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Aristotle, Poetics 6 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 6 0 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 6 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo 4 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 4 0 Browse Search
Hesiod, Works and Days 4 0 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Poetics, section 1460a (search)
B happens if A happens, people think that if B is true A must be true or happen. But that is false. Consequently if A be untrue but there be something else, B, which is necessarily true or happens if A is true, the proper thing to do is to posit B, for, knowing B to be true, our mind falsely infers that A is true also. This is an example from the Washing.Odyssey 19. Odysseus tells Penelope that he is a Cretan from Gnossus, who once entertained O. on his voyage to Troy. As evidence, he describes O.'s dress and his companions (Hom. Od. 19.164-260). P. commits the fallacy of inferring the truth of the antecedent from the truth of the consequent: “If his story were true, he would know these details; But he does know them; Therefore his story is true.” The artist in fiction uses the same fallacy, e.g.: “If chessmen could come to life the white knight would be a duffer; But he is a most awful duffer (look at him!); Therefor
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 1, chapter 6 (search)
s good, whereas that which is greater than it should be, is bad. And that which has cost much labor and expense, for it at once is seen to be an apparent good, and such a thing is regarded as an end, and an end of many efforts; now, an end is a good. Wherefore it was said: And they would [leave Argive Helen for Priam and the Trojans] to boast of,Hom. Il. 2.160. Addressed by Hera to Athene, begging her to prevent the Greeks departing from Troy and leaving Helen behind. and, It is disgraceful to tarry long,Hom. Il. 2.298. Spoken by Odysseus. While sympathizing with the desire of the army to leave, he points out that it would be “disgraceful after waiting so long” to return unsuccessful, and exhorts them to hold out. and the proverb, “[to break] the pitcher at the door.”Proverbial for “lost labor.” Cf. French “faire naufrage au
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 2, chapter 22 (search)
ible, particularly those intimately connected with the subject; for the more facts one has, the easier it is to demonstrate, and the more closely connected they are with the subject, the more suitable are they and less common.The more suitable they will be, and the less they will resemble ordinary, trivial generalities. By common I mean, for instance, praising Achilles because he is a man, or one of the demigods, or because he went on the expedition against Troy; for this is applicable to many others as well, so that such praise is no more suited to Achilles than to Diomedes. By particular I mean what belongs to Achilles, but to no one else; for instance, to have slain Hector, the bravest of the Trojans, and Cycnus, who prevented all the Greeks from disembarking, being invulnerable; to have gone to the war when very young, and without having taken the oath; and all such things. One method of selection then, and this
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 3, chapter 15 (search)
reproaches Teucer with being a relative of Priam, whose sister his mother Hesione was; to which Teucer replied that his father Telamon was the enemy of Priam, and that he himself did not denounce the spies.Who had been sent to Troy by the Greeks to spy upon the Trojans. It seems that he was afterwards accused of treachery, the token being the fact that Teucer was a near connection of Priam; to which he replied with another token that his father was an enemy of Priam, and further, when the Greek spies were in Troy, he never betrayed them. Another method, suitable for the accuser, is to praise something unimportant at great length, and to condemn something important concisely; or, putting forward several things that are praiseworthy in the opponent, to condemn the one thing that has an important bearing upon the case. Such methodsJebb refers toiou=toi to the accusers, translating texnikoi/ “artistic,” certainly the
Bacchylides, Epinicians (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Ode 9 For Automedes of Phlius Pentathlon at Nemea Date unknown (search)
m his hand into the steep sky. He executed the flashing movement of wrestling, and brought strong-limbed bodies down to the earth with such high-spirited strength, then returned to the dark-whirling waters of the Asopus, whose fame has reached every land, even the farthest reaches of the Nile. And the women skilled with the spear who live by the fair-flowing stream of Thermodon, daughters of horse-driving Ares, have met with your descendants, much-envied lord of rivers, and so has Troy, the city of high gates. Countless reports of your offspring tread wide paths everywhere, of your daughters with shining belts, whom the gods established, with good fortune, as founders of cities that were never to be sacked. Who does not know the well-built city of dark-haired Thebes, or renowned Aegina, who went to the bed of great Zeus and bore the hero who the land of the Achaeans trials with beautiful robe and Peirene with her twisted garland, and as many other honora
