4. And he touched at Aenus, where he wTroy by Herakles, see below, Apollod. 2.6.4. And he touched at Aenus, where he was entertained by Poltys. And as he was sailing away he shot and killed on the Aenian beach a lewd fellow, Sarpedon, son of
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
ervitude, being rid of his disease he mustered an army of noble volunteers and sailed for Ilium with eighteen ships of fifty oars each.As to the siege and capture of Troy by Herakles, sTroy by Herakles, see Hom. Il. 5.640-643, Hom. Il. 5.648-651; Pind. I. 6.26(38)ff.; Diod. 4.32; Tzetzes, Chiliades ii.443ff.; Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 34; Ov. Met. 11.213-217, xiii.22ff.; Hyginusably drew on the same source. Homer, with whom Tzetzes agrees, says that Herakles went to Troy with only six ships. Diodorus notices the Homeric statement, but mentions that according to some the fleet of Herakles numbered “eighteen long ships.” And having come to port at Ilium, he left the guard of the ships to OiclesAs to Oicles at Troy, compare Diod. 4.32.3; PaTroy, compare Diod. 4.32.3; Paus. 8.36.6, who says that his tomb was shown near Megalopolis in Arcadia. Sophocles seems to have written a play called Oicles, though there is some doubt as to the spelling
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
When Hercules was sailing from Troy, Hera sent grievous storms,See Hom. Il. 14.249ff., Hom. Il. 15.24ff. which so vexed Zeus that he hung her from Olympus.See Apollod. 1.3.5. Hercules sailed to Cos,With the following account of Herakles's adventures in Cos, compare the Scholiasts on Hom. Il. i.590, xiv.255; Tzetzes, Chiliades ii.445; Ov. Met. 7.363ff. The Scholiast on Hom. Il. xiv.255 tells us that the story was found in Pherecydes, whom Apollodorus probably follows in the present passage. and the Coans, thinking he was leading a piratical squadron, endeavored to prevent his approach by a shower of stones. But he forced his way in and took the city by night, and slew the king, Eurypylus, son of Poseidon by Astypalaea. And Hercules was wounded in the battle by Chalcedon; but Zeus snatched him away, so that he took no harm. And having laid waste Cos, he came through Athena's agency t
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
ader from marching against Attica. See Aesch. Eum. 732(762)ff. And Euripides makes Hector declare that the foreigners who had fought in defence of Troy were “no small security to the city” even when “they had fallen and were lying in their heaped-up graves.” See Eur. Rh. 413-415. These exa attached by ties of gratitude or affection; for in each of the cases I have cited the dead man who was thought to protect either Attica or Troy was a stranger from a strange land. Some of the Scythians in antiquity used to cut off the heads of their enemies and stick them on poles over the inal return of the Heraclids, in conjunction with the Dorians, to the Peloponnese is dated by Thuc. 1.12.3 in the eightieth year after the capture of Troy; according to Paus. 4.3.3, it occurred two generations after that event, which tallies fairly with the estimate of Thucydides. Velleius Pate
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
of November, which coincided with the sailing season in antiquity. This derivation of the name was recognized by some of the ancients (Serv. Verg. G. 1.138). With regard to the number of the Pleiades, it was generally agreed that there were seven of them, but that one was invisible, or nearly so, to the human eye. Of this invisibility two explanations were given. Some thought that Electra, as the mother of Dardanus, was so grieved at the fall of Troy that she hid her face in her hands; the other was that Merope, who had married a mere man, Sisyphus, was so ashamed of her humble, though honest, lot by comparison with the guilty splendour of her sisters, who were all of them paramours of gods, that she dared not show herself. These alternative and equally probable theories are stated, for example, by Ovid and Hyginus. The cause of the promotion of the maidens to the sky is said to have been that
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
g to more recent writers Helen had a son Corythus or Helenus by Alexander (Paris). According to Dictys Cretensis v.5, Helen had three sons by Alexander, namely, Bunomus, Corythus, and Idaeus, who were accidentally killed at Troy through the collapse of a vaulted roof. The Scholiast on Hom. Il. iii.175, says that the Lacedaemonians worshipped two sons of Helen, to wit, Nicostratus and Aethiolas. He further mentions, on the authority of Ariaethus, that spring. This account of the parentage of Iphigenia was supported by the authority of Stesichorus and other poets. See Paus. 2.22.6ff.; Ant. Lib. 27. Sophocles represents Menelaus as having two children before he sailed for Troy (Soph. Elec. 539ff.). and by a female slave Pieris, an Aetolian, or, according to Acusilaus, by Tereis, he had a son Megapenthes;Compare Hom. Od. 4.10-12. and by a nymph Cnossia, according to Eumelus, he had a son
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
ceeding to the kingdom, Tros called the country Troy after himself, and marrying Callirrhoe, daughte; there Ilus built a city and called it Ilium.This legend of the foundation of Iliumn Mount Ida preceded the foundation of Ilium in the plain. As to the hill of Ate, cven, and that so long as it remained in Troy the city could not be taken. The Greek pture by the Greeks ensured the fall of Troy. The Roman tradition was that the imageast skins of serpents. But after that Ilium was captured by Hercules, as we have related a. When he had carried off Helen from Sparta and Troy was besieged, he was shot by Philoctetes with tto heal him. So Alexander was carried to Troy and died. But Oenone repented her, and b with Hercules on his expedition against Troy, he received as a prize Hesione, daughter Peleus who went with Herakles to the siege of Troy. The poets were not consistent on this point. [3 more...]
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
Peleus on his return to Iolcus put to death Acastus himself as well as his wicked wife. When Achilles was nine years old, Calchas declared that Troy could not be taken without him; so Thetis, foreseeing that it was fated he should perish if he went to the war, disguised him in female garb and entrusted halt with the same subject, but more probably it was concerned with Neoptolemus in Scyros and the mission of Ulysses and Phoenix to carry him off to Troy. See The Fragments of Sophocles, ed. A. C. Pearson, vol. ii. pp. 191ff. The youthful Dionysus, like the youthful Achilles, is said to have been ttire and seized spear and shield. Statius gives a similar account of the detection (Statius, Achill. ii.167ff.). And in that way Achilles went to Troy. He was accompanied by Phoenix, son of Amyntor. This Phoenix had been blinded by his father on the strength of a false accusation of seduction preferr
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