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Q. Horatius Flaccus (Horace), Odes (ed. John Conington) 6 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley). You can also browse the collection for Hadria (Italy) or search for Hadria (Italy) in all documents.

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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 402 (search)
Not thus did Fortune upon Caesar smile In all the parts of earth;The scene is the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic. Here was Diocletian's palace. but 'gainst his arms Dared somewhat, where Salona's lengthy waste Is laved by Hadria, and Iadar warm Meets with his waves the breezes of the west. There brave Curectae dwell, whose island home Is girded by the main; on whom relied Antonius, and, beleaguered by the foe, Upon the furthest margin of the shore (Safe from all ills but famine) placed his camp. But for his steeds the earth no forage gave, Nor golden Ceres harvest; and his troops Gnawed the dry herbage of the scanty turf Within their rampart lines. But when they knew That Basilus was on th' opposing shore With friendly force, by novel mode of flight They aim to reach him. Not the accustomed keel They lay, nor build the ship, but shapeless rafts Of timbers knit together, strong to bear All ponderous weight; on empty casks beneath By tightened chains made firm, in double rows Support
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 5, line 374 (search)
He bids them reach In ten days' march Brundusium, and recall From old Tarentum and from Hydrus lone His navy, and from Leucas' point remote, And the Salapian marsh where Sipus lies By rich Garganus, jutting from the shore In huge escarpment that divides the waves Of Hadria; on each hand, his seaward slopes Buffeted by the winds; or Auster borne From sweet Apulia, or the sterner blast Of Boreas rushing from Dalmatian strands. But Caesar entered safe without a guard Rome, trembling, taught to serve the garb of peace, Dictator named, to grant their prayers, forsooth: Consul, in honour of the roll of Rome. Then first of all the names by which we now Lie to our masters, men found out the use: For to preserve his right to wield the sword He mixed the civil axes with his brands; With eagles, fasces; with an empty word Clothing his power; and stamped upon the time A worthy designation; for what name Could better mark the dread Pharsalian year Than 'Caesar, Consul'?Caesar was named Dictator wh
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 5, line 593 (search)
Tossed up the main and showed as shallow pools Each deep abyss; and yet was not the sea Heaped on the crags, for Corus' billows met The waves of Boreas: such seas had clashed Even were the winds withdrawn; Eurus enraged Burst from the cave, and Notus black with rain, And all the winds from every part of heaven Strove for their own; and thus the ocean stayed Within his boundaries. No petty seas Rapt in the storm are whirled. The Tuscan deep Invades th' AEgean; in Ionian gulfs Sounds wandering Hadria. How long the crags Which that day fell, the Ocean's blows had braved! What lofty peaks did vanquished earth resign! And yet on yonder coast such mighty waves Took not their rise; from distant regions came Those monster billows, driven on their course By that great current which surrounds the world.The ocean current, which, according to Hecataeus, surrounded the world. But Herodotus of this theory says, 'For my part I know of no river called Ocean, and I think that Homer or one of the earlie