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 337 (search)
On that famous voice of his, however, I really must offer some observations. For I am informed that he sets great store thereby, and that he hopes to overawe you by an exhibition of histrionic talent. When he tried to represent the woes of the House of Thyestes, or of the men who fought at Troy, you drove him from the stage with hisses and cat-calls, and came near to pelting him with stones, insomuch that in the end he gave up his profession of actor of small parts; and I think you would be behaving very strangely if now, when he has wrought measurable mischief, not on the stage, but in his dealings with the most momentous affairs of state, you should be favorably impressed by his beautiful voice.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Fragments of Book 10, Chapter 6 (search)
he remembered having been in Trojan times Euphorbus, the son of Panthus, who was slain by Menelaus.Cp. Hom. Il. 17.1 ff.. We are told that once, when Pythagoras was sojourning in Argos, he saw a shield from the spoils of Troy fastened by nails to the wall and wept. And when the Argives inquired of him the cause of his grief, he replied that he himself had carried this shield in the land of Troy when he was Euphorbus. And when all were incredulous and Troy when he was Euphorbus. And when all were incredulous and judged him to be mad, he replied that he would give them convincing evidence that what he had said was so; for on the inner side of the shield there had been inscribed in ancient characters "of Euphorbus." At this surprising answer all said to take down the shield, and on the inner side in fact was found the inscription. Callimachus once said about Pythagoras that of the problems of geometry some he discovered and certain others he was the first to introduce from Egypt to t
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 1 (search)
tions yield. But since we engaged ourselves in a few Books not only to set forth, to the best of our ability, the events but also to embrace a period of more than eleven hundred years, we must forgo the long discussion which such introductions would involve and come to the events themselves, with only this word by way of preface, namely, that in the preceding six Books we have set down a record of events from the Trojan War to the war which the Athenians by decree of the people declared against the Syracusans,i.e. from 1184 B.C. to 415 B.C. the period to this war from the capture of Troy embracing seven hundred and sixty-eight years; and in this Book, as we add to our narrative the period next succeeding, we shall commence with the expedition against the Syracusans and stop with the beginning of the second war between the Carthaginians and Dionysius the tyrant of the Syracusans.The Book covers the years 415-404 B.C.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 82 (search)
ng outside the temple being rounded and that within square; and the circumference of the outer part of the column which extends from the wall is twenty feet and the body of a man may be contained in the fluting, while that of the inner part is twelve feet. The porticoes were of enormous size and height, and in the east pediment they portrayed The Battle between the Gods and the Giants in sculptures which excelled in size and beauty, and in the west The Capture of Troy, in which each one of the heroes may be seen portrayed in a manner appropriate to his role. There was at that time also an artificial pool outside the city, seven stades in circumference and twenty cubits deep; into this they brought water and ingeniously contrived to produce a multitude of fish of every variety for their public feastings, and with the fish swans spent their time and a vast multitude of every other kind of bird, so that the pool was an object of great
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 56 (search)
Enter a female servant from the house. Servant Mistress, I do not shrink from calling you this name since it was the name I thought proper in your house when we lived in the land of Troy. I was well disposed toward you there and to your husband while he lived, and now I have come to you with bad news, in fear that one of the masters might hear of it but out of pity for you: Menelaus is planning dreadful acts against you with his daughter. Against them you must take precaution. Andromache Dearest fellow-slave (for you are fellow-slave to your former mistress, who is now unfortunate), what are they doing? What kind of plans are they weaving now, in their desire to kill me, woman most wretched? Servant They are about to kill your son, unhappy woman, whom you sent secretly out of the house. Menelaus has left the house to fetch him. Andromache Oh me! Has he discovered the son I sent into hiding? How could he have done so? Alas, I am undone! Servant I do not know. But I had this wor
